The best way to lose weight is through a high fat, high protein, low carb diet.
Big carbohydrate are trying to shut this message down. Don't let them.
The best way to lose weight is through a high fat, high protein, low carb diet.
Big carbohydrate are trying to shut this message down. Don't let them.
The best way to lose weight is to expend more calories than you take in.
Also, how is this Sup Forums?
Sup Forums is going to have a /fit/
Humanity needs to exterminate the jews for our own good.
Im not a nazi or anything tho
So if you work out just enough to offset all your calories, but they all come from sugar, you are going to get fit in the most efficient way possible?
>The best way to lose weight
lose weight =/= get fit
so no
Getting fit is the best way to lose weight because becoming an anemic diabetic just to bring down the number on a scale is retarded.
In trying to gain weight healthy.
Any advice on that?
don't ask Sup Forums. read the sticky in /fit/
The jews have nothing to do with it it's the Muslims that will get u.
The best way to lose weight is to stop spending all your time eating kale mango smoothies and shitposting about carb and to start fucking running.
Bicycle works better, bro. Less stress on the knee joint while working to strengthen connective tissue.
Science, bro.
It's not weight bearing exercise so you'll end up with osteoarthritis or some shit.
>The jews have nothing to do with it
top kek
It is if you don't sit the whole time.
The leanest civilizations on the planet all have one thing in common. They all subsisted on a diet that was high in fats, high in protein and low in carbohydrates.
> 100 % carb diet
> why am I not burning fat?
Need to be eating fat for your body to burn brainlets
watch fat head
low carb sugar diet and you don't even need to work out, you could literally sit on your computer and shit post like me and still lose weight
>low carb sugar diet
Ketocucks are fooled by the big Health Jew.
Calories in, Calories out, meet your protein and micros, and you can cut or bulk easily.