What the fuck is this? Antifa is out there fighting Isis. Taking land, claiming victories! They're making us look like pussies! Where is the /pol presence in this fight? We may as well merge /mlp/ with us permanently at this rate.
What the fuck is this? Antifa is out there fighting Isis. Taking land...
>sending our commies out to die in ME shitholes
>He's Ok with commies expanding their territory and creating more commie countries
Actually, hundreds of antifa socialist Germans fight with the Peshmerga. I once saw a documentary, one of them guys is even in charge of a unit. He was one of those German didnduu lefty smelly dudes - but now he is a YPG killing machine.
War is for everyone, Burger. For everyone. Duality of man, dude, duality of man.
I'm okay with letting them die. Kek wills it
Why would anyone here care about fighting for some irrelevant sandniggers?
Far as I can tell the Kurds are a useful proxy for fighting the IS.
>lefties are fighting the CIA
why should we do anything other than watch?
Commies leaving Europe to die. How is this a bad thing?
I'd fight for my own,not some mudslum shithole
YPG and YPJ is communist. They arent going to stop fighting. Don't forget that Saladin was a muslim.
You realize that there are a fuckton of right wing Christians who went to the ME to fight long before your retarded little propaganda campaign for Antifascista?
I would rather ISIS win than subhuman Kurds desu
They're not doing jack shit but LARPING and jacking off while reading Karl Marx's commie drivel......
A few hundred, yes. They've been there a while fighting for Rojava. Lefties have bigger shit to get done than shooting BLM rallies.
Why does it have to be one or the other? Also, which faction would you rather see as the victor in Syria?
>Commies and terrorists killing each other
What's the problem with this? We win either way.
>lefties have bigger shit to get done
>gendernomics courses
>protesting any form of legal ramifications against blacks
>protesting some gay faggots stupid symposium because he has the wrong opinions
>He thinks SJWs are Lefties
SJWs are as despised by the Left as you are.
>fighting ISIS
They're probably fighting with ISIS, not against it
We just help the Russians by providing intel.
Bullshit. The mainstream left think you're sexist BROCIALISTS. Even Vice hates non-SJW left. They do have a point - the Socialist Workers Party in the UK was basically a rape club.
Right wing Americans have been fighting for years over there for real. Red faggots are faggots that should get their shit pushed in by Mo.
yea, hm, no.
the left is all about "solidarity" no matter the cause. this is the common tie between black nationalists, communists, feminists, and sexual deviants.
the faggots literally sent flags to Kurds and claim it is somehow antifa
Bullshit other non commie kurds have their voluntweers fight but the YPG only uses them for photo ops.
We are preoccupied with Ukraine.
Man. You guys clearly do not lurk /leftypol/. They hate SJWs and Clintinoids more than you do.
Svoboda is funded by the European Jewnion
Assad's faction, of course.
They are a tiny minority of the left. And they are generally pretty ignorant of Marxism.
Why would anyone want to visit that spineless communist infested shithole with such weak ethics they literally ban anyone who dares argue with their distorted faggot worldview? We get enough of their shilling and bullshit here, because unlike them we allow anyone to come and challenge us.
Leftypol and Reddit are practically indistinguishable. You both fill this board with fucking shit nonstop and try to subvert us and infiltrate our mod base.
Sup Forums not only has nothing in common with Leftypol/Reddit, but we are better than both of them. We don't even have control of our own moderation to ban you fucks if we wanted because you've riddled Sup Forums so far with cancer.