FRIENDLY REMINDER: Gaddafi warned use about the muslims taking over Europe.
There are loads of videos online of interviews he did on the matter.
FRIENDLY REMINDER: Gaddafi warned use about the muslims taking over Europe.
There are loads of videos online of interviews he did on the matter.
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wtf I love dictators now
he had plans to go back to gold standard
then he was murdered
It crazy how a dictator in Libya could have controlled this whole muslim invasion, unfortunately now with the country in ruin the muslims turned their sights on Europe like Gaddafi said.
Ah but by killing him we have made Libya a peaceful utopia.
Libya & Gaddafi - The Truth you are not supposed to know
he was murdered by moloch's will
He armed the ira, glad he ded desu
UK is the biggest arms dealer of the world and has been for decades even centuries.
An armed IRA woud only mean a larger UK military budget so the incentive is with the UK to arm the IRA and we did secretly.
Lockerbie was also a lie and it has been proven
Well he treathed europe more or less everytime. He said that libya will not controll any boats that are directed to europa. And he also said islam doesnt need a terror jihad. Muslim will destroy us with their birthrate
You're a brain dead faggot.
>threatened europe
warned europe, and he was right
> it's a ... gestures dismissively assuming the viewer doesn't know what the internet is... news thing
ok, I've seen enough
someone shoot this faggot with a slow and painful rape bullet of niggers or something
I can well believe it. My party used to be very big on his Green Book. I've not read it yet.
have you seen the video of Assad laughing at Sadaam Hussain when he claimed that the America would invade more Middle Eastern countries. Top bants.
What do you mean "now"!?
I haven't seen that video kek you got a link?
till now i still have no idea why normies are okay with this
it's like the 3rd time in 10 years
where freedom became destruction, death and suffering for everyone (including whites)
They don't know and don't care, the media says he was bad so it's okay.
>no idea why normies are okay with this
Its media brainwashing saying he was a bad guy and Hillary Clinton joking about his death.
Westerners don't know right from wrong anymore
Yeah but, that's not a bad thing.
Gaddaffi was right...u shouldn't have got rid of him. The west fucks it 4 themselves always Saddam kept those religious nuts in check. U got rid of him also u think twats.
It's not so much that their taking over it's more that Europe is letting them take over. Lets make no mistake if Europe wanted too the Muslim scourge would be crushed in under a year.
You stunted Moor.
That's nothing to him keeping the jihadis in check
He had a good plan to prevent anyone from killing him. Not his fault He didn't anticipate this world being insane and embracing the rape and destruction that would come after his demise.
It's like in one of those cliche action movies where the bad guy has his vitals wired to a bomb on an airplane, so if you kill him you kill everyone on board plus the people below who'll get killed by the wreckage. So instead of finding a clever way around it the good guy just shoots him and then starts jacking off to the 24/7 coverage of the plane crash
Good ol' US of A intervention boi
hahaha very true! goddamn thats actually sad how true it is kek
We've been under media mindcontrol brainwahing since childhood. We only know the cultral marxist viewpoint.
>Sarkozy undermines move to gold standard
>duckduckgo "is sarkozy jewish"
>kike father
We need another Gaddafi type leader to take the muslims by the nuts and take them home to a country that needs to be rebuilt.
Only then will Europe go back to the slightly nicer shithole it once was!
The memory is a funny thing. He was laughing at GADDAFI about the hanging of Saddam.
I will also clarify that I'm NF, not SF.
he was pretty based. In terms of violence he was your average middle eastern/african dictator, not worse, not better. But he turned lybia into the richest north african country, actually used to oil revenue to the benefit of all lybians. And he could be reasoned with. He had to go because he wanted to introduce the gold backed dinar for the north african union, to be used to trade oil. Threaten the petrodollar, the CIA'd, easy rule.
Look where lybia is now, a failed state. The international recognized government (GNA) and hafters LNA are fighting for power, various militas do whatever the fuck they want, government structure and services are non existential. A once rich country lies in ruins, and it doesn't look like it'll be fixed any time soon.
Karma is a bitch
>implying they won't take over India too.
RSS soon, boss!
damn, that's crazy
Bet they wished they listened now! KEK
who the fuck hated gaddafi really
not his people
they were in-front of his buckskin palace trying to stop the Americans
the citizens that got free housing ?
the farmers that got irrigation ?
his neighboring countries that were about to venture into a new currency that would boast and probably shit on that petrodollar that has the same value as toilet paper in reality ?
who exactly was the dictator ? the one trying to unclench his ass and remove said ass from the Jew dick ? or the jew´s nr1 submissive whore
its not like he literally knew this was gonna happen and tried to stand up atleast. if he was such a horrible dictator then why did the cuck burgerland befriend him for 40 years until the new currency talks.
someone talks about removing the banking system and re-brand the currency of the world
>>>>>>coincidence time
The full speech.
