why are many african countries poor and suffering from malnutrition?
Why are many african countries poor and suffering from malnutrition?
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Alphabet run jewish agency sends gibs so everyone who has a higher iq then room temp dies they essentially forget how.
Flavor of the week warlord causes shit in x region aid trucks stop people die. They sent what little they can plus mostly seeds said retarded niggers eat seeds instead of growing shit
Repeat to infinity
government corruption
the leaders are all corrupt and looking to make a buck for them and their friends
so they shut down people looking to start up businesses and farmers looking to grow food
the governments often don't build infrastructure, their roads are mostly shit or non existent
the education is poor at best
because of all these problems foreigners don't want to invest like they have in China, India and South America
the whole thing is a mess, but if you fixed the government problems a lot of the other problems would start to fix themselves
Because of racism
Black entrepreneurship in Africa is virtually impossible without the help of more evolved race to curb crab in a bucket mentality.
Here's an unbiased explaination. Spoiler: it's completely white people's fault. Try not to dindu on this.
Corruption, greed of those with power, laziness.
>an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources. It is possible for very sparsely populated areas to be overpopulated if the area has a meagre or non-existent capability to sustain life (e.g. a desert). Advocates of population moderation cite issues like quality of life, carrying capacity and risk of starvation as a basis
Human overpopulation.
Low IQ niggers
almost exact inverse of OP pic
ya these langs are tortured. You can forget it there.
Easy talk from us though we really dont know what bs haunts these lands. Because it is unnatural for any people to live in conditions where they can not feed themselves. External intervention is responsible for those problems and not just the Africans. Although the Africans really do their part here.
Mentally impaired paleolithic jungle savages.
This is such a fucking awful argument.
Scandinavia was a bunch of fucking moronic barbarians when the Greeks and Romans had sophisticated civilizations established. So I guess Nords are inferior? Oh wait no that changed as the western world moved away from the Mediterranean and as it expanded it brought knowledge and advancements in lesser developed areas.
Too look at the crumbling west now and say with tears in your eyes "s-see, we're better than you!" is absolutely retarded. The west is Rome and going on about "b-b-bht nobody has an empire as great as ours so this is undeniable proof that we're better" doesn't change that. The west will die and India and China will become the global superpowers within the next couple centuries.
I guarantee every single thing I own that within the next few centuries some Indian is going to be saying "just look at how much better our society is than all others, this is proof we are superior".
Inb4 fucking morons who are too stubborn to admit the failings of their own country yet complain about how their country is failing
based canadian
And adding:
I just wish the fucking morons this board has recently attracted could actually comprehend the legitimate arguments that people like Jared Taylor make when it comes to civilization and racial differences.
But instead, you have these failures at life with zero ability to think to any significant degree wondering "why does da people in da position not be day way of dey not bad? Dis not make sense. Only Jesus make sense."
>highest malnutrition in the world
>Also highest birthrates in the world
Please explain this
for a real answer: this
for a meme answer: iq
But that doesn't make sense because Nigeria is doing quite well for itself. So are a few African nations.
Who are you replying to
>why are many african countries poor and suffering from malnutrition?
Because they are full of Africans?
Most people on Sup Forums are living in the past.
Look how everyone cherish and idolizes motifs and people of the past but refuse to come to terms with the present.
because they're evolved to an environment which rewards overpopulation - they grow too numerous and the weak die off, accelerating their adaption to their environment
since it's a constant environment they evolved physically instead of mentally like us or asians
the best solution is to wall if off and wait it out, otherwise you feed them and then they grow even more in number and spill outwards