This thread is for the discussion of libertarianism, capitalism, anarcho-capitalism and PRIVATE DEATH SQUADS.

>The Law - Frédéric Bastiat

>Economics in One Lesson - Henry Hazlitt
mises.org/system/tdf/Henry Hazlitt Economics in One Lesson.pdf?file=1&type=document

>Free To Choose - Milton and Rose Friedman

>Hayek’s The Constitution of Liberty - Eugene F. Miller
iea.org.uk/sites/default/files/publications/files/Hayek's Constitution of Liberty.pdf

Other urls found in this thread:

mises.org/system/tdf/Economics and Ethics of Private Property Studies in Political Economy and Philosophy_3.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/system/tdf/A Short History of Man — Progress and Decline.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/system/tdf/Theory of Socialism and Capitalism, A_4.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/system/tdf/From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy_Hoppe_Text 2014.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/system/tdf/Myth of National Defense, The Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production_3.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/system/tdf/The Private Production of Defense_3.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/system/tdf/Economic Science and the Austrian Method_3.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/system/tdf/What Must Be Done_7.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/system/tdf/Man, Economy, and State, with Power and Market_2.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/sites/default/files/Anatomy of the State_3.pdf
mises.org/sites/default/files/Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature, and Other Essays_2.pdf
mises.org/system/tdf/The Ethics of Liberty_0.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/system/tdf/What Has Government Done to Our Money_3.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/system/tdf/Americas Great Depression_3.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/system/tdf/For a New Liberty The Libertarian Manifesto_3.pdf?file=1&type=document


>Articles by Hans-Hermann Hoppe

>The Economics and Ethics of Private Property
mises.org/system/tdf/Economics and Ethics of Private Property Studies in Political Economy and Philosophy_3.pdf?file=1&type=document

>A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline
mises.org/system/tdf/A Short History of Man — Progress and Decline.pdf?file=1&type=document

>Democracy - The God That Failed

>A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism
mises.org/system/tdf/Theory of Socialism and Capitalism, A_4.pdf?file=1&type=document

>From Aristocracy, to Monarchy, to Democracy
mises.org/system/tdf/From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy_Hoppe_Text 2014.pdf?file=1&type=document

>The Myth of National Defense: Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production
mises.org/system/tdf/Myth of National Defense, The Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production_3.pdf?file=1&type=document

>The Private Production of Defense
mises.org/system/tdf/The Private Production of Defense_3.pdf?file=1&type=document

>Economic Science and the Austrian Method
mises.org/system/tdf/Economic Science and the Austrian Method_3.pdf?file=1&type=document

>What Must Be Done
mises.org/system/tdf/What Must Be Done_7.pdf?file=1&type=document


>Big-Government Libertarians

>Race! That Murray Book

>More on LewRockwell.com


>Man, Economy, and State with Power & Market
mises.org/system/tdf/Man, Economy, and State, with Power and Market_2.pdf?file=1&type=document

>Anatomy of the State
mises.org/sites/default/files/Anatomy of the State_3.pdf

>Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature, and Other Essays
mises.org/sites/default/files/Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature, and Other Essays_2.pdf

>The Ethics of Liberty
mises.org/system/tdf/The Ethics of Liberty_0.pdf?file=1&type=document

>What Has Government Done to Our Money?
mises.org/system/tdf/What Has Government Done to Our Money_3.pdf?file=1&type=document

>America's Great Depression
mises.org/system/tdf/Americas Great Depression_3.pdf?file=1&type=document

>For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto
mises.org/system/tdf/For a New Liberty The Libertarian Manifesto_3.pdf?file=1&type=document

hoppewave | Hans-Hermann Hoppe | physical removal

hoppewave | Hans-Hermann Hoppe | the argument (右翼死刑囚)

h o p p e w 𝓪 v e | Hans-Hermann Hoppe | end democracy

Based Hoppe physically removes democracy

Drop it like it's Hoppe

Let's Get Physical

I Need a Pinochet

Hoppe's Kitchen - How to make Wiener Schnitzel

Leftists getting Physically Removed, So To Speak


what about the roads?

wtf i hate anarchy now

Oh shit I didn't think of that

Heh, better luck next time

You don't need a road when there's no car and the limited list of items you need is made in your town now because specialization has gone the way of the dinosaur and you now live in a primitive agrarian society. See? Everything worked out great

who /BrapCap/ here?

