Mfw hear my mum cry at night because she had one chance at a son but I turned into a 26 yr old unemployed highschool...

Mfw hear my mum cry at night because she had one chance at a son but I turned into a 26 yr old unemployed highschool drop out


tfw this is a shitpost but I can relate anyway

This ain't r9k roo but let your moms know that she's a failure, and possibly a whore too

>Being mean to mum


>let your moms know that she's a failure
Yeah, if your Mum starts getting lippy just let her know it's mostly her fault.

>dropping out of highschool

Can't you get a diploma with all D's?

Hey, I just lost my mom to cancer. I've turned my schooling around enough for her to see that I was on the right track before she died. Please do the same. you don't know how much she cares about you.

I want to fuck urban mum

now that you are done developing (25-28) turn your life around for her. start working out, get a part time job, get several girlfriends, move into uni dorms and take a double major. this year faggot. applications for mature age students open soon and let you bypass everything on a provisonal basis. do it.

get a job hippie

I always fuck my mom when shes starting to think about how much of autist I am.

I've give up trying

The sun never shines my way

Do something about it. Go get your GED, go to community college (assuming they have that or the equivalent in Australia), and then go to University for STEM (assuming you have an IQ that makes that possible) and make more money than your stupid friends with liberal arts degrees, then buy your mom some flowers.

This isn't even night where you are

go kill a bogan and rape his bitch. make mama proud

shutup have a shave and shower you faggot
then call the best university in your state, their future student line. tell them you want to make an appointment to discuss your options as a mature age student.

>my son sucks because he couldn't raise himself
tell her to not be so hard on herself for being such a shit parent.

At least you didn't fall for the college meme.


Do so many men fall through the cracks because of how late they fully develop? Seems like the early education system is skewed to heavily favor women given that they teach both puberty and full brain development much earlier than men. + Most early education teachers are female.

To make matter worse, most people are supposed to be done with college way before 25.

You'd think women would be more successful given their systematic advantage in how we've chosen to educate our citizens but they still don't succeed at the rates men do.

Not funny letting your moms down ausfalian. get in the trades and help the old gal keep the lights on if thats all youre fuckin good for

LOL. girls never are more developed mentally than boys. girls just mature quicker sexually

get a girl to give you a haircut too
find the highest rated hair dressers near you. call and book an appointment

its free here (low interest government loan comes out of your tax when you start earning above a certain wage bracket ), also dorms, sex, socializing, and learning arent memes.

who cares just rise from the ashes when you are 25 and destroy everyone at everything, you will pass those stupid receptionist bitches in a few years at most

>mother so shit she couldn't into prenatal healthcare
>rolled cerebral palsy
>going to murder both parents for bringing me into this shit
Ahahaha, you fuckers should've aborted me.

You're living the best life you can not being a wage cuck wasting your life away at mcdonalds.

Your mom will see this one day.

I want to know if that's really you but I'm too lazy to reverse search

no way man I knew this girl in middle school who dated college kids cus she was too mature for kids like me

This is not a place where we celebrate NEETS

get out and make something of your life faggot

>get several girlfriends
how will that help his mom?

Ahh can't you still do a trade with a GED?

I know in America some of richest guys are trades people with GEDs and honestly it's kinda retarded but that's how it is.

"oh thank god my son is normal and not gay, i didnt fail so bad" - anons mum 2018

how can I get white teeth like this?

I have brushed carefully 3 times a day for over 2 months now with a whitening toothpaste and they're still somewhat yellow

I dunno. I think the school system is responsible for this:

>Prevalence and Behavioral Differences: ADHD is much more common among males than females. It is estimated that boys are two to three times more likely to have ADHD than girls. They are up to nine times more likely than girls to be referred for evaluation and treatment.

It seems like the system we've set up is more geared toward the way females learn than men.

y'all gonna get what you saw.

This. My mum was very worried for me until I got a qt gf back in 2012.

its a service, you pay a dentist for

I've got a GED and am woring on that trade right now.
Ooh, boy.

Go to the dental hygienist. You're supposed to do it once a year at least. It's how richfags keep their teeth gleaming white.

Get your teeth whitened and stop smoking or drinking tea/coffee.

>I just lost my mom to cancer
what kind?

Take out some niggers while you're at it. A palsy dude in a wheelchair taking out 12 gangbangers... heh, you'd be a legend in the hood.

I don't smoke or drink coffee (I don't even eat anything with chocolate anymore)

I'm 29 Dad.

fuckin' classic mate

She probably had you to "solve" her psychological issues. Which means she was a bad mother, and that you probably also have psychological issues, and that your relationship with her is basically a lie.

I've been there. Mental illness runs in families not just because of genetics. It can also be a replicating meme of denial and dishonesty.

Hope you can sort yourself out user

lol wtf? what are you going to do when your mom dies? are you really still leeching off of her income?

