This is literally Sup Forums now.
This is literally Sup Forums now
>implying I watch things I know I won't enjoy
reminds me of some bum tickley shit sage
I kek'd
Expect this thread to die because its too true and Sup Forumsacks are buttblasted too easily
Jokes on you I can't even watch anything created by Jews any more
>Sup Forumsack
>Watching (((Netflix)))
> Media pushes kike propaganda.
> Sup Forums points this out and it immediately riddiculed for speaking the truth.
First they ignore you, then they mock you, then they fight you, then you win.
>tumblrina using Sup Forums
i see nothing wrong with this. if you have objections, hop in the fucking oven.
Netflix is for women, faggots, niggers and jews. nice try though.
really cooks my coconuts, sage
You're not wrong and this general attitude is what will kill Sup Forums and the right wing in the long term. I already see the butthurt that made people hate the religious right creeping back up again.
It's a reaction to what the left is doing and the constant virtue signalling, this sort of shit isn't without merit, the media really does shove leftism down peoples throat. It really is the exact same shit the SJWs pull though, the right just feels more justified in doing the same pearl clutching the left does.
When I see this shit, I see the early stages of the right wing dying. Just the early stages though.
With your crappy comic you have defeated the alt-right once and for all. Congrats, OP.
The normies are only just beginning to discover the new right wing. It's not even the start yet.
That's literally Netflix now
I'm more neurotic than most and I'm more anxious about the future than most.
This sort of shit is just so decidedly uncool it will kill the right wing in the long term. Nobody likes whiners no matter how justified they think their whining is. People like people that just produce good conservative alternatives to left wing shit. They don't like to be told what to watch.
Nothing wrong with a white villian. Bestiality is disgusting, tho.
It's the right wing as culture critic. Not as producer. Thats the difference. The left wing are both.
someone get a rake
>watching movies
>playing games
Hell I come here like once a week max nowadays also.
Wow, people now notice propaganda. Such a terrible asset
I agree, I can't watch shit without pointing out the token minorities and obvious virtue signaling.
Even ads with the obligatory multicultural group of kids make my blood boil, I can't enjoy anything anymore.
Well liberals why are those things true?
Kek, the right-wing has nothing on left-wing whining. Get back to me when we own all the news papers and control the entire media apparatus.
>Recoils with disgust
>I've been found out
So which subreddit did you find this in.
It's because you know it's all being done to change how you see the world.
I too hate jewish mind control parasites.
what's wrong with this?