If you want a quick, thorough rundown of right-libertarianism
Hoppe basically nails it in 40 min


>Hoppe basically nails it
>Implying you didn't adopt your entire belief system from him

AnCaps are fucking cringeworthy.

Yeah it's pretty hard to wrap your head around the idea that public and private borders are different things

I was ancap before I saw it, Mr. Psychiatrist

the roads will be privatized and more efficient because the company that owns the road needs to make his road efficient in order to stay in business with competition. You already have to pay for roads with taxes so paying to drive isnt anything new. Roads will also be cheap to drive on thanks to competition driving the prices down.

>This flag
>Libertarian thread

Something is wrong ... every libertarian thread appears a aussie NeetSoc Edgyboi.

Is ancap libertarian? Or is it its own thing? If you're ancap, do you identify as liberatarian?

It is libertarianism taken to the lattest logical conclusions.

If anything minarchism (aka small gov) is just watered down libertarianism.

Look a serious reply.

You got me interested. How exactly you would pay for the roads. Obvioulsy there would be lots of companies. Say that you have to travel from one coast to another in USA. You're already paying (maybe annualy) to your local road company, what about the others from afar? You would rent it for the month you'll be traveling? I'm assuming that it would be dirt cheap because the entire US urban system kinds of force you to have a car if you want to move, so there wouldn't be a shortage of costumers for the company.

so the only way we can sell rationalism to people is to dress it up in faggotry and faggy flags and cuntistry?

goddamn fucking faggots

instead of deciding if they want to be free, people are choosing which color flag goes better with their converse and cell phone case

Libertarianism means small government. Generally this means that the government is limited to justice, immigration and defence.
Ancarcho-capitalism means no government, with the functions of government being entirely replaced by private firms. This is a much more narrow ideology because it is defined by the Non-Aggression Principle.
There is a huge amount of agreement between libertarians and ancaps because they both want to go in the same direction. Shrink the government, decentralise power.

It's just a flag lol

There could be some sort of "subscription" or "insurance" company that you pay a fixed fee every month for the use of roads in general and that company acts as a middleman between the different road owning companies and you so you only have to pay to one guy but still use lots of roads belonging to different owners.

Nowadays most toll roads allow you to pass without even stopping, you just need a sticker in the windshield that identifies you so you can get billed on it. Different road owners would find it useful and would generally agree to use that same system since the ones not using it would inconvenience their customers by making them stop at their toll.

Private roads would be more efficient than ever with the internet, instant communication and electronics. People where I live have devices in their cars that communicate with machines on toll roads.
There's no way to know how firms would choose to operate, but there would almost definitely be large syndicates that join companies to a common payment system. I'd expect private roads to be cheaper than public ones.

Ancap is a joke kys

Tbh Privatisation of Britain's rail infrastructure has turned it to shit

I was ancap before reading a libertarian paper

you're a cringy statist
enjoy your pound devaluation, I bet you're so financially irresponsible and ignorant you were not even protected from it

retard, get what you deserve pleb

Because privatization without opening to competition is the same as public service with the minor difference of it having external management.

Shit, completely forgot about those things on the roads that identify you with an eletronic device or whatever. Cool idea, desu

it's a pain in the ass to live with everyone calling "privatization" to that kind of events

It's always the same bullshit, private management under non-free market competition and they call it private

People are retarded

I'm not even going to feel any pity when all these tards enjoy the next recession

They're idiots and deserve all the fuck ups their arrogant ignorance and detachment from reality creates


As much as I hate to say it, under the current context privatisation often means that the industry or infrastructure that is now not owned by the state just changes hands to some crony of the politicians. It is not supposed to work in a free competition environment but it should.

bumping because of interest



Both socialism and libertarianism lead to destruction of the past. This >muh hoppe cringe is just a half-assed try at being remotly "right-wing".

Tradition has nothing to do with government. Cultural preservation happens in culture. If you want to conserve the great things in our history then you speak, write and work. Bureaucrats aren't helping you.

