Redpill me on tuna, Sup Forums...

redpill me on tuna, Sup Forums. is it actually bad for you or are jews trying to stop people from consuming cheap protein?

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it tastes good by itself if you drain all the water and good on sandwich with mayonnaise


I like to slap it in the middle of a baked potato and grate cheese over it.

tuna and 2 minuite noodes is based family

Too much mercury in it as result of burning coal. Dont eat too often. Also canned food contains BPA a xenoestrogen

who the fuck knows but I love it as sushi/sashimi

Interesting, I just started eating it again today after not picking it up for a long while. Its fine if you don't eat it everyday, the "danger" amount varies from person to person, but you really need to be chomping down a fair bit regularly for muh mercury poisoning to be a thing. I used to eat it as much as I could, every second day at least consistently and have never had an issue.

Protip: Don't buy the shit in brine and spring water, buy canned tuna in oil and put it in a plastic container, homebrand is fine too if you want cheap cheap I can attest to this after eating a shitload of it cause I'm a poor cunt. Its really good for you, eat it.

tuna tastes like shit, get salmon


Don't forget to add some pickle relish, maybe mix in some Sriracha for some extra kick. Honestly I think its OK to have a few cans a week, unless you are a white woman because mercury can build up in your body over time. Minority women should eat as much tuna as possible.

Salmon tastes like shit
Get a boat and catch some spanish mack

>redpill me on tuna, Sup Forums
Canned tuna contains "vegetable broth". It's just soy mixed with some oil. There's not a single brand that does not include soy in their canned tuna. Avoid it.

Its good as fuck for camping

>Canned fish

This. Sardines are a better option. Is similar and even tastier without the Mercury.

a lot of it has mercury, and that shit's a cumulative exposure
just don't buy cheap tuna and you're probably fine, OP

>still falling for the tuna in oil jew
Nice try Schlomo, but you won't be clogging up this proud Aryan's sink drain!

now listen here, this is what you do
You take a can of tuna in its own sauce or in oil whatever you like better cut a whole onion throw it in the same bowl with the tuna and cover it with a shitton of red pepper. Now you eat it with bread. Just scoop it up with a piece of bread. Food of the gods.

I agree on tuna being better in oil than water, but what is the point of taking it out of the can and putting it in a plastic container? It has already been exposed to anything bad that was in the can while sitting on the shelf for however long, what good will putting it in a plastic container for a bit do? Also, BPA from plastic isn't really an issue unless you heat it up past the glass transition temperature (basically melting point).

tuna is ok but cans is not ok
better buy prepared fish

I can get skipjack here for $1/can. 55g of protein.

It's crazy how cheap it is.

disgusting, use salad cream.

The price of the tuna makes no difference. The amount of mercury is because tuna is a large fish. Little fishes eat little mercury. Big fishes eat lots of little fishes so eat lots of mercury. That shit adds up.

God tier cheap protein but DON'T eat more than a can a week. A guy on a bodybuilder forum starting losing hair, bones hurting, lesions on his skin... He was eating 2-3 cans a day, and got acute Mercury poisoning. Stopped and it went away.

Sardines are much safer because they are lower on the trophic level and don't have the long lifespans of tuna (so less accumulation)

If you're going to eat tuna get the ones in water.

Check the labels. They make it clear if foods contain the soy jew now so people can avoid it.

Putting it in a plastic container is just for better storage, so you can put a sealed lid on it after its been opened. I'm talking about buying a big can so its better to store it like that in the fridge

Cheap tuna and expensive tuna swim in the same ocean though right? I wonder if the difference is between farmed vs. wild caught maybe. Also the chunk vs. solid tuna seems to be pretty different in price per can.


Sardines are canned too though?

I feed this to my cat, she sometimes won't eat anything else, it's full of mercury , radiation but but what else can i do ?
don't feed my cat and she gets skinnier, feed her and maybe poison her...

