Claim to be nazy

>claim to be nazy
>supports Israel
>supports Ben Shapiro
>supports Putin and Russia
>thinks jews are better than muslims
Sup Forums

>claims Jews better than Muslims

Well, they both suck. I'd say Muslims are only1% worse because they tend to blow things up.

Literally no one likes Ben Shapiro.
Ben Shapiro's wife doesn't even like him.

>they don't realize jews and arabs are both the semitic race

what would a stupid wapanese like you know about ethnicity

No one should claim to be a Nazi. Claiming Nazidom is like claiming alt-right. You shouldn't be able to neatly label your political views, or you're probably a degenerate, chickenshit, conformist pussy who's looking for an identity in an ideology rather than doing critical thinking and formulating their own views.

When did anyone claim to be nazi here except nazi larpers?

they're 70-80% semitic
literally mongrels pushing for mongrelization

Who is this semen demon?

>thinks jews are better than muslims

Both are shit and need removal

>i'm not going anywhere
she's right you know. she's effectively removed her mental illness from the gene pool by sterilizing herself

>supports Ben Shapiro

pick one and only one

pay debts.


I want that shirt


I wouldn't be surprised if Milo Yiannopolous became straight after gay-conversion therapy and bleached Shapiro's wife. If Shapiro got cucked by the faggot he hates the most, it would be hilarious :D

Fucking tard. Hitler approved of a jewish Israel. Read the havarah agreement and leave Sup Forums forever you useless undergraduate degenerate art student.

Looks like Mary Winstead

good1 but no

my analysis of this video is that it is cute. which is why someone made it into a webm.

fill us in then, faggot

emma stone