/CG/ China general

Here we show how the media portrays China far too positively and dispel myths etc.

Interesting talk by someone with a lot of insight into the economic situation of China:

Other urls found in this thread:


So, where are you from? Russia?
Fuck off from Sup Forums and don't come back

Nah, Germany. You don't like truths about China?


I won't bump you, I bomb you, shill.

What a dumb fucking idea

Fuck China.

The dragon lady couldn't wait until the honeymoon to get railed.

You have been compromised.

Where the fuck did u get the impression that the media has been positive towards china? There is a china collapse article everysingle

I don't know what it is like in leafland, but here in sausageland the general public opinion is that China will be the force to be in world's no1 position "soon". The economic powerhouse that knows no bounds and can not be stopped. The land of wonders and miraculous growth. Most criticism from a Germans directed at China will be about product quality, few will dispute the notion that China is steadily overtaking every other nation in economic terms and will soon be "no1".

ah yeah, Chinese weddings, they think they are copying the west, but they just don't get it right


what, why are they doing this?

>shirtless guy taking a picture

have you been to like... one modern wedding?
there's always a segment where people try to do something to get upvotes/ likes

I went to a wedding last year and no stupid attention seeking bullshit happened apart from standard photos, I spose I have a relatively normal familia

>what, why are they doing this?

Its a Chinese thing, they play games in front of parents and children, often sexaul games to embarrass, its meant to be fun, and often is.
But just a bit strange to see.

wow I didn't think chinks could have fun, actually sorta heart warming to see they have humour and aren't complete soulless automatons

China have lots of fun.
Boiling dog alive fun isn't it?
Beautiful howls bring good luck for family.

exactly, animal cruelty is an entertaining past time

chinese people are fucking stupid

higher IQ than you most likely stavros

>wow I didn't think chinks could have fun, actually sorta heart warming to see they have humour and aren't complete soulless automatons

don't confuse having fun, with being human,
Chinese are still the cruel pigs they always were.
Even stupid Panda Bears know how to have fun.

>exactly, animal cruelty is an entertaining past time

call it fun with Chinese Characteristics


you'd do it to if you lived in a 3rd world village where meat was hard to come by if came by at all

>inb4 they have smartphones

shits cheap as chips over there

Poor pupper.
He looks to only be one or two years old.
His life so far was probably terrible, and it's only getting worse.

The main reason they kill the animals themselves is if they buy it already dead it has often been dead for a long time,

what do you think happens to farm animals moron

>inb4 vegan

I'm not, I love my meats

i'd just not eat meat tbph

Ching choung pingpong

I know poultry has it bad, but they're retarded.
I don't think red meat have it that bad, except maybe pigs, but I hardly eat pork.
Anyways, dogs are man's best friend, so we have a lot more empathy for them.

yeah be malnourished and lack protein, you probably eat tendies that are rushed upstairs by mum and spit on her face when she forgets the chocolate milk

most animals are factory farmed mate and live in terrible conditions their whole lives, cooped up indoors and fed the cheapest quality feed most of the time

what sort of retard post was that?

Then isn't it a matter of culture? Cows are arguably just as useful as dogs, that's why they're holy to the Indians and not eaten there. Different places different food bro

Because they still don't know what salting, smoking or drying is yet. Dispite being in contact with it via other traders and people who showed them.

Fucking savages.

We don't torture livestock for sport, you dirty chink colonist.

Your people boil animals alive because they're backwards savages that think pain imbues taste and supernatural benefits.

Same reason you subhumans eat boiled eggs fermented in the urine of young boys.

Disgusting green hat wearing cunt eyed mud people.

that gif, hahaha

try to read english Kebupti, you're in Australia now

Woah that's some hard projection there, you must have a family that does these things in rural gong ying chong bong

>says the one posting nigger T H I C C shit

All Chinese people are pure dogshit and should be put to the sword desu

Except my girlfriend!!!

yeah mein nigger, colonise and survive

Dogs have an incredibly similar emotional intelligence to european humans due to us co-evolving together over many thousands of years.

A dog will be loyal to his master and die to protect him. A cow will not.

This is a bond only Europeans understand. Only non-whites and sociopaths don't understand why people care about doggos.

Not quite what I'm getting at.

People who buy raw meat (especially chicken) for cooking at home are often buying meat from animals that have been dead for a long time or died in unsanitary conditions. This is why a lot of Chinese families buy live chickens to cook.

Fuck off we're full

>autistic Chinese screeching

afro niggers and sand nogs have had dogs for millennia, hell even Egyptians owned dogs for farming thousands of years ago, it's most certainly not exclusive to cumskins

White as fuck here.