>losing hair
>general malaise
yeah bro, must have been that toxic tuna. Definitely not his lifestyle of utter degeneracy, eating non-nutritional garbage and roid abuse just to 'get big'. it was surely the fish that did it.
misc tier logic everyone


Mercury comes from the fish's diet, not what its packed in.

Like all ocean-sourced fish, it has a high mercury content due to industrial waste.

You can thank '50s USA and present-day China for the extra mercury.

idk but i read a bit about this a few years back. the biggest difference is if they catch dolphins and that gets in with the tuna. you're right that larger sea creatures generally have more mercury, and that's what does it
here's a decent primer:
>article was written before LA Times went to total shit-tier

shockingly, just like almost everything else, it's good in moderation but eating too much/too often is unhealthy.

Ah I see. I might switch to making bigger batches of tuna salad after hearing that. Its so easy to just slap that shit on a couple pieces of toast, its one of my favorite sandwiches!

I'm talking about the xenoestrogens, not mercury

can you tell me the tuna part

That explains why the limpdick went away after taking it out of my diet.

Why fish, though?

Dr attributed it to mild heavy metal poisoning, despite 1 can/wk.

Tuna is pure protein. I usually buy it in a can. If I've got the coin, then I'll buy tuna steak. There's a good fishmonger in my little town. I live inland but everywhere in UK is not far from the sea. The sea is about a one hour drive from where I live.
There was a problem with the fishing method that caught everything - long nets or something.
The tuna I buy is 'dolphin friendly'. It actually states that on the tin.
Here's a pic I just took. It has a picture of a dolphin with the word 'safe' next to it.
(((They))) could be lying. I have no way of checking. My eldest daughter(19 years old) is vegan so I eat loads of vegetables as I don't wish to cook two family meals every day.
Tunafish is good in sandwiches with chopped onion, vinegar and mayo. Also a pasta bake.

They're both great

Will try. Thanks

i eat tuna everyday

I really don't think dolphins are actually getting in with the tuna and being processed and canned. You mean they are just killed in the nets right?

>conspiracy theories about tuna

you guys really need hobbies.

i eat 8-12 cans a week for the last 3 years and have nothing wrong with me

tuna salad is so fucking good. try throwing some chopped celery and crushed walnuts in there, my dude. it's the best

What kind of cheese?

>Taking culinary advice from a Bong.

literally this

Its fucked up. Full of microplastics and mercury. Humans have fucked up all fish in the oceans

Got it in one.

The Jews are pushing high carb diets when the best was to lose weight and get in shape is to eat a high fat, high protein, low carb diet. The fewer carbs the better! Dr Robert Atkins was a roman catholic, really makes you think.

>eating the under water Jew

tuna puttanesca is based

IDF food ration packets have a lot of canned tuna in them, so it should be ok.

no it was a big deal like 10 years ago- dolphin meat found in canned tuna fished from the Pacific *and* Atlantic
Pacific tuna has higher levels of mercury iirc. could be the dolphin, could be china burning dirty coal like there's no tomorrow. dunno; don't care. i still eat it and it's still delicious

I am a chef and also I have done some work in food safety and surprisingly canned fish is not that bad.
Gets baked at 400F, cut and seal with all the machinery, no human contact, which means safer, less harmful bacteria.
Now canned food has a shelve life and also depends on the storage but generally it's very safe.
Just careful with the sodium intake.
Personally I like the Italian canned fish, like in a nice Italian oil, makes sardines a delicacy.

Cant trick me, jew.

Yep canned salmon >>>>>>> canned tuna

I'm not that guy but the answer to your question is mature cheddar

Your advice will be ignored because you can't spell. Sorry.

Yes the coating of the tin has bisfenoli-a. Its known as estrogen copy. Makes the same thing to you as birth control pills.

have a stockpile of tuna cans. What I think is bad is chemical residue from the metal containers which is behind infertility but I don't eat it very often, only to refresh my stockpile. Just had it.

