Nelson Mandela was a mistake
Nelson Mandela was a mistake
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Great, now we will need to take in more economic migrants.
race war soon
>plans to redistribute wealth to the country's black minority
You heard it here first goys. Blacks are minorities even in
At this point, 'minority' just means non-white.
>>plans to redistribute wealth to the country's black minority
>You heard it here first goys. Blacks are minorities even in
Band together. Drive every last nigger from South Africa.
fuck man, I'm somewhat of a civic nationalist but shit like this just makes black people look really bad
maybe the only way to have them not be retarded is to slowly civilize them in chunks. Starting to think a shit ton of black people in one area always spells trouble
why does it have to be like this, nature is so cruel
This needs an OP
maybe thats the plan, shit up their own countries bad enough to the point the rest of the world feels bad and takes them in
does this mean it will hasten the destruction of the Boers as economic opportunities dry up over there?
>south africa
>black minority
Jesus Christ, and what worse, libtards will believe it.
The Rainbow Nation was a mistake.
They never learn?
They finally downgraded SA. Heard deutsche bank and others went hard with investments in that shit. How's the financials?
this has got me wondering
if blacks are so fucking disfunctional, how come they havnt died out yet, at least in africa where they are majority in those places? How are their societies and cities not just complete hell holes that are killing off more than are being produced? Are their birthrates fucking insane or something?
The niggers are in charge burger.
>black minority
more like sky fake news
>Are their birthrates fucking insane or something?
Let me give you a concrete example.. Guy in zambia, surviving only on UN food aid from white nations, decide to have 10 KIDS with his wife.. 10 kids!
>help us please we are starving.. you have to help us and our kids..
Welcome to large parts of africa..
In just a few decades all that food aid etc. has essentially mostly resulted in them nearly doubling their previous population and not so much else.
>if blacks are so fucking disfunctional, how come they havnt died out yet, at least in africa where they are majority in those places? How are their societies and cities not just complete hell holes that are killing off more than are being produced? Are their birthrates fucking insane or something?
There are a lot of white owned companies, chinese companies and aid that gies to Africa. Every scandinavian country gives 1% of it's budget in aid (most of it to Africa). It's a ehavily subsidized continent.
It's also very easy to survive in Africa.
Yes . They are used to live without roofs and starving, They get tons of kids. And the place seems like hell on earth from what you guys who have a lot of them say.
The entire rest of the world sends them billions in aid every year.
At this point I'm convinced it's just aid sent to prevent them from eating all the wildlife to extinction. Too bad it's not going to work and they'll eat themselves to death anyway.
you wish
This is happening in universities down here too. Even private unis, where the professors encourage anti white sentiment. I already did my four years so I don't care. I think congress should investigate it so deny those institutions Pell grants.
why does the rest of the world even bother
why cant people realize this makes people complacent and stagnates progress when you baby an entire race
are black people going to be like this forever jesus christ
DBK has dropped a little under 6% over the last 2 days, and is trending downwards.
Then again, DBK has been shit for over a year.
How else are (((they))) going to devalue the cost of labour? Even better is that the people they're seeking to devalue are taxed to prepare their replacements.
This whole system is unnatural an satanic. Its meant to enslave and its done its job as far as im concerned. Dont laugh because this could be our future and the one who has the last laugh is the money lender.
>why does the rest of the world bother
Because nobody likes kids that are starving, it's morally wrong to just let it happen regardless if these people are total shitheads.. But yeah sometimes it feels like an exercize in futility because it's like they are not really helping in their end by stopping having so many kids when they barely can feed themselves..
The problem just gets worse and worse and worse because the more they get the more kids they have and then more people end up starving it's really really tragic and sad.. but what can you do but hope that somehow they decided to help themselves a little bit too.
I mean i would be all for at this point saying that a a condition of that food aid etc. would be that they shouldn't have more than 2 kids.. Then atleast less of them would starve and all this.. But the bleeding heart leftists probably won't even concede to that eventhough it's not even that harsh of a proposal.. But maybe someday that will change.
But is it shit enough to collapse the EU now or will we have to wait for italy or spain?
>This whole system is unnatural an satanic. Its meant to enslave and its done its job as far as im concerned. Dont laugh because this could be our future and the one who has the last laugh is the money lender.
Look i get that in general that it's like that in many situations, but this is really not the cause of their fucking problem! they seem to act so irresponsible that you want to pull out all your hair sometimes..
Guess I'm going full authoritarian here
but we should really somehow limit the number of children people in fucked up situations have
yes its ethically right to ensure children dont starve, but wouldn't it be more ethically right to make sure they arent in that situation to begin with?
Because africa is the richest continent on the planet.
They would be literally living in paradise on earth if they actually made use of what they have.
Also UN food aid
Dunno, last time DBK almost went under they dipped below 10 points on the stock market, which was brought on by a massive fine that would have bankrupted them. They're still above 15 at the moment.