I'm libertarian and not ancap because where's the liberty if you don't have protection from infringement on your liberty because of someone else's liberty? I.E.: murder.

Individualism in inherintly anti-traditionalist.

Strange, someone created Communist thread today and was from Netherlands

I think me posting a codreanu quote implicates im not a commie. The fact that I denounce socialism also does that. Cant blame a hue for being stupid I geuss

And why is libertarianism inherently individualist? I believe in family, charity, collectivisation and nationhood. How does government hurt or help these things? Why do they require government? These are cultural ideas. You can't rely on government policies to carry any of these.

>why is libertarianism inherintly indidualist
Because it is build on the idea that you do not inherintly owe anything to anybody, including your ancestors and offspring. A government is there to continue something that was started in many cases many centuries ago, serving to nation. The libertarian individual has no such ties to the past oe future, and thus will act in self interest. And this self interest in contrast to popular an-cap memery is not de-facto in the interest of the nation. You cant realy ln the government, but it is expected. Nothing isnexpected of the individual

>Because it is build on the idea that you do not inherintly owe anything to anybody, including your ancestors and offspring.
But why should we be forced to do these things? Isn't peacefully advocating these responsibilities better than forcing them with a government that can arbitrarily define them?
>A government is there to continue something that was started in many cases many centuries ago, serving to nation.
What makes individuals and private groups incapable of doing this? What's stopping the government from destroying tradition, as it is doing today?

>why would we be forced to do these things
Because it could be seen a responsibility. You are not forced to, you are not allowed to activly go against it.
>muh peace
What happened to physical removal and helicopter rides
>what would make an individual incapable of doing this
I just told you in my previous post. This is why goverments make readinf compehension mandatory
>what is stopping governments from destroying tradition
Traitors, would say jews but that might not be to the liking of the many redditors in this general.

Bump for Private Death Squads!
Day of the Removal soon.

>Because it could be seen a responsibility. You are not forced to, you are not allowed to activly go against it.
So what are you even advocating? Do we need the government to enforce tradition or not?
>What happened to physical removal and helicopter rides
I never said mentioned either of those things
>I just told you in my previous post. This is why goverments make readinf compehension mandatory
But you haven't proven that government is necessary for the preservation of tradition and responsibility. You can't control culture.
>Traitors, would say jews but that might not be to the liking of the many redditors in this general.
So government isn't actually an agent of good, it just helps to promote certain ideas at certain times. You're saying that these traitors should have the ability to control us in the form of government legislation.

Best ancap book to read first?

You care a bout your ancestors and offspring right? you'd do right by them even if there wasn't a state right? You care because the goverment makes you care?

Your inclination to family and kin IS A SELFISH INTREST, it is an INDIVIDUALISTIC DISIRE.

Anatomy of the State.

No but he is somehow different from many other libertarian authors

Hoppe can in a one hour speech philosophically prove that property is the most basic law of social interaction and he builds his ideology up based on that and it just makes sense


The Road to Serfdom by Hayek is probably not AnCap in the real sense but it gives you quite a good introduction into libertarian thinking and it btfo's communism and socialism pretty hard

Kekistan should be ancap

You should be killed and Sargon too

Dont compare me to that demon

Then stop shitting around with your lelelele kekistan lelelelele

volintary collectivism is fine you cuckboy.

"I agree with the elder murray rothbard and hans-hermann hoppe that libertarianism is a right-wing movement and that the leftist elements are useful idiots at best, and a cancer that can only be cured by one way helicopter rides at the far mor likely worst"

Unofficial leftypol discord .


Thanks for the help niggas.

Quick question, can I be a traditionalist, nationalist and an ancap?


Love your people not because hitler will kill you if you don't, but because you love your people.

Traditionalism implies statism so that is a no unless you'd want to form an AnCap society and then look for people who want to voluntarily form a state with you but what's the point then

Nationalism also implies statism since you'd need a state to enforce policies that protect your national culture and demographics etc so I don#t think that would be possible

You could though in an AnCap society just get together with other people who don't wand mudshits in their town and just don't allow them to enter your property

>So what are you even advocating? Do we need the government to enforce tradition or not?
I already answered this
>I never said mentioned either of those things
That is even worse
>You can't control culture.
By emforcing certain laws you most certainly can
>So government isn't actually an agent of good, it just helps to promote certain ideas at certain times.
Never implied they are inherintly good, just implied it is expecyed from them. Contrary to the individual
>You're saying that these traitors should have the ability to control us in the form of government legislation.
No, the traitors need to be purged ofcourse.