I think a lot of the "dolphin safe" tuna is caught with this technique where they have like ten people fishing off the side of a boat, they spray chum on the water and then cast hookless lures rapid fire and rip the fish out of the water onto a ramp behind them. They don't even reel them in, just whip a cast out and whip it behind you with a startled fish on it! Anybody remember what this method is called?

Enjoy your mercury poisoning

>Stopped and it went away

Have fun with your bitch-titties, goy.

Go get some blood work for heavy metals just in case

that's the right answer to every question


I think the word you were looking for was bisphenol a. Spell it like that so you don't look like a retarded Italian.

I fucking love it, I always buy two cans per month and cook them with pasta, but I don't really belive it's harmful, only when you eat it daily due to the mercury.


How do ou people make these connections?

Mercury poisoning.. but nothing chugging water and excessive masturbation cant fix


lmao fucking humans

it's all natural here

Yes I love salads. It's Springtime here in northern England and I love buying seasonal produce at the market every Wednesday.
My wife is a terrible cook, so I make all the meals. The kitchen is my refuge from a busy life. I can relax in the kitchen.
I also grow my own vegetables and herbs. The kids love gardening with me. I gave them their own patch for flowers and vegetables.
As I posted, my eldest daughter follows a vegan diet. It's her choice.

Tunafish is an easy snack. My favourite is pasta bake. With tomatoes, onion, tuna, some spices, and grated cheese on top.
It's delicious, quite cheap, healthy and satisfying.

>refined sugar
Not even once my dude

Be sure to strain and wash the tuna from the can - pick out the blood meat, and the occasional stray scale. Then I mix with a little mayo, a dab of sesame oil, a shake of Tabasco, salt and pepper. Eat on celery stalks for a low carb snack.

all tuna is priced about the same here

this, or gruyere

pic related is the best of both worlds

>Tuna cheese potatoes are an actual thing in Britain
>Runescape was right

It's all a Jewish conspiracy, (((they))) put mercury in it which causes brain damage, (((they're))) trying to dumb down the white man. Don't fall for the tuna jew

your cat needs a doctor


nice! this is definitely the best slide thread of the week. lots of good info on tuna and how it's caught, some recipes, and mostly coherent replies
is still at
>1 post by this ID
top kek

post by this ID
you mean 2 posts by this ID

good stuff if it isn't bred in fish tank ...

Meat isn't really bad for you but its clogs your body and makes it struggle to digest it.
Whereas a proper plant based diet is what the jews are trying to prevent in every way possible.

I'm not sure. I think it's line fishing. The net method is illegal in UK waters.
Tuna are a very big animal. They are massive and one of the fastest animals in th oceans.

I'm thinking of going vegetarian because as I posted my daughter is vegan.
She always goes on at me for eating bacon sandwiches and roast chicken etc.
I know modern farming methods can be cruel; but I like eating meat and fish.
It would be better if we ate game - rabbit was popular when I was a kid, and pigeon pie.
This was in the 1970s
My uncle taught me how to hunt.

tuna documentary

absolutely redpilled food of the gods.

i prefer to get it in jars preserved in extra virgin olive oil.

the food industry in general is jewing the people out

When you keep looking and finding Jews behind absolutely everything it just starts seeming like the logical conclusion.

We have a picky cat that won't eat dry or canned soft cat food, but he sure loves the soft cat food that is packed in gravy.

what is that poop there handwipe?

thanks for clearing some things up, ignore the rudeposters


Vegetarianism is fine for women, but men need animal protein. Most vegetarian women I know look great, but most vegetarian men I know look anemic. I know rice and beans as a combo is pretty good for protein, but meat is just awesome for maintain or building muscle mass. I really don't see a problem outside of factory farming techniques pumping animals full of hormones and antibiotics.
You jogged my memory, its called pole and line fishing, and looks like a lot of fun.