America should hand Alaska back to Russia. Alaska is rightful Russian clay

America should hand Alaska back to Russia. Alaska is rightful Russian clay.
Prove me wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Ratification_of_the_Alaska_Purchase_Treaty_-_NARA_-_299810.pdf

They sold it to us. It's as much American clay as everything that France sold us. If they wanted it they shouldn't have sold it in the first place.

It was purchased you shitskin. By that logic France should own half the US.

This is actually the best move Pootin can do to meet his happy ending soon.

No takesies backsies spaghettinigger

90% of Alaskans are armed with more than 3 weapons.

Give it a try Ivan. What could go wrong?

You first, olivenigger.

Why don't Russian nationalists ever want to fix their economy? Aren't you guys frustrated that fucking Canada has a higher GDP than you?

why are you americans such retarded cucks? alaska was always part of russia, was settled and discovered by russians and the people there are as russian as any muscovite. the purchase was a retarded move allowed by a drunk inbred emperor.
russia should probably intervene and defend the interests of ethnic russians, we know america is cucked and won't do shit about it



why are you italians such retarded cucks? southern italy was always part of greece, was settled and discovered by greeks and the people there are as greek as any athenian. the annexation was a retarded move allowed by a drunk inbred mathmetician.
greece should probably intervene and defend the interests of ethnic greeks, we know italy is cucked and won't do shit about it

Tirol is austria clay so hand back this clay to austria.

Wish a nigga would try, I want WW3 already

we bought it pasta nigger also they have so much land they don't even want it

>russia should probably intervene and defend the interests of ethnic russians,
There's almost no ethnic Russians in Alaska you retard

>t. CIA shill

I live in Alaska and you're flat wrong
There is a healthy Russian community here

is this all you shills have left? diverting attention with shill analogies? alaska is going back to russia and there's nothing you can do about it cuck

Where? Only place I know with any Russians is Sitka

>Russian community
I doubt it.
We all know what are Ruskies.

>Right-wing Russian bloggers and fringe political figures are calling for Alaska to be returned to Russian control on the 150th anniversary of its sale to America
>alaska is going back to russia and there's nothing you can do about it cuck
sure it is

>Prove me wrong.

Here's the check we used to buy it.

alaska is significantly more native american than russian.

And here's the receipt....'s_Ratification_of_the_Alaska_Purchase_Treaty_-_NARA_-_299810.pdf

just wait cuck, that's all cucks can do: wait and watch

The Alaskan population are armed to the teeth, consistently deal with worse weather than you, have more money and more access to heavy machinery than you do, and are stir-crazy all winter and awake all summer. Try us. It'll be fun.

OP completely btfo


I live in Alaska, too, and I rarely have met any Russians. Wtf are you talking about?

Apparently there's a rumor going around the Russian nationalist movement that the purchase never happened and the document was a forgery.

>mfw Russian Sup Forums probably has Alaska purchase denial threads

William Seward begs to differ.

The mat-su. To a lesser extent Anchorage but that's one of the most diverse cities in the US anyway

How is it not Canadian clay

Here's your (you) pastanigger

We're mostly Irish and English thank you very much.

t. Alaskan

Maybe my life's experience is not like your own and my point of view is merely subjective conjecture snowbro

is this all you shills have left? diverting attention with shill analogies? southern italy is going back to greece and there's nothing you can do about it cuck

Man how fast would WWIII have happened if the US never bought Alaska? Commies could park nukes right on the border of Leafland. Shit would be Cuban missile crisis but like 5 times worse.

In all my years on this website, I haven't ever seen someone who wasn't a shill get fucked as hard as OP. What a failure.

I'd like to see them try.

The problem here is that there are no Russians in Alaska currently. They don't even have a 'muh people' argument.

There are plenty of Russians in Alaska. Mostly employed in the construction and autobody fields where they foist third rate shit and dangerous slipshod work on unsuspecting buyers.

CIA is doing overtime today i see

>They don't even have a 'muh people' argument.
Ugh. Come on.
Russia is thug which grabs from weak.
Which excuse used is completely irrelevant.

Russia sold it and USA paid for it.

It's a done deal.

When we suck Alaska dried of oil and good and they give us double or triple of what American pay.

Fuck all pastaniggers. Can't unmoor yourself.

Tsar sold it, why on earth it should be ours again.

Alaska is Canadian clay, gib us back plz.

They are probably behind-the-couch-commies that won't go back to Russia for any reason.

When was it ever yours?

You loaned it.