Anarcho Capitalism doesn't sound that bad, I honestly don't know why people don't bash anarcho communism as much considering that ideology is more of an oxymoron.

>black lipstick

If I can control who goes in my town or not I'm fine.

It always has been private you dult

Minarchism is superior to AnCap.
Prove me wrong.

Pinochetan Minarchy is the only way to create ancapistan

who will prevent cucks from building roads?

cooperation isn't colectivism you fucking gaylord

The companies that build roads.
The government is just there to ensure that the citizens don't nuke™ each other everyday and ensure that the people have a place in international politics instead of several million companies.
Also they can enforce or process copyright laws or something.

>Give the power-hungry psycho's interested in political power the military, police and courts.

Yeah that'll keep them contained and prevent them from growing the state back out to the cancerous tumor it is today

It's not self-sacrifice if you think the end result is worth it, and it's not self-sacrifice if it's at gunpoint.

Plaease do get another hundred million or so people killed, their memory wears thin.


Based Hobbit.

Israeli (((Kibbutz))) were the closest things to anarcho-communism and they pretty much all adopted currencies and started to decollectivize because it wasn't natural. It's just a big pipe dream after all.


Rothbard when younger was a handsome man... no homo.

That is the #1 argument against commies if you think about it.

They say that ALL wage work is inherently exploitative, regardless of how good or bad its conditions, yet +99% of commies IRL prefer to have a job working for someone else instead of working in cooperatives where the employees own the means of production because it's easier and deep down they know their living standards would be way lower than they are working for a wage.

That's why commies are ridiculous, they don't walk their talk.

Certainly better looking than a lot of people for sure.

Nice, you make this?

Yeah. Thought it would clear up some things on Rothbard. No way in hell he was a social Liberal, hell he trashed Liberals and even mentioned Antonio Gramasci and "the long march through the institutions." He's definitely redpilled on Cultural Marxism.

Right on, keep it up.


>need to remove undesirables to create your paradise society
>authoritarian measures need to be used
>people take advantage of license and society degenerates creating new undesirables
>authoritarian measures need to be used to remove undersirables
Rinse and repeat. Stop being such hypocrites and embrace true freedom


>true freedom

>authoritarian measures
>pushing people of your property


Undesirables can own property

The ancoms had a bigger area on place than you. Haha you suck

So? If the community doesn't like them they can push them out through collective ostracism. And if they're not a hazard or nobody has a problem with them, who cares? Why should every community listen to your dear leader? Maybe he's wrong and time will tell. And the best communities prosper.


What's your point? Democracy allows your undesirables to stand together and fuck over your community. Under ancap they don't get nearly as much influence and are confined to the communities that will have them. And those communities will self-destruct if they are allowed to do damage. You can't save everybody. And you especially can't save them if you put one guy in charge and hope for the best.

>whats is your point
That your hoppean trash ideology consists of contradiction after contradiction
Under a true government they wil get 0 influence, turns out my dear leader is actually right

ayy senpai where my Rothbard and Mises Pepes at?

what contradictions?

>true government
Yeah central planning and turning your citizenry into obedient cattle is gonna work wonders. If you're dear leader that is.

>Under a true government they wil get 0 influence
Or maybe they get 100& influence and destroy the country. Putting all your eggs into one basket is beyond retarded.

>obedient cattle
Says the consumerist. They will not turn into catlle, they will find freedom in true glory or die trying
>if you're dear leader that is
Excuse me
>or maybe they get 100%
Not likely
>what contradictions
That what he is advocating for creates undesirables that he in turn also wishes to remove. Hoppeans are in a way suicidal

How does it create undesirables? Undesirables are largely sponsored and subsidized by the welfare state and by public institutions and public education. Remove those from the equation and degeneracy returns to the closet or even fades away. Have you even bothered to read Democracy—The God That Failed?