In Canda there was no (((adhd))) only retard kids and normal kids. No pills to boost retard performance. And desu the only retard kid was a girl and I had to slam her to the ground when she tried to fight me

Dawg she's crying at night cuz I'm 8 inches deep in that ass and I ain't nuttin any time soon nigga

>tfw my mom has severe mental breakdowns every other month
>i always have to phone her to bring her down from doing something stupid
>i am otherwise actually pretty normal psychologically, have always been pretty alright

am I just delusional lad?

>mfw I hear nothing at night because I'm a successful man who lives by himself in an apartment

she just want her sons attention in your scenario you stupid fuck

call her more

What if I can't go to uni because I'm poor and too stupid to get in?

I can't survive on student allowance by itself and I'm struggling to get a job as it is.

>successful man
>lives by himself
pick one


I'm sorry for your loss user.

The best thing you can do in life is to enjoy being alone. Needing someone else makes you weak.

Bluepilled as fuck

dw m80 i was raised by a man who had no business having kids and a mother (bless her soul) who could only do so much.

modernity has castrated a large portion of men, but it is never too late to try and change things. The sooner the better.

>muh dick: the post
Fuck off nigger

>being a bachelor who lives by himself and has a good job isn't successful
seems successful to me

on the dole you can afford shitty migoreng and oats, the newest mobile phone with a plan, some normal fag clothes from target, and a haircut and shaving shit. if u budget correctly. then when you get a job they will keep paying you the dole for about 10-20 weeks ontop of your normal pay. then you transition into semester 2 uni at the dorms and dont fuck up. hecs / fee help will cover tuition. and uni will let you in as a mature age student if you do all that easy normal fag shit i said.

either live with your friends or your wife and kids you antisocial retards. you are paying a premium for being autistic.

Well, to be fair, also fucking his mom will tell hes not gay, and it will make a nice thing to remind her next time she tries to be arrogant..

You just made me cry a little. I'm two years away from graduating at 32 years old. I dropped out of high school like OP and it's been pretty tough turning my life around and there is no way I'd have been able to do it without my mom's support . I know she's proud of me and happy to see me turning things around. I'm sorry about your mom, user. If she's anything like my mom, she was very proud of you. I'll remember this post whenever I feel like giving up.


she should have fought off the niggers and maybe we would strive to actually be something


>$800 a month rent
>having a wife and kids who mooch off you

Living with people is a liability when everyone is a drug addict

What friends? What do you use them for?

Doesn't she realize neet is the smartest way to live


My mom has upped her dose of anti-anxiety medication recently and it's starting to turn her into a zombie. I guess some of my recent health issues have been the cause of this.

Feels pretty bad, man.

you are out of the gene pool user. seeya kid

dont live in a shit hole problem solved

do you not have friends? i have known my 2 best for over 20 years. we workout 4 times a week, bbq once a week, and legit have each others backs. life is shit if the whole world is your enemy.


Oh my God yes! She told me she didn't want me to be rich , she just said do the right thing, then do what makes you happy .

When you have no money or assets everyone can be your friend. When you got shit to lose everyone is an enemy. Thats how I know your a poor fag aussie on "the dole" with your fucking eurpean tier welfare you make me sick you.

jelly detected

>When you have no money or assets everyone can be your friend
those arent friends mate.

>When you got shit to lose everyone is an enemy.

learn to share dick head, people end up giving you back more

>I have autism
I'd rather not create more autismos, don't give a shit about being out of the gene pool

just kill yourself now then

I'm living on the dole and I can only survive at the moment because I don't have to pay rent which won't last forever.

>stop drinking tea
Wtf are you talking about, jewlover?

>gene pool
So, you think your kids will be something important? Something special? Or what?
What difference does it make, to you - or to anybody else?

why would I when I'm enjoying myself?
I'm not a fucking animal, my only purpose isn't to knock up as many women as I could.

richfags get caps faggot

>only reason for living is enjoying himself
>not an animal

follow the instructions you drop kick. make the call now and get a job for the extra capital ontop of the dole. look how much uni dorms cost they are affordable.

I can't get a job, nobody will hire me.

Not to mention most university courses that are useful are basically impossible to get into if you failed your HSC.

>I can't get a job, nobody will hire me.
are you asking 50 places a day for a job?
no you arent stfu

>Not to mention most university courses that are useful are basically impossible to get into if you failed your HSC.

no they wont. they have a million alternative access programs. AT MOST you will have to pass a stat test. AT MIN you will just walk in like nothing happened.

My mum's alive but is a husk that couldn't care less about any of her kids' existences. Never known what to think of it desu

That depends little on the enjoyments.. What are your great "morally higher" "reasons"?

i dont need a reason to live

welfare obviously

So your last post was meaningless?
Do you like thinking?

Good for you user.

She doesn't understand you'd be shackled into servitudal bondage meanwhile you are free and living for yourself and your own dreams.

Ask her is money all she cares about ?

When a mob of angry peasants storm a Palace does she think bags of money will protect the greedy person ?