>Apparently there's a rumor going around the Russian nationalist movement that the purchase never happened and the document was a forgery.
Can't wait for them to trick Trump into believing this, just like all the other shit he spouts off about.

Are you guys full, by any chance?

They are, I know plenty of them

The territories are rightful Alaskan clay

>Prove me wrong.

1. fuck off wop
2. it says american right on it
3. learn to read, you gfs is so dripping in nigger nafri cum it's getting in your eyes
4. italy is, without a doubt, the most shit tier western country in the world: seat of pedos, mafia, possibly the center of the commie cultist movements, maybe the jews went to italy to learn how to jew
5. never trust a jew: but jews wouldn't trust an italian
6. fuck italy

sssssssssssh leaf

ssssssssssh. nobody cares about you, or anything you could possibly say

I don't see a damn thing wrong with that, infact I actually want to see that happen.

Fuck off leafs.

the gauls are the forever people

2027 gaul shall rise again

>I don't see a damn thing wrong with that, infact I actually want to see that happen.

t.Ivan Smith

plenty of Russians in Alaska.
I live in Alaska.
The lower 48 is mostly oblivious to this state which is fine to me.
It will never be given to Russia peacefully there is way too many military assets here, known and probably secret.
This state is much. Much. Bigger than what you see on a world map.
Russia was retarded to have sold it.

I don't have to fly to Russia to get a russian wife here.

finally someone with a bit of sense. we need to create memes and spread them around so that our view becomes popular

>I don't have to fly to Russia to get a russian wife here
Bullshit. All the russian women I know are uber traditionalist or won't date a capitalist pig

World war soon guys. They try to demonize Russia everyday in every media using any, even stupid cause.

>can't date a russian girl
>probably is native

need more booze?

Sssh, you're messing up the trolling.

>Russia gets involved in Alaska
>government fights with burgers
>civilians fight with Russia

I'm the only pureblooded Anglo I know

Alaskan here, you're full of shit. The only places that have a "large" "russian" population is the South-East and the Aleutians. The Gold Rush brought in a shit ton more Anglos than the Russians every brought over.

I'd wager Italy is just the location of the proxy sever for (((whoever))) it is.

GTFO CIA shill

>pure anglo
>probably one of those many white boy juggalo faggots who is overweight and lives with a group of meth/pill junkies in some trailer shithole
This is the real alaskan experience

I live in a decent house surrounded by such a place, and I fucking enjoy it. A few miles away is an ultra orthodox russian community

not until you give me the fucking pasta, cunt

Southeast is mostly Norwegians and Swedes. The only Irish are in Juneau and they are just really loud. The only Russians are the ones who immigrated to open up restaurants.

i hate the AK community and choice of women ( usually fat and entitled ) but it sure beats being surrounded by niggers anywhere else.

Go to Delta Junction.

Hello Anchorage

Anchorage fuck off

Didn't they just rent it out to you for a 100 years?

I don't think it should go back to Russia though. Too American now.

Yes and give the Alaska panhandle back to BC.

That's actually old data. Pretty sure we're doing worse than Russia now

Not because Russia has improved but because we've literally become that shit

So are they actually still Russian or are they "American first with Russian ancestry"

The men are American first, the women I'm convinced are soviet agents

>the purchase was a retarded move allowed by a drunk inbred emperor.

The Russians didn't get any use of Alaska and they assumed if they didn't sell it, the British would take it with their superior fleet. Which is also correct.

It wasn't such a dumb move after all, not for the time.

>inbred kraut jew sold Russian lands to inbred British Jew

>It's legal and valid and we love Jews now.

Are Americans stupid?

I wish :(

Come take it faggot

>by a drunk inbred
Want an excuse! So brilliant!

No wonder what whole pasta controlled by crooks.

i'm sure jets and tanks are gonna be scared shitless of your lil rifle
If he can do it so can we

American clay forever.

We cannot make proper use of the land we already have, nothing good waits Alaska if it was by any magic way turned back Russian. Look at Kamchatka, Chukotka, Magadan oblast.
Alaska is far more developed under U.S. than it would have been under Russia - another noman's land with scarce decaying military bases.


ok this pastanigger must be just baiting, probably slide. ignore him


Fuck you pastanigger you greasy wop half moorish fuck. Any russians or wops that show up here get shot in the face twice

> it's british


So that's why southern Italy lags so much behind the Northern economy.

What does Russia even do with Siberia? They only want it back now that we've made it worth something. If anything, it would make more sense going to Canada.