Hello, Anonimus, and I greet you from cold Russia. I live in Saint-Petersburg, you might've heard about it yesterday because of terrorism. If you have some questions about political system in Russia, feel free to ask. Oт дyши!
Other urls found in this thread:
How do you send Russians condolences?
Are you a twink?
If you want to say something good, say:
Coбoлeзнyю нacчeт (subject)
So-boh-lez-nu-yu na-shot terakta - my condolences about terrorism act.
Why is 2ch so autistic?
Never heard this word before besides online video games.
How is it over there?
what the..
Haha nice question. It always been autistic, but we love it that way. We have strong history with imageboards, our anons were even on local tv
So when are you bringing communism back
hello bratya
how well would a college educated ex american military upper middle class guy sympathetic to historical russia, communist russia, kievan rus', and anti-gayness and other russian cultural norms, and also sympathetic to vladimir putin, but willing to here other views out and also knows the language rudimentarily but is working towards fluency fare in the following cities?
Saint Petersburg
Where would life be comfiest?
t. american thinking of moving there
Yesterday we were shocked. Even usually sarcastic young people like me. It was very close to us. My friend literally missed the exploiding train. Im not complaining, just stating the facts. I think Putin's war on ISIS might have a connection with this.
Fuck communism man! This is a ruse. Russians dont like communism in 21th century bruh.
Well, you guys have a good reputation as quality shitposters. So I suppose it has done some good
Pidoruskies are not allowed here. Go back to mail.ru
Hello Bratan.
Depends on you:
I think you will find your place in Saint Petersburg if you like relaxed California lifestyle (except for the weather). It also has the biggest cultural background and the most awesome progressive people.
If you like hustle of New York, you should definetly visit Moscow. It's fast and everyone tries to make more money. Some people love that style.
Also I would add a Krasnodar, really nice warm rich city.
which place will i get harassed the least on a daily basis for being american and my shit russian?
fucking proxy hohols every single time
Definetely Saint-P. It's the most touristic-friendly city out there. And by the way, we don't hate americans at all. Only no-brain propaganda zombies, normal people act normally.
I was hoping we could avoid putting hohols into shit at least in this thread. =(
hohols yes, but proxy hohols get roasted here
you wont be harassed for it, but most likely your english will never be understood in small towns
Stop being sympathetic to communism, it's one of the evilest ideologies in the history of mankind second only to fascism.
Don't even consider any city but Moscow and Petersburg for living. You can always visit other places in the country for spare change.
Renting your property in the US would provide you with enough to not ever work in Russia.
Be prepared to be drowned in pussy, russian women (and slav women in general) are suckers for first-world foreigners.
> evilest ideologies
there are no evil idiologies, only crazy people
Stop telling people what they should be sympathetic to.
stop telling people what they should stop doing
Haha Putin is gay and no one even kn
i meant my shitty russian speaking abilities
i need to get grammatical cases down
i understand that completely, im completely fine and im happy my country defeated communism and communist russia. Its a poison to mankind. But i understand most russians remember it fondly, and it was marvelous country in aspects of rapid industrialization (although endless litres of blood), the discoveries in science and space exploration, and contributions to culture, olympics, arts and stuff. But ultimately it was evil. Ideally russia would have a democratic-republic with limitations in place against corruption. But im just understanding of the myriad of russian perspectives on those kind of things.
Renting my property in the USA? like swapping? explain please
and yes id like that, i think russian women are some of the hottest
and plus bitch less than all the women ive dated in murica
>Haha Putin is gay and no one even kn
Back to Sosach with you. Saged.
Tbh i dreaded this incident happening for years. Ever since I realised russia had the loveliest qts in the world ive worried what would happen if one got hurt.
speak english faggot
You still mad about millions of Sovjets great Putin threw at ma grandpa?
Now muslims are bigger problem I guess
This what an average American Sup Forums users room looks like.
Tell me if I'm financially off better than you are right now
what are you afraid of user?
>the communist manifesto
no wonder you are poor
why is the communist manifesto in that img?
Are you on facebook? I want to learn more about russian culture and I'm currently learning russian, so it would be nice to read status from a russian. No kidding. I feel we two Nord lands have a lot in common.
>i meant my shitty russian speaking abilities
The level of dislike for individual foreigners is quite overrated. You might catch some flak in super rural areas, but outside you would be at worst seen as a novelty.
Well, I mean, don't visit closed cities and chechnya, that would be stupid, even russians don't do that, but generally yeah - grudge is with your gov & elites, not individuals.
Tho get ready to the fact that noone gives a flying fuck about offending each other.
today, i appreciated a russian
>clicking storefronts
>Tell me if I'm financially off better than you are right now
>that TV
I sense a great autismal in the force.
sometimes this is good
why are you reading comunist stuff while having a trump sign on the wall????
are you one of those weirdos who think that communisn and russian tradition are sterotypically related and mean one and the same thing?
Okay there we go
Also post rooms
I guess renting is not the right word, what I meant is that basically any passive income from the US would set you up for life. Buy some stocks or whatever.
BTW, I didn't make it clear enough so I say it now: most Russian women actually living in Russia aren't gold diggers. Though not having the looks of your typical Ivan would sure make a great first impression on them [spoiler]and russian men as well[spoiler]
The fuck.
