where do you people come from this is a pro trump board
How about....... NO with a big side of FUCK YOU!
Good for meme power, hyper autistic otherwise
I come from a rational point of vie unlike you fucks who don't even realize that you got brainwashed by memes. Think about it. But I know you'll just call me a Shareblue shill and go on with your day so whatever
okay mr shareblue shill
>g-get out of my safe space!!
Fuck off Mehmet
>pro trump board
LOL not anymore
>this is a pro trump board
WRONG. Sup Forums is and has always been a libertarian board.
Libertarianism lacks Nationalism
Kek. Ice yourself sandnigger lover.
I'm almost glad that he's doing this. It just might be enough to turn around the brainwashed idiots here when they realize that Trump has actually been working against their interests all along. I know how much the internet and privacy means to Sup Forums. I've been here for at least half a decade
newfags get out
Sure thing pal
Haha guys, I got trips. I guess your God Pepe agrees with me.
lol,libertarianism is literally the stage 2 redpill redditors get before coming here
You haven't been on Sup Forums more than 4 years have you? All I'm saying is that Sup Forums is historically a libertarian board.
Wrong, that would be Hillary and you would be fighting Russians right now
Brainwashed? Cute, fucking shill......
Break glass bitch
>Autistic screeching
Read the rules sweetie, this is a discussion board.If you want wail and swing your fists, reddit is that way.
You lefty fucks are completely hypocritical by the way.
>wah wah muh Russia Connection
Clinton foundation and Iran.
Clinton Foundation and Saudi Arabia.
Clinton Foundation and Syria.
When was the last Russian terror attack on US soil? Fuck, when was the last Russian terror attack (Ukraine and Crimea non-withstanding)?
>Muh internet privacies
Lefties were all for SOPA and PIPA yet you're pissing all over yourselves over the repeal of a bill that did literally nothing, Your Facebook and Twitter and Tumblr and whatever the fuck else you use have been selling your data since their inception.
>Trump is a bad bad man.
And Hillary, your alternative, is so much better and spotless, truly the paradigm of selfless humanity-oriented motives.
>See Trumptards can't argue without bringing up Hillary
Every. Single. Time. You post these threads, it always devolves into your side autisticly screeching Hillary would have been better. You can play charades all you wish and pretend we don't know you're silently making pro-Hillary comparisons in your head.
So, again, sweetie, why do (((you))) want Trump out of office? So Mike "Homocaust" Pence can get rid of your fag friends? So his toekn republican replacements can do exactly what he's doing in a not blatantly obvious way? Trump is good for you, you know exactly what he's doing because he yells about it on twitter nonstop. Stop crying and deal with it for 8yrs like we did with nigger king obongo.
Let him have a run, retards
Foh and sage
get you out
no more shills