How is the czar perceived today?

I always read that the last czar was considered totally inept, which led to great suffering for the Russian people, and that he was widely hated.

But sometimes I see Russian people have a portrait of the czar (pic related)

Do Russians today have a soft spot for the czar? He is looked at with a little more forgiveness, or even nostalgia?

Do Russians today feel a sadness at how he and his family were brutally murdered?

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Started with the coronation.

And he was taking strolls in the park in 1905.

Do you mean that's a better question for redditfags? But I thought it would be good to see what Russian /pol users thought?
Maybe there is an ironic far right appreciation of him? And lots of people on here seem to like monarchs.

Both the Tsar and commies are history now, Russians need to move on.
But I believe traditionally and culturally Russia needs to go back to its pre-soviet roots.

mummy always dresses well

Maybe something to do with anti-communism

No, he was a fucking lunatic obsessed with killing cats, dogs, birds.

He may not have been in touch with his subjects but is that something you can say about todays bourgeois politicians?
Christian monarchy and limited government are the only way.

Russians think, that our last Emperor is the saint man. Commies try to downplay it as if he is only a martyr, because he gave Russians all the civil rights and commies destroyed his work (up to this day there are no civil rights for Russians in Russian Federation).

He was pretty inept from what I understand.

I'm not Russian so maybe I haven't been taught the whole story, but from what I read, the people viewed him as a man for the workers. They were pissed the government wasn't giving them rights somewhere in the mid 1900's, marched to him for protest, and he opened fire killing ~50. From then on the people hated him.

Do sn't help he got balls deep into WWI, refused to leave, and let his wife cuck him with Rasputin calling the shots while he fucked off out West.

I don't think anyone cared when his family was executed, but looking back people probably think it's tragic, since they really weren't supposed to be punished beyond house arrest.

plenty of people who wishes the communist revolution never happened and that we just stayed a kingdom back in homecountry

you can see her fucking bra on fucking television

>I'm not Russian so maybe I haven't been taught the whole story
You have been taught all the commie lies.

Figured as much. Anything you can clarify for future reference?

found the mommy

So there is still hope for your post-communist shithole?
i thought Russians have internalised bolshevik propaganda and want the (((USSR))) back.

Oh and there's the family on the wall. So do many Russians today have warm feelings for the tsar?

a serf craving for illiteracy and master's boot

Oh that's pretty disturbing

When commie revolution happened Russia was already a republic though.

Most people despise him for weakness (worst ever trait for Russian ruler) and also for several bullshit reasons commie propaganda made up. There are also people who respect him and feel sorry for his family but they are in minority.
Poklonskaya's obsession with him is weird and sad through, it's "my waifu" tier.

Social Revolutionares party was making classic left terror: blame shit on your opposition - blow them up.

One of their commonly used tactics is shooting at the crowd and blaming the victims on the police. Perfect casus of such event is maidan, where cops where armed with rifled arms only and protesters "shot by police" where shot by slugs with wounds in their backs.

> what is MSM

Did BBC or some CNBCabcd already reported, that Trump is cucked by Castro`s son? That is all classics.

I think that sums up all, what you`ve "been taught", as far as you had presented it here.

are you of russian ancestry? I dont think many non russians know about khodynka.

As Russian poet Konstantin Balmont wrote "the tzar who started at Khodynka will end on the scaffold."

He and his family are officially saints. So,yes.

You are not "most people", commie.

Didn't he literally get cucked by Rasputin or is that a myth?

USSR reached Russian Empire literacy levels only in 60`s. Do I crave a century of good management, instead of middle-asian illiterate niggers rule? Because I see, that you do.

When they say it they usually don't mean they want planned economy and closed borders back, only greatness and superpower status associated with USSR.

Not a Russian. The Czar was a goof and probably a tad stupid, but he was a good man.

Some Russians want "abstract" Czar who is like religious super man. Some want Stalin.
Most want some strong ruler. Slavs.

All commies dream about being executioners. For Russian that is not an interesting profession. That`s our weakness probably, but we like to trade, engineer and write much more, than we like to kill.


It's a country with daddy issues and a severe case of "can someone think for us?"
Tzars, Lenin, Stalin, Putin, they just need a figurehead that tells them what to do.

