Worst country in Europe thread


pay denbts

Noone likes faggots in Greece anymore

Stop being a diasporafag


Why do you like Ahmed so much.Nobody likes Ahmed

Hey faggot, your country is in shambles and you have been reduced to sucking cock for handouts. In fact, I think Albania's economy is stronger than yours. And they only come out of isolationism in the in late 80's and were plagued by ponzy schemes and on the brink of anarchy. But you clowns seem to want it.

Why don't you stop being a bitch and partner up with Albania and perhaps the both of your countries can prosper.

This guy knows his stuff

ughhhh,fuck you diaspora faggot.Partner up with sand niggers that think they are illyrians when they are inbred savage mongols with no redeeming qualities.Albania is a non country,half of it belongs to us other half to Serbs,kebab should be deported

And no their economy is not and was never good,they were fucking commies that sucked stalin and hitler cock somehow