I have dog, wife and a house.. how fucking old are you?
don't remember my facebook, add me on telegram @BratanBratishka
Join vk, it has better memes, women and free porn
communism is bad. congratulations on getting rid of it. i give my condolences for your recently fallen soldiers and officials. i don't know if the us government is to blame, but i want the killing to end.
well, its like, why read the bible if youre an atheist?
even if i dont agree with communism or like it, i have to be able to fully understand it if im to fight against it
Do people realize the attack was staged by Putin?
you dont decorate your personal room?
i have a dog as well, no wife because im not settling down until atleast age 24
awwwwww snap, china's here.
Do you consider yourself white? Do you consider yourself European?
> i give my condolences for your recently fallen soldiers and officials
how recent?
oh, ok.
good point.
why so paranoid china?
Yes. But only the thinking part. That includes almost all of my friends, but I have to admit, not 90% of our countrymen.
how much yall wanna bet this poster doesn't have a vagina?
Yes and yes. Not that I'm like OMG EUROPE, but I'm closer to European values than to Asian.
at least the ones killed in the last year
Don't know what VK is?
Why would I have a personal room? Are you under 18?
You poor thing
user with room photos, you might want to check some photos from our ghetto city Izhevsk. Almost every city besides Moscow-Saint P is ghetto at some point
thats very considerate,thank you
has trump said anything about a ground operation against isis recently?
Yeah, you should consider visiting vk.com if you are interested in learning Russian. It's honestly better than facebook in terms of functionality.
>why would i have a personal room
Where the fuck do you sleep smartass?
The couch?
People have personal rooms from the time theyre babies until they die you nigger, take your moral superiority somewhere else, i dont give a fuck you share your room with an ugly whore, it still makes it your personal room if you live there and sleep there, and if you dont decorate then youre a boring stick in the mud who needs do something other than just be a placeholder human and die or get some real value
i'm not sure, but i hope our countries can work together against radical islamic terrorists. the last thing i want is nuclear war
>trump voter, been to 2 trump rallies :D
>this guy calling me under 18 but doesnt know what vkontaktke is
cmon guy im american and i knew that one
what do you thing about Alexander barkasov?
Hey. I have a question. I can't really judge from here, but don't you think Trump's administration is failing so damn hard right now? Just my impression from foreign news
>been to two rallies
same man thats where i got the sign in my room.
he came to my state twice
Fuck off you underaged shit. I don't decorate my bedroom with fucking Trump-posters, not because I'm arrogant but because I'm not fucking 14 years old.
no. there's a lot of misinformation out there. i think he's winning like a boss.
Would I as a Baptist be persecuted? I hate the jehova witness and do not consider them Christian, but after you made their religion illegal last week... I take notice that my majority religion within America (Baptist) is often lumped together with all non-Orthodoxy religions. It just seems troubling the way your followers talk. I fear for the plight of the Christians in your country who dont follow your papist.
ok, good to know.
Зaчeм ты cюдa пpинec этy хapю?
he barely lost in my state, but i'm convinced nh was stolen
I don't think so.
We still have a republican majority government for the next 4 years
he is mass deporting illegals currently, which is causing liberal protests of course, but you guys have been experiencing protests too (navalny) but us being less oppressive than russia we tolerate far more protests than the putinist government would ever allow, and trump has to deal with that, because its allowed in our constitution. Hes re-implemented the travel ban, and began setting in motion the plans to build the wall, keeping good on most of his promises so far and its not even been 200 days. His only big failure so far has been the healthcare plan, which is debatably the worst planned aspect of his whole plan, but now we have time to reauthor it, and once thats dealt with, it will be smooth sailing and a slow uncucking of our once glorious country
All western media is 100% anti-trump to some degree. Easiest way to view western media is its a political party a very biased stupid one.
Man, 1st of all - we have baptist churches. When I was doing time in Army, my friend-soldier was a Baptist.
Second - we don't persecute anyone, just don't scream about anything in a bar full of drunk Russians. If you don't bring conflict, no one's gonna pursue you.
I guess our countries will fight to the death in the Islamic civil war for some reason.
>evil putin
>Trump's administration is failing
speak english
Why do you say that I'm hapyu? V
Yeah, that's what I heard about healthcare plan. People write it's an epic fail. So ok, I see your point man
You fuck off presumptuous idiot.
i could show you my drivers license but i dont frankly care that much, my point being is i fuck hotter women than you on a regular basis, obviously more because i assume youre a faithful husband, and all these bitches think my rooms cool too, while youre sitting here being mad, looking like a fool.
I feel sorry for your loss Russbro
Give them hell in Syria as revenge
I hope our countries can stop bullshit taxes and tariffs and be friends in seperate, independent countries.
t. Apple Merchant
this isn't a putin hate thread. sage is not required here. this is also not a trump hate thread.
Yes, the US is getting fucked hard, in particular by his budget-slashing policies and anti-environmentalist agenda. Soon the fags that voted him in will lose what little they have in terms of government subsidies to their schools, elderly care and roads. Moreover they’re going to get gassed by Big Oil / Big Chemo.
Just say it in english and add -ski in the end of words.
>but i hope our countries can work together
mee too, only the senate doesnt seem to like trump very much...
Thanks, it's a pleasure to read good words here. I don't really like the plan of giving hell, I think we in some way brought the hell to our doorstep with Syria operation. But that's just my opinion.
What do russians think about european countries?
Do they believe we hate them because of our fearmongering politicians and propaganda?
I regard Russia as part of Europe - certainly more than Turkey.
obvious communist is obvious
how did you learn english and how did you find your way to Sup Forums?
would you ever come to america to live?
if so what city and state?
and whats your favorite historical empire?