2019? Make that 2025, Brits

You are gonna stay forever and ever

Other urls found in this thread:


2 world wars and 1 world cup

Disgusting kraut

Fuck off to Siberia


One Brexit and 4 world cups.

7:1 against your homies. Not to mention you folks always try to outsmart Germany by starting with 4 different squads for some stupid reason.

No were not. Our government threatened war with Spain over a rock with some monkeys on it. You think were afraid of coming out of the EU without a deal cause its inconvenient for Merkel?

>Our government threatened war with Spain over a rock with some monkeys on it.
No, you didn't. Wake up, you are cucks.

your just upset were less than two years away from being exempt from mutti merkels mandatory migrant quotas.

>mutti merkels mandatory migrant quotas.

Ok, dude. Where in your idiotic brain are there "mandatory migrant quotas" that you idiots have to comply with? Seriously, are you retarded?

Dont reply to this faggot. He's trolling

>Germans thinking they're going to come out on top
You aren't.


The leaf has it correct.
Don't forget we waivered your WW2 debts, too.


> g-guys pleas don't leave, people may realize that the EU is a forced franco-german monopoly

I've never understood what you open borders, kike loving EU worshipers are selling.

The EU has devastated Southern Europe, has a currency doomed to failure, is trying to redistribute millions of muds all across Europe, tried to stop the backlash against the migrant crisis. etc. Not to mention in virtually every notable metric the EU is trending in the opposite direction.

Again what the fuck are you selling? Even if the UK didn't have to spend billions every year for the pleasure of being fucked up the ass why the hell would they stay in your shitty ass failed union?

Canada could threaten French exports and it would be enough to influence the debate for the brits alone. Not to mention the strong arming Trump is going to keep puttting on Mutti Merkel. France can't take another 5% drop in exports because they've been raped so hard by the failed EU. Again what the fuck are you selling?

2 world wars you fucking kraut.

Germans are selling the threat of war veiled by the "project of peace for Europe, under one rule".
Basically, they want their empire back but they've figured they've got to act like the Jews to beat the Jews.

and look where it got you

>your empire
in shambles
>your queen
almost dead
>your brit overlords

The 21st century will be a German century. Face it.

Only winding it back because politicians in Spain were all like

"Woah stop overreacting."

Bringing up the sovereignty of a 300 year old British Territory during our exit certainly will piss us off. In fact, so far, everything that your leaders have said and done is pissing us off. It's not being very conducive to the negotiations and at the rate we are going we will ending up crashing out of the union with no deal.

I'd actually prefer that because it was cause the most drastic of changes.

> hard brexit
> what timeline
we need them more than they need us

kys schulz

I've noticed it. Germans never make a case for the EU it's always threats and doom, perhaps because that's all the CIA allows for media in their countries, yet every single time Germany has made a play for Europe the world has collectively pounded her into the pavement.

The kikes wanted to ethnically cleanse Germany from the planet after WWII. They are fanatics, if their leaders says import millions of shitskins Germans shill for open borders. If Mutti Merkel threatens her neighbours if they don't demographically replace their people then it's the neighbours fault for not 'doing their duty'.

I've asked German EU shills dozens of times, what the fuck are you selling, and none of them have an answer. They do as their told until the rest of the world destroys them in retaliation.

>haha you wanna leave? Hurry up and go
A few months later
>You're going to leave? Wait! That's unrealistic!!

>German average age is 49

You won't even make it to the end of the fifties, let alone the end of century.

As long as the german isnt named Mohammed then sure thing pal

51 Super Bowls and back to back World War champions.

yours is 43 years, what an argument

Oh no, poor Heseltine, the little Europhile that could.

In an interview:

>I've traveled and hitchhiked all around Europe and it's sad to see their project in such dire straights

Fuck off old man, you were 12 when war broke out, you know nothing. Your coffin awaits.

Germany is going to be on the hook for the entire union when it fails. We're talking hundreds of billions of dollars and perhaps a trillion dollar+ hit to their economy when it comes, and as it fails there will be millions of Europeans flooding into Europe.

The UK will always have Canada/Australia/USA and all the connections she's made across the world over the last few centuries. Germans have lied to themselves about their international position and now that they realize the charade they've paid hundreds of billions to maintain was just that they are lashing out.

The EU was all but done for the moment Mutti Merkel invited millions of shitskins to demographically replace Europe, the final nail in the coffin was when the Germans tried to threaten their neighbours to demographically replace their people, or else.

>only a murican would proudly declare himself the best in a sport only he cares about


millions of Europeans flooding into Germany.

Germany can go fuck themselves.

What are you going to do Hans, get beaten again?

>there will be millions of Europeans flooding into Europe
You mean brown Europeans, right?

All time Olympic gold medals count.

We got our niggers running for us. Where do your niggers run aside from into crowded christmas centers with their car, when their not raping your women?

>New Zealand talking shit
How about you get that chink dick out of your mouth first?

Jesus christ stfu krautie

Pay your fair share in NATO you fucking bum. Pull your weight. PAY DEBTS

I presume so, the actual Europeans will be leaving in droves because who will stick around in a recessing country where there will be so many brown guests who will be getting angry that their gibs will be getting cut.

pay debts

Germany's responses

>Fine, you wanna leave? There's the door. Make it quick and don't come back

>W-wait, you can't go yet!! We need to talk things over!!

