Post more like this.
Sup Forums posters
The guy on the right shoul be Greek and the guy on the left should be Turk.
Why is it the same picture both times?
Leafs get the rope first
Brit here. Do we have one for us? I'd like to see the obviously ETERNAL ANGLO on the right but you can surprise me with whatever.
You're spared from the nuke, Jap.
It's a paki on the right
but youre not kike
>le ebin potato nigger meme
more accurate
bump. these are hialrious
But it's true though.
n i c e
LOL the guy on the left looks like optic nadeshot
IM a leaf and im neither of those.
Gas those fucking kikes when.
Norway is cucked?
Not as bad as you but still bad
Nice digits. I'm not a britcuck, i'm a NIRfag but yeah. Didn't know Norway was cucked
I just made one!!!!
Rate plz
Also true
Why is there so many Russians in Jewland?
Emigration from USSR.
Seriously Sup Forums needs to sort themselves out
Stfu NZ your just a ghetto version of Australia
If in an alternate universe ghetto meant better in every measurable metric, then sure
But it's not an alternate universe and ghetto means shithole, NZ.
Also stop sending us all these big for nothing Maori fat fucks mate ffs
Frig off, Ricky.
Is New Zealand like a state in Australia? Why do they get their own flag?
Son, I am disappointed.
We had this flag 50 years before Australia. They try steal everything we do because they're a nation of criminals and NZ is a nation of high society intellectuals
>We had this flag 50 years before Australia
Seems like some revisionist history, why couldn't you get your own flag like Austria?
Ask Australia that, notice how they had to add a star to our original design
Is there one for My country?
you wish
"""belgians""" are fantastic posters anyway
>country, most if not all American cities have a higher population then we do :^)
LOL why didn't i think of that
>Brazil has unfriended you from kikebook
no they don't, not even nyc does
Very accurate. I am indeed à sikh. xD
Sup Forums was right, again!
its true though
sikhs are brotier
the most helpful bus drivers here are always first generation sikhs, and they often do very well in terms of social class by the second generation
Somebody make one for me please
Spotted the paki.
Why do the Dutch diddle kids so much?
Because all the Russian Jews emigrated after the fall of the USSR.
and a bunch of russians who were borderline Jewish (i.e. Hitler wouldn't have gassed them) decided they liked the idea and came as well.
With the patronage of
A-American education?
our german genetics
worst one yet
ooh ooh do me next Sup Forums senpai
I can buy that.
Congrats, it's now
Sikhs liberated Kashmir from Muslims.
That makes them bro tier.
Honestly is depressing coming on here im becoming loser Everytime I look and see the hwndu live stream or a something with real live pol members I just see a bunch of beta immigrants who are non-whites fuck this board turned into a b piece of shit
Ty user. I am now enlightened on Jewland squatting.
kek based nip
>checked the flag
Almost got me there mate.
S E M I - R A R E
Always brilliant banter from the Japs.
Should be common by next week
The person on the right looks like Dennis with plastic surgery. Coincidences you posted Frank?
No it's actually worse than Britain because you pay retirement for rapefugees regardless of how much they paid into the pension pot. Fucking pathetic.
Australia always bringing in the bantz
It's from two separate episodes. The picture that looks like Dennis is from the episode where a bloated pedo that looks like Dennis moves into the neighborhood.
The one with Frank is where he unknowingly sets up a little girls beauty pageant at the bar and Frank is worried about being accused of diddling children.