The entirety of the speech is relevant to context. Gaddafi is trying to urge the league of arab nations to get along.
It's something that Assad's father tried to do but was ultimately cockblocked by (((international meddling))).
And Assad was giggling the whole time. So he wasn't necessarily laughing at the fact that he might be put under the gun.
Maybe getting rid of them was the point. Release terrorism back into relatively civilized regions to destabilize and incentivize intervention.
We're allied with kikes. We fund the zionist kike central. Our government is balls deep in the banking world.
Watch the documentary film 'Hypernormalisation'
Gadaffi red pills
Placed like the middle east and Africa NEED dictators. If they don't have somebody to rule with an iron fist and put down any shitheads sperging out, then it'll just be chaos.
V true user, alot of western governments are to blame for the hysteria we currently face today.
I tried watching it, but it came out of the gate reaking of propaganda to push war against Assad in Syria.
First 20 minutes literally:
I like how everyone rightfully hates Blair for fucking up Iraq, but nobody seems to care about Cameron fucking up Libya.
Also it makes a conspicuous lack of effort to clarify that the Assad they were talking about was Hafez al-Assad, and not Bashar al-Assad.
oh don't worry, hes under the microscope of Sup Forums along with other players in this. Alot of people to blame for this but he has his equal share of hate.
Read the Green Book. This man was loved by his people. His gold-backed currency idea was his downfall
Colonel Gaddafi owns Saudi King Abdullah!
>a slow and painful rape bullet of niggers
Pretty creative! I see you didn't lose all of the great old habits!
Because liberals are hypocrites who don't actually give a fuck about anything outside of the scope of their narrow little existence.
Anti-war for liberals is all about virtue signalling.
So you have Bush as POTUS for the Iraq war. You have anti-war voices from both the right and left speaking up.
Then Cameron is netiher here nor there. Many people saw Libya as Obongos war. So the left world-wide remained completely silent about it.
>muh first black president
Good thread.
Almost weekly I think about Daffy and his death and how in the end history will judge him fairly.
His regime probably would've descended into tyranny, probably after passing the torch like in Venezuela, but that doesn't matter he was the leader north Africa needed.
That place is ten times more dangerous now that he is gone.
Sup Forums, sure, but it doesn't seem like the public here seem to care. Maybe in 10 years.
The problem in Venezuela was that the torch was passed to Chavez's personal bus driver. I mean... no offense to any bus driving anons.. but I feel like being the leader of a fascist regime requires a much broader skill set.
No it isn't. All the people who instigated this are making money off it.
Someone redpill me the fuck out of gadaffi. I need unbiased truth and facts. Our nation arms rebels all the time in proxy wars, so if gadaffi did the same shit and HE violated human rights, that's pretty fucked up.
>when then surface to air missile that downed your us aircraft had a us serial #
He'll just become increasingly
>literally Hitler
as time goes on. Despite mountains of evidence to the contrary.
You have a handful of people, who for no benefit, are the sole keepers of the true story of the fall of Gaddafi. Just internet autists who are uncomfortable with big people telling big lies.
Whereas you have some very powerful people profiting immensely off of the crime. People who have the power to control the historical narrative.
We don't stand a chance. It makes me wonder who else might have received such treatment in the annals of history.
I still don't know why both the Saudis and Assad are laughing all the time about Gadaffi in this speach.
Good documentary, I barely knew his story before watching it.
Some people say that France was in a hury to whack him because he gave gigantic amount of money to several french politicians in power and he was about to spill the bean about it.
The IRA also procured weapons from US arms dealers. This would have
A. Required direct executive approval of the United States.
B. Ireland having been left off of "no sell" list for private arms dealers, aka indirect executive approval from the united states.
Wrong. The Vatican is the biggest arms dealer.
Try not to speak about stuff you clearly don't know.
B-b-but dictatorship sounds scary
I was told to hate it blindly so I think I would know
They don't even do the freedom
Don't overglorify Gadaffi. It's worse now, but he also used to blackmail Europe like Erdogan today and was indeed a primary fund raiser for itnernational terrorism for decades. If ISIS took over Turkey, would we overglorify Erdogan?
Nice tinfoil, faggot.
He supplied the whole of Libya with free water, he was just about to start irrigating the desert when we came in, bombed the infrastructure that ensured free water, bombed the factories who made everything relating to the water project and now we sell them water from UN trucks.