You guys screwed the pooch on this one. All the Brits need to do is make themselves a tax haven and your economy tanks.

>>Theresa May timeline unrealistic

The timeline is from Article 50, which you wrote, you fucking EU moron.

>Quick im German and being buttblasted, how do I respond?
>I'll tell him he has an immigration problem, that'll show him!

I meant when the EU starts to crumble apart you are going to have millions of Europeans flood Germany. This along with the massive hit to your economy is going to trigger something nasty, and everyone in Germany knows it. This is why you all shill the EU via threats and condemnation, you know you can't sell it on its merits and they know when it collapses you are absolutely fucked.

>has never been to little china aka auckland or new korea aka christchurch

Basically buzzfeed now

>all those anglos getting triggered

Siggi can eat a dick. Exporting Tanks to SA as Secretary of Commerce and now trying to play Secretary of State. What a joke.

While the rest of the world pushes back against multiculturalism and globalization, Germany threatens its neighbours with sanctions and fines if they don't let Mutti Merkels millions of shitskins demographically replace their people.

You make threats because you have nothing else. You can't remotely sell the EU on its merits so every month since the referendum was put in motion you invent more doom and gloom that never materializes.

My family lives near Wellington, so no, I dont fly to Auckland or Christchurch.

I have also been to new Somaliamecca, aka Berlin.

>NZ playing both sides

Look anglo, if we work together we can dominate the world. But if you destroy europe again we will destroy you.

English speaking anglos are dominant anglos.

Like at Agincourt
Like at Waterloo
Like in last two world wars

Fuck with us and you will lose. Take that arab dick out of your mouth and cleanse your country/continent.

>media giving a fuck what ancient decrepit europhiles think

>While the rest of the world pushes back against multiculturalism and globalization,








> we're withholding the net 24 months of EU payments until we get a deal done, and good trade deals, you have six months, after six months, we take 30% to cover the costs, and every day you delay after that we take .2% of money, 9am GMT sharp every day, even on weekends





Germany is a fucking occupied nations who got its laws and orders from the allied forces ;)

Also you thinking that theres an active push against multiculturalism and globalization is laughable all we get is white at each others throats while shitskins are outbreeding all of us

Ah yes "Wellywood" the leftist progressive shithole jacking itself over the countries new "hyperdiversity"

>I have also been to new Somaliamecca, aka Berlin.

And still whiter than you average british neighbourhood ;)

>You can't remotely sell the EU on its merits
This is the heart of the matter. Having a Berlin run by self hating schizophrenics tell your country what to do all day everyday shouldn't appeal to anyone.

You know damn well it's true, just as you know damn well that Mutti Merkel invited millions of shitskins into Europe and then unsuccessfully tried to force her neighbours into demographic replacement. We remember what she said, and that the EU did, when EE called their bluff and built walls.

Instead of acknowledging your childless psychopathic German hating dear leader brought this upon herself you blame everyone else.

Also what the fuck are you shills selling? Every Anglo knows then the EU falls Germany falls with it and we've watched your hundreds of doom and gloom posts not materialize for more than a year now. Again what are you selling?

>And still whiter than you average british neighbourhood

I somehow doubt that. Show me all the gifs you'd like of London boroughs, though, it goes a long way.

The EU operates like a crime cartel. You get a visit from some shady fuckers who will "protect" you from competitors in exchange for a fixed fee. Once you're in you're in for life, and any attempt at renegotiating the deal or trying to leave will end with them barking thinly veiled threats at you, and if you do leave you can bet your ass that they will make it as hard as possible, just in case someone else gets the urge to leave.

I see a few hundred shitskins. Germany has let ~2,000,0000 shitskins in the last three years and has tried unsuccessfully with empty threats (sound familiar) to force their neighbours to take them in as well.

Ah how cute when people on here want to ignore the past 70 years of occupation brainwashing and the system theyve set up in Germany

Even funnier when denazified Germany is still whiter and better off than the former allied forces ;)

And now we shall pull the pin on the EU and the master plan shall be in effect, and we'll be rid of the Kraut Hegemony once and for all.

This is why Canadians, Americans, Australians will always pick the UK over the EU if they wouldn't have before. The moment Mutti Merkel tried to blackmail her neighbours mafia style into demographically replacing their people with shitskins you lost virtually all Anglo international respect. Her migrant crisis arguably even led to Brexit and Trump directly.

>germans attempting to trample on the sovereignty of other countries

where have i seen this before...


id say another war would sort you out and make you even more emasculated than you already are but the muslims are doing that for us.

>You know damn well it's true

Pay Debnts

Nobody denies the (((Americans))) still occupy your country. You're forgetting that there is only one of you and at least four Germans shilling the Mutti Merkels nation destroying EU in this thread.

Yes and you can finally have all the Pakis, Indians and Somalis to yourself ;)

But make sure to throw out more of those evil Poles!

