Who is the master manipulator behind star wars? Well Sup Forums?
Who is the phantom menace?
Who is the master manipulator behind star wars? Well Sup Forums?
Who is the phantom menace?
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Those pesky Jedi niggers always trying to pave way for the kikes
da joooz
>watching cuck wars
nope please kys so you can respawn and try again at life
jarjar binz
It's a character that has been hidden in plain sight for a while. Will reveal if someone guesses it.
Well....Joseph Campbell and Lucas modeled Luke after Loki.
And Darth Vader is Satan-according to Lucas in the Blu-Ray commentary.
Draw your own conclusions.
It's Jar Jar, you lose man
The Senate
There is no greater manipulator than pic related.
Darth Sidius, Aka Sheev Palpatine
The Toydarians control everything behind the scenes.
Gas the toydarians.
Lies, Jar Jar would destroy that bitch.
That would be an insane plot twist.
anyone ever realize how the sith and the jedi are contradictions at the heart of what they are trying to protect?
The Jedi are a hierarchical organization that values order and discipline from it's adherents. Only a select few people make decisions for the Jedi yet they defend this deracinated, democracy, that is so lax evil agents can quickly subvert it if they want to.
The Sith are an organization that has an order, however, the only thing that is required to become the sith master is by killing your master, it's a democratic structure just based on power, but not tradition, like the jedi. However, Emperor Palpatine created a government that was completely undemocratic and hierarchical, something that looks closer to the jedi order than the republic democracy the jedi defended.
The Empire seems like a more natural form of government for the jedi.
Jar Jar
Lucas didn't have the balls to go through with it after the negative reviews.
Could be.
Could also be he felt like he wasn't ready to reveal yet, and it's still to come so he changed it.
Don't forget, there was a lot of subtle moments in the third movie.
Where's the politics? This is just gay nerd shit.
The Jedi
>Only the Sith perceive things in absolutes Padawan
>No romance, no using useful dark force abilities, no feelings of fear, and you can only wear cotton apparel and brown robes.
go home reddit