Great fucking job
If he wasn't such an asshole who kept posing off powerful countries then maybe he would still be alive and in power.
Praise Bibi
Saudis laugh because they found their next target
Assad laugh because he knows gaddafi is fucked.
Nice bizarro world talk there.
>who hated Gaddafi
In Libya, the Islamist fucksticks who lived in the Benghazi area.
AFAIK there was a constant culture war between Tripoli Libyans and Benghazi Libyans.
And I mean, you see those videos of Gaddafi's motorcade just driving around Tripoli like that... IIRC gun laws under Gaddafi were actually very permissive. So anybody could have shot him but they didn't.
So he was dictatorfu in Tripoli. Whereas all the country folk were like
>muh Sharia
And were pissed off that Libya chose not to observe Sharia.
(Gaddafi being a raging commie rejected Sharia because Sharia defended private ownership)
Dafuq? Only thing he did was trying to get independent economically and get a grip of his own oil.
Look into what they do and you'll see it isn't tinfoil.
They keep every penny since they aren't taxed.
Do you...interact with others. God help them.
>hurr blackmail Europe
You mean Italy paid them 6 billion dollars in reparations for the former Italian military occupation of Libya under the condition that the money be used to stop human traffickers in Benghazi and to fund programming that would help African refugees in Africa instead of them flooding into Europe?
Posting this because it's funny.
>After Tripoli fell to the rebels in August, she returned to Libya to campaign for women's rights - in particular for equality in the yet to be written constitution.
>The women's conference which Ms Abaida was attending - financed in part by British aid money - was interrupted by armed men.
>Fearing she might be killed if she was abducted again, Ms Abaida decided in September to flee to Britain.
Now you know that the only thing preventing free resources is greedy jews. How ironic that most of this board support capitalist jewry, stupid newfag kike lovers.
Quelch that commie boner a bit there kiwi bro.
Sure Gaddafi had communism that seemed to be working, but I think you can chalk that up to high oil prices at the time, combined with massive oil reserves.
>communism works; you just need unlimited money.
Gadaffi did nothing wrong.
When are we gonna get together and destroy America, once and for all? They are a war-based economy, they will allways find a reason to go to war. They need to go. Soon.
Also, Americans are not white. They are a product of losers that couldn't make in their native land. They should have died.
Communism and capitalism is both flawed systems, communism will lead to stagnation and capitalism will end in chaos.
There are more options than this you know.
Friendly Reminder: Venezuela & Libya posed the biggest threat to the US way of life --where are they now, and how did they get there?
>says Sweden
Fuck outta here.
We're talking about Libya.
>Libya was a communist state.
>Gaddafi was an avowed communist.
>He even went so far as to piss off Arab tradition by rejecting Sharia because parts of it were incompatible with Marxism.
>His destroyers were capitalists with money to be gained from his destruction.
So yeah.. there's "more" than just capitalism and communism. But in the conversation about a communist country destroyed by capitalistic greed and amorality there isn't.
How the fuck did Venezuela pose a threat to the US?
>Implying anyone takes your cucked country's word for anything.
Fuck off, Swedefag. Your "men" are the joke of the world: cowards and women, that's all you breed. Literal disgrace.
But in this case the communism worked. We don't know if it would have failed with the fall in oil prices, or if they'd pull trough.
It's not about whether it works or not, the country was sabotaged by capitalistic interests in the name of stability only to exponentially increase instability.
I don't entirely disagree.
I mean I disagree in that in every example of Islamic state socialism or functional communism (such as in Libya) there's an obvious common denominator; bottomless oil revenue to draw on.
In the Soviet Union's functional days it basically covered enough land area with enough geographical variety in order to establish a closed economic loop.
So it's very obvious that Libya wouldn't have been successful without massive oil revenue.
Well, if we get to play the collective guilt game; go fucking die commie faggot.
>Libya was a communist state.
>Gaddafi was an avowed communist
>in reality they competed with capitalists in the global oil market
>with money
gaddafi was a nazi ancap
It never did, if your not a pussy you'd laugh in Venezuela's cuntface.
With the praise Sup Forums sings him you'd think he was wouldn't you?
He was a visionary. He wanted to create a 'United States of Africa'. aka a self sufficient African trade block. And his communist dictator powers certainly afforded him the means to do so.
But our hollowed out termite log of a Jewish credit bubble based economy can't afford that.
Sadly were Gaddafi not murdered the wests bubble probably would have burst by now.
>not understanding blatant sarcasm
There's a typo in this heartbreaking meme may he rip in pieces in peace