>still whiter and better off
>Following the release of figures which reveal almost four in ten children under five have foreign roots, Michael Paulwitz says the demographic change will be the death of Germany’s welfare state.


In a mere 15 years with continued immigration military aged males of foreign descent will outnumber you on the streets. You aren't doing good.

>its going to take too much time

Somehow in all the centuries past territories and allegiances were formed and broken and reformed and taken and sold etc.

All before fast travel or communication

All before peace in Europe

But now its just too complex, itll take years! to sign up some new paperwork.

These fucking Globalist fuckers need a bullet through the brain.

European countries don't pay denbts for some reason.


no its not (((Americans))) its americans

Mfw in 5 years Britain has another referendum to join EU again.

I'll take 60,000 a year over 1,000,000 a year any day. At least that is sustainable.

Right. I see articles like this every single day and it makes me ask. What the fuck are all these German EU shills selling? Germans will be demographically replaced in my lifetime.

Think of the damage these kikes managed to bring to the German people in a nation that was 95% German or the Russian people in a nation that was 80% Russian. How could anyone take a look at Germany right now and say "I not only want that but I want to pay billions every week and give up my sovereignty for the privilege".

Those stats also include the neighbouring euro countries and not just blacks and arabs.

If Americans didn't have a Jewish ruling class hellbent on destroying your race they would have pulled out with the Canadians and Brits almost half a century ago.

The us took in that many in 40 years. Germany can do it as well ;)

1.000.000 will cause conflict which will end in a civil war that can potentially turn the tide

60.000 is a slow death that goes unnoticed

The problem is the death of your Welfare state part. What will all the new Germans unite around when the bread lines start rolling out again, because this time it won't be National Identity or Ethno-Jingoism.

Anglos are the ruling class here m8. The Jews are a scapegoat

I could point out how 90% of the 1919 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish, how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't. Rather i'll ask that whenever someone in this thread witnesses societal/political rot ask yourself, and don't be afraid to do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.

>The problem is the death of your Welfare state part

Thats the best thing anyone could wish for

Sure thing Hans......

>Civil War

With what? Broomsticks? Your emasculated men are going to fight those barbarians outnumbered and hand to hand? Don't make me laugh. At the rate your going the only thing that will save your natives will be a plane ticket.

They want to commit national suicide and destroy the German people while becoming a new USA. In time there will be no Germans left. Just mongrels. They're trying to take the rest of Europe with them too.
So you don't care if Germany is no longer German?

I'm not going past your first sentence. 1919 Germany it's much different than the U.S. of today. You know nothing of how things are run here.

Its so sad that you've done this :( now we are talking about war in Europe again. This can only bring poverty and destruction.

This is not something we should be happy about, this is sad. Soon white people will be fighting white people again, resources which could be spend in a more fruitful endeavor.

This is a good point. I actually was convinced that Mutti Merkels plan all along was to invite so many so quickly there would be a major backlash and then Germany wouldn't have to deal with the fallout. Then she invited another million and started blackmailing her neighbours mafia style to demographically replace their people so that theory went out the window.

I dream of a national socialist separate in governance but united in purpose Europe, with an EU tier council to harmonize regulations and trade. It's good to dream.


>With what? Broomsticks?

We got more Weapons than you will ever have and sales and weapons permits have been through the roof for the last two years

>Your emasculated men are going to fight those barbarians outnumbered and hand to hand?

I dont get the emasculated men meme. Theres not one guy i know who doesnt go a sport or works out

>At the rate your going the only thing that will save your natives will be a plane ticket.

Mouth off but last weeks terror attack seemed pretty standard to your people with no real pushback as usual

>Truck Attacks and Mass groping/raping
>Only party that promises to deal with these issues is on the decline in Germany

No one is voting for your Nationalist Uprising Hans, your Civil War isn't coming because as you've said, your country has been brainwashed and demasculated due to post-war Occupation.

You think there will be another populist uprising in Germany? The literal home of the literal Nazis? Even a whiff of it and the whole world will condemn you again.

Not to mention if shit ever goes down in Germany it will make the ISIS foreign fighters numbers look pathetic in comparison. America alone would have untold thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands, of willing and able volunteers.

No one here is going to help Germany. The u.k i could see but not Germany

You're dead wrong. How many volunteers have gone to fight for the stateless brown kurds in Iraq from America alone? Surely a few thousand.

Ok so you just admitted that post war occupation ruined germans and that everyone will kill us the moment we will do the right thing again

And then you wonder why germans are suicidal freaks?

Well americans are always eager to team up and travel back to their peoples homeland to kill the natives for their jewish overlords. Of course once they have to fight one on one they lose to jungle chinks and bomb the desert for a decade

سداد الديون

I'd help them if they decided to fight for themselves. I'm not even German but I believe they have a right to exist without the gentle genocide of population replacement.

A few ex military guys that hate Muslims. Last i heard a lot of those guys left to join Christian fighting groups because the kurds are socialists

You will be a failed state by 2030.
Merkel and the other retards leading you think they can just take niggers from everywhere and magically transform them in net contributors to society with a german work ethics.
It will fail astonishingly at a biblical scale.

Only one party of literally whos want that

this fucking samefagging kraut shill though