You can say that about any country, that elects a "leader" (prime minister / president / whatever). So fick dich, bitte.

i think you misplaced the quotation marks, it shouldn't be "leader", but in case of Russia - "elects".

mommy hug me

So the same election fraud in USA somehow does not impose daddy issues on them, as well as your political landscape. France socialists also did nothing to kick Le Pen`s party out of politics. Right, Ganz?

Putin is same way non elected, as your cancerler. The difference is - Russians are fair about naming the political machine a fraud.

The difference is they do NOT know who will become president. Trump election only proves that.
Rus slavs DO know who will be president.
Nuff said.

> The difference is they do NOT know who will become president.
Shoigu or Volodin?

we love mummy

>Shoigu or Volodin?
Only if Putin gets tired and approves.

> northwest-german meaning of "love"
every time

> only if soros gets tired and approves

>All commies dream about being executioners.

One of the best summary of commies. Ever. American campus commie, Russian bolshevik, Latin American commie or Chinese Red Guard commie, they all fantasize about causing fear, violence and terror.

It is for showing off. Showing Stalins' portraits and the last czar is the way people try to connect our past and present. It's very hard thing to do that is connecting such things as communism and monarchy. So most of the people in Russia choose one of the sides of our past and they try to present it as the right way of our past.
Honestly I think that both of these parties deserve to kill each other in a brawl, tournament alike. Both of these parties are filled eith shit in a level no one can imagine

maybe she should be wearing a burka right ahmed?

Are you retarded or what? Which russians would think that he is a fucking saint? Which rights? Had you ever heard about Bloody Sunday (1905)?

Nicholas guy from WW1 ruined Europe. He started a WW1 and before that he lost a war to Japan not giving 2 fucks

To be fair, it feels good to hurt people. Sure helping people is equally if not more rewarding, but which one is easier?

I'm the direct descendant of the Czars which makes me rightful king of Russia. I will reinstate communism.


>questioning the Tsar

You! Gulag! Now!


Am I the only one reading these Russian posts with a very think Russian accent in my mine?

Shit is very entertaining

She's gorgeous

Gulags weren't even around when the Tsar was. Learn history, dumbshit.

>as if this is some kind of ''news'' for me

German women love arab and black men


The Royal family got fucked up after the assassination of Alexander II.
Had he not died, then maybe Alexander III would have been a better example for Nicolas II.

no, but people was already send to sibir as punishment for crimes

The attribute of popular government in a revolution is at one and the same time virtue and terror. Terror without virtue is fatal; virtue without terror is impotent. The terror is nothing but justice, prompt, severe, inflexible; it is thus an emanation of virtue.

Even monarchists despise him. She's considered a laughing stock because of her obsession with that loser.

This guy gets it. Politicians are totally out of touch with the common people, it's insane. Let them collect 5000 euro net wage a month and get commission after commission after commission. Let them rake up the money and let them live in fancy houses.

We will see what happens. A few more years and we will all be fed up with it. We won't remain complacent much longer.

More and more socialist politicians are coming out to reveal these practices and reveal that they only accept menial wages of 1800 eur net and that it still works for them, that they get by just fine. So why do the others need so much?

I am far from a socialist, but at least I respect them in that manner. Can't say the same for the political elite. A divine Monarch with the bloodline intact from ye olden days? I can live with that. I can put up with that.

A fat fuck politician whose daddy was a politician, raking in the big bucks? Fuck you.

>But sometimes I see Russian people have a portrait of the czar (pic related)
Most likely, you've only seen her, Poklonskaya definitely has an unhealthy obsession with the Tsar and is seen as a moderately insane person by almost everyone in Russia, including her admirers. And I fail to remember another relatively famous Russian who would be as obsessed with the Tsar as her. It's not like there are large pro-monarchy or anti-monarchy sentiments in Russia currently: most people simply view the entire story as something from the history book and do not have any pronounced opinion on that.

There's a monument to Tsar's family in Yekaterinburg at the place where they were murdered, for example, and it's not that people actively care it exists. It's not like people view it as an icon or something (save for mummy ofc, she believes monuments can drip incense), but neither there are people who would splash it with paint. Just for comparison, the same city of Yekaterinburg has a monument to Yeltsin (it was his home town), and this one has been vandalized at least a couple times.