College Textbooks, fuck kikes

>Calculus I, II, III
>$299 book
>subject hasn't changed in 300 years
>Publishers are all fucking Jewish kikes

Fuck the university system for not even lifting a fucking finger to stop this shit. Fucking pathetic liberals are good for nothing but wearing vagina hats and virtue signaling.

Other urls found in this thread:

There's no reason to buy a textbook in 2017. You're getting scammed

Of course I'm getting scammed. So are tens of thousands of other American students. Not a single fucking kike college dean gives a fuck about this. They're more concerned with making sure every single guest speaker voted for Hillary.

Stop reading books.

Here this will help you.

Are the professors still hawking their own books they wrote for you to buy?

>dont live in a 3rd world country
>prof has perfect script
>only need 2 books for practice
>~10€ each
besides the ~250€/semester i spend nothing on university stuff

>yes goyim we need a new book every single year, but we made some great improvements this year
>please deposit half your rent to purchase

In my opinion you are still getting ripped off what are you studying allow me to blow your mind.

mechanical engineering specializing in manufacturing engineering

>Going to a physical college
You're getting ripped off by default
>Going to college
You're getting ripped off by meta-default

>not buying the book a week in advance.
>not scanning all the pages
>not printing them out on decent quality paper
>not selling the scanned and printed books for $30 each, undercutting the kikes, and making money
Op what are you even doing with your life?

>DIY Cars

Yeah, amazing what your government can afford when it relies entirely on America to protect it. Neck yourself Hans

kit isnt even an elite university anymore, plus online lectures can't compete with actual contact with the professors at all. all those connections, i got all my internships and job due to recommendations of them.
and if you are not physically in the lectures it usually takes much longer.

Not the point don't waffle on.

Your teachers are taught all the data is at your fingertips.

how hard is it to go here :

You'd lose money. Most places change you 5-10 cents per copy.


It's trumpism not Jews. Capitalism

or even genesis library, they have most of the stuff almost as soon as it comes out

>live in 3rd world shithole
>arranged such that one person in class bought the book
>printed that (number of students) times at a photocopying service run by chinks, of course
>everyone pay negligible amounts for a copy + fraction of original book
>donated the book to the library

Nope, gas every Jew in America and this problem is solved over night. Fuck you kike

>be hyper intelligent but more autistic than smart
>get letters from places offering me money to pay for college
>C.E.R.N. sent me a letter claiming they could use another mind (probably because they can't stop hiring niggers for diversity quotas)
>obtain monies from an entrepreneurial business (shady stuff) to put me through college if I signed on after being educated
>spend money on degeneracy
>drugs and alcohol kills the IQ
>mediocre college results from descending is adequacy from first year to final year
>business Jews don't want me anymore
>no where will hire me
>either overqualified or not qualified enough
>tfw flipping burgers is now a mentally taxing task
Listen to Varg, don't waste your life on hedonistic pursuits, you always lose in the end.