This just proves most South Africans do not read!
>black minority
According to Wikipedia:
>The 2011 census figures for these groups were Black African at 79.2%, White at 8.9%, Coloured at 8.9%, Asian at 2.5%, and Other/Unspecified at 0.5%
That was 2011. So at what point does a black population become the majority if almost 80% is still a minority?
some argue that very paradise is what lead to a stagnation in the development of black people
something along the lines of, when the land is so good to you, you dont have to invent things and techniques to survive long winters and what not
Is sky news this retarded or are they just that deep into NWO propaganda? Fucking retarded.
I know theyre acting irresponsible as fuck but do you think a bunch of black afrikaners have experience with this kind of advanced jewry? At least we know how to do dance to the tune. theyre stumbling because they honestly have know idea what they signed up for.
>Wake up
>"I'm not mad about anything today"
>"Oh hey a South Africa thread"
>mad about niggers for the rest of the day
who else?
The article says 17 million gibs were threatened... in a country with only 53 million people. That means 32% of SA is on welfare.
Additionally, crime is extremely high. Private security firms employ more people than the police and army of South Africa, ironically the last holdout of free enterprise.
Still, it's not yet as bad as 90% unemployment/off-the-books-employment in Zimbabwe.
>over plans to redistribute wealth
>to the country's black minority
>black minority
What did they mean by this?
That's what it always meant user.
Do you not get child payments in the US? In Ireland every single mother receives welfare whether she is single or married, rich or poor.
Many people receive some sort of welfare.
>the entire western cuck world. ftfy leaf, we normal people dont give them anything (except sell them weapons)
fug, didnt want to greentext everything, fucking phone plebs
How can we get a mass quantity of cheap weapons quickly?
Surely some Sup Forumsack would know?
Please no roleplaying not now.
Fucking niggers.
I'm worried that SA is an example of what's going to happen, even at 10% of the population whites haven't fought back properly, only enough to retake their houses and work.
Persuade the US that South Africa has oil and that the white minoirty will hand it to them.
Make your own. If you cant make guns make crossbows. Make sure to kill in one hit and then hide. Good luck.
Ask the lord of war
There are other sources that mention 30% unemployment as well.
>every mother receives welfare
No that doesn't happen in the US you potatonigger.
While I believe that's overall a bad thing for any economy, I don't really mind an artificial incentive to become a mother.
Say that you work for ISIS and Obama will sell you some.
Really though that would just depend on your area, maybe you should sign up to work at a security company but that sounds more dangerous than it's worth.
International aid like (((save the children)))
How long until they give up on that whole democracy thing?
It always meant non-white.
I bet the whiteys did this.
Child tax credits are given to working families here who have a mother that stays at home.
Well they did anyway when i was a kid. and because it was a tax credit it wasnt exactly a type of welfare
my counry sells a lot of solid arms to nations and factions that the west doesnt want armed, get your leaders, f you even have any at this point, to make contact with us. abandon any ideas of your cucked kin in Europe and US helping you, they want you all dead for vibrant diversity, and are busy annhialiting themselves anyway
converting to islam might save your hides
You're gonna have to make them. You can find plans for Sten style guns all over the internet but the harder part will be procuring enough ammunition to actually use your rooty-tooty-point&shooties.
Its quite normal to incentivise motherhood when your economic plan isnt white genocide.
>Oh vey why would you object to mexicans repopulating your country?? Only a racist would care!
We just give cash for each and every child. Its not a huge amount of money.
3 years tops
hopefully there will be one last election where opposition parties aren't allowed and not voting/ spoiling your vote carries a punishment
> Are their birthrates fucking insane or something?
Yes. On avarage over 5 children per woman. And the they have to have many children because the kids die is a meme, western and other foreign aid has ensured their population doubles every 20 years. But don't worry it will crash in the next 50 years at some point and we will see a happening of proportions unlike any other in the history of mankind.
But then who will clean their houses and manicure their lawns?
We used to have something here that'd give you like 5k for every kid you had, we ended up just getting retards who don't think ahead getting pregnant, getting 5k then going on a spending spree.
Don't worry a world war is brewing, last time even Australia was rationing no ones gona send aid to fucking Africa in those conditions.
After the dust is settled the winner will get a entire contenent as a prize. without aid most will stave and without free medications for maleria and aids/Ebola they are fucked.
>But then who will rob their houses and burn their lawns?
But who will hang ropes around their houses and burn crosses on the niggers lawns?
80% is a minority now
oil is the one thing SA doesn't have, they have everything else
No white genocide/erasing of Irish population here friend!
Get a lathe and produce shitty 9mm submachineguns. The barrels are the hardest part but they don't need to be that great for close up, short duration work.
I'm not even joking, a few motivated guys could do it quite easily - the hard part would be getting ammo.
kill me now