Please take a trip back to your homeland and get eaten by an escalator.

>tfw not a chinga
>tfw user projecting his sickening racial type onto me

>dogs; animals bred to see you as a parent and to love you unconditionally are treated with the same respect as fish
>wife hits husband after she falls and hurts herself
>husband kicks fence for hurting his wife
>Chinese government: "we totally 105 average IQ and much superior, you white devils"

already comfy and at home m8, about to fuck my aryan phenotyped girlfriend

Eating dog is nothing special. My father had canned dog meat when he served in the red army.

Nah, the only race that actually evolved over tens of thousands of years with canines were Europeans.

Other races have had them in the past few thousand years after domestication.

proof or fuck off pablo, dogs were originally domesticated in the fertile crescent and spread outwards from there

Most animals are not bred to love humans like dogs, you faggot. If you fall dead a chicken will dance on your corpse, and the average cow won't even notice your body. Meanwhile your dog will mourn you for weeks. And no, the overwhelming majority of farm animals will not suffer like dogs suffer in the hands of a chinese dog eater, you delusional faggot.

Everyone knows they gonna fuck now anyway.

He's not getting laid tonight.

doesn't stop these animals feeling the pain regardless you disgusting spic, just accept that killing them is on par with killing cows (maybe not chickens)

Shut up, dirty Untermensch! Puppy murderer!

>Eating dog is nothing special. My father had canned dog meat when he served in the red army.

Sounds like a wumao post.

its about cruelty and abuse, not the farming, slaughter and eating of meat.
Nobody said farming was evil, but Chinese cruelty is. Its needless and evil.

Most of the so-called "China experts" have a stake in keeping close ties with Beijing:

>Australian Untermensch posters

The guys who landed on the moon are currently fisting their asses and pooping in each others face on trending youtube videos while their woman are knitting and rolling around with pussy hats.

You should get out of Sup Forums once in a while and check out some mainstream socialmedia.

give me a quick rundown hans

Can she spawn new chinks in the hive?

I went to a Chinese fish market and it was pretty amazing. I mean They are so huge and you can see all kinds of sea animals and fishes there.

cheating, lies, abuse and corruption.
Its everyday China, they aren't even ashamed.


It's on wiki if wiki if you search for "origen of the domestic dog".

Dogs evolved from gray wolves between 14-30 thousand years ago in western Europe.

There is a reason why almost every white person around the world has an instinctual affinity with dogs, while other races see them as just any other animal.

Vietnam is back

What about the modest and traditional women meme? First you tell me chinks don't have a 105 average IQ, now this?

>reliable source
you need to go back juan

Posts like these are why we don't consider you "people" to be humans.

The fuck did I just watch?

There's no way this isn't a joke.

I'm whiter than you'll ever be carlos

>pain imbues taste
What if it actually does?

I heard something about Meat coocked alive being saturated with adrenaline and having a special taste for that reason.

Can Chinks confirm?

Btw dogs suck anyway.

Chinese american here.

Would any white euro cocks cum on my face?

F-for science of course...

PROTIP: That actually makes it taste worse, not better

Yeah cruelty is fucked up. I hunt and used to have farm animals. Always made sure to kill as painlessly as possible.

>prime minister receives cash from Chinese dignitaries at pay-to-play events
>Vancouver housing crisis in large part due to wealthy Chinese buyers
>CBC advertising Chinese vacations

Chinada when?

It's evening here.

A scam.

I'm sure you can read a similar synopsis on chairman Chang's encyclopedia.

tits or fuck off sheila

I don't think so, happa.

So since chinese people didn't co-evolve with dogs, as you claim, then why should we apply the European standard of treating dogs with higher priority over other animals to the Chinese? Should Muslims force Europeans to stop eating pork?

nice fingers fatass

Muslims don't not eat pork because they have a great empathy with pigs.
They don't eat pork because they're fucking morons who don't know how to store and cook pork in such a way that doesn't make you sick

certainly not domingo

>So because Muslims didn't co-evolve with Europeans, why should we hold them to the same standards of not raping our daughters?

I said euro - but i bet aussie cum taste like fruit juice, you will do

and cause their book of desert fairytales tells them not to

Touche. What about Indians then? They clearly respect cows more than other animals in their culture, but I don't see them condescending others for eating cows. It's all a matter of perspective. You eat as you like, and I eat as I do, so long as we don't bother each other and enforce a diet on another.

>tfw made a new Chinese friend this semester
>she's pretty cool, has proven empathy and humanity
>starting to wonder if I was wrong about the Chinese


once again weeb, tits or you need to leave

It's a chink eat chink world out there: