Is Kabul so dangerous that deporting people back there is a death sentence?

Is Kabul so dangerous that deporting people back there is a death sentence?

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Looks a nice place.

There was a leftist chimpout yesterday at Helsinki because police deported a plane full of Afghans back there.

Police used a dog and oc spray to leftists.

not our fucking problem


Shitholes often have a nice, "spiritual" look about them.

Doesn't change that living there is hell.

Yes if youre hazari since theyre an opressed minority. My boyfriend is hazari and if he goes back to Afghanistan he might get killed because of his ethnicity. Would you deport a jew back to Berlin in 1940 just because it was a beautiful and safe city


No. More people died in car accidents than as a result of the ongoing war last year.
Afghanistan is gripped by a low level insurgency, not total war.

Friend of mine lives there, has for a while. Flies to Dubai every weekend. I'm not sure I'd call Kabul "safe", but it isn't death row.


If it is, why not save money and just execute them here?

Hazara are Mongol rape babbies

It'd be great if they all just went back to East asia

I'd love to see a police dog bite a leftist in the nuts

This, Turkic-Uzbek here. The only civilised races in Afghanistan are the Tajiks and any Turkic person. The others are Pashtun, hazara and some other shitty mongoloid rape baby
>hazara, literally the Jewish version of Afghan. They have the same personality and 100% of the time leave Islam when they go to a better country
>Pashtuns are pooinloos immigrants that only live in Afghanistan because of those cucks we call Brits, also Pashtuns rape children and call it "boy play"
They tend to say shit like "women are for babies and boys are for pleasure"

Also dumping Uzbek Qt3.14's



I wish you had deported the leftists along with them

Yes it is now...

Kabul isn't safe if you are a guest there
>be a young boy? Get kidnapped and raped
>be a young girl? Get kidnapped, married off and raped
>be an adult? If you are black people beat you up, if you are Jewish? If you get beat up, if you are white people beg for money
>be female adult? Get kidnapped and married off or beaten up for not walking around with a male relative

dont let this thread die

>My boyfriend is hazari
It's not even funny anymore