What do you think about this?White french at the age 18-24 only 70%
What do you think about this?White french at the age 18-24 only 70%
Bodes well for the future in the the youth are willing to take the risks of changing the status quo. The status quo is going to change anyway.
That rightmost collection of bars look like abstract Jew to me
Why old people from France are such liberal pussies?
Coz France was always a leftist state?..
Public education mate. A history teacher from when I was 14 told us that if Le Pen had been elected (that was just after 2002) that would have been the end of democracy.
What if the non-whites are the ones supporting Le Pen at the highest margins?
they vote for a perceived sense of stability, nothing else
Oh and because they grew up during the "30 glorieuses", 30 years of economic well being for our country right after WW2, where you could litterally walk in a company and get a job. Now that they have money (with high retirement pensions that the young will never have) and most of the land (that is now so fucking expensive) they don't get what's so hard for our youth.
They aren't. They either don't vote or vote for gibs (socialists, communists, anti capitalist party, etc). Local representatives have a habit of buying colored votes through cultural subventions for shitty associations.
Because Fillon promised them to give more retirement benefits while the younger people would have to work more for less money.
It's the young people who live through the nightmare of going to school that's at this point 50% groid or algerian.
because MUH PENSIONS. Typical problem with boomers everywhere. They care more about their own financial benefit than they do about the continued existence of their people. France becomes an islamic caliphate? HEY, WHO CARES? WON'T BE UNTIL AFTER I'M DEAD :^)
more like "pensions cost so much to working people because we didn't make enough kids? better import new people from shitty countries to ensure we keep receving our checks!"
I think that the fire rises
Because they lived in the most prosperous period in 1500 years of french history by creating debt for the future generation?
Because they followed (((May 68))) like good sheeps and launched degeneracy.
Also my parents can't shut the fuck up about calling our millenials "lazy".
They go all butthurt when I say that their generation caused the debt and won't pay for it and because of it the two future generations will never enjoy their level of economic comfort.
We are a generation of whining babies created by a generation of selfish degenerates, I wonder how the remaining whites will judge us in 100 years.
Fillon is going to lose anyway. He should have stopped his campaign like someone with a sense of honor and self-awareness, but he didn't because Les Republicains/UMP/RPR are and always were a bunch of mafiosi.
Btw, did you ever went to France ? There are plenty of brown guys here because we colonized Maghreb and they came here for better economic opportunities, sure, but saying we are on the verge of becoming a Islamic caliphate is a bit of a stretch.
They only have a mosque in substantial cities, and the businesses they own are just kebabs, grocery's stores and shisha bars. A lot of them stay in their shitty suburbs like American niggas and won't be part of the Parisian elite until ethnic tensions will be softer, which will be a long time.
Islam wouldn't be a problem if you didn't fund the mujahideens in Afghanistan anyway. Maghrebis were more relaxed, willing to integrate, prouder of their Berber roots and had a more detached approach to religion here in the 60s-70s.
Yet the current state of France is anything but.
This is false. I am voting for Macron so is all my friends. Fake polls.
It's because you're parisian
0.05€ ont été déposés sur votre compte par le Fonds Emmanuel Macron de la Banque Rothschild. Merci d'avoir corrigé le rapport
>Oh and because they grew up during the "30 glorieuses", 30 years of economic well being for our country right after WW2, where you could litterally walk in a company and get a job.
The eternal boomer strikes again!
Is it really this far way ?
Hamon is doing his campaign side by side with the PIR (Parti des indigènes de la république) which are an overtly islamists association (little quote from their founder "The republic is an islamophobic religion")
Hamon can be descibed as an proto-candidate of political islam
Also look up for the UDMF (Union of the french muslim democrats , even though there is not a single muslim country that is a democracy, but hey the bigger the bullshit the better). At the regionales 2015 they manage to do up to 25% in some neighboorhoud, and they printed only 200 000 vote ballots for the whole Ile de France (information from the Canard enchainé).
They had a candidate for this presidentail election but he didn't get the required 500 signatures.
A little note on their ideas (based on their policies for the regionales)
-Separate bus for women and men. To fight against "sex harassmen". Yeah sure it's absolutly not sex-segregation based on sharia law of course
-Public financing of halal industries And islamic banking
BAsically it's creeping sharia law but sugar coated with "feel good" bullshit the bluepilled idiot love
Our country is rotten from within by this ideology. How many years before political islam become one of the main political forces in France ? Not many i'm afraid
>Le Pen is winning in all age groups except the ones that are gonna die soon
pic related
No one believe in Hamon after 5 years of Hollande. If he was really a leftist/socdem, he would have supported Mélenchon and let Valls commit electoral suicide.
>the PIR(e)
I didn't know they support each other, but it seems like it's just a half-assed PR move to save the Muslim electorate who voted for the PS in 2012, and it won't work.
A part of the far-left also stopped supporting the PIR because of Houria Bouteldja's last book (see tuttovabene.noblogs.org and Le Monde Diplomatique)
>the UDMF
>Separate bus for women and men to fight against "sex harassment"
>Public financing of halal industries and islamic banking
They will win 3% of the votes at most in the future if they keep that shit in their program.
The Muslims are just 7% of the population, and I don't think most of them are fundamentalist enough for that kind of shit.
It's true that they might become a more present political force in the future (and that may suck, I mean I'm a leftist but NI DIEU NI MAITRE), but do you really think the 25% of the FN voters will do nothing about it ? Or even the liberals and leftists, who are attached to freedom of religion ?
>How many years before political islam become one of the main political forces in France ? Not many i'm afraid
You should read "Soumission" by Michel Houellebecq. That's the exact subject.
mate, I have no idea about muslims being 7% of the population but that's changing real fast. Of all newborns in France this year something like 35% are non white, of which we can assume a good portion will be muslim. In 2 or 3 decades they may well be the population group with the most elective power.
Because they actually have to live with the consequences of the decisions those old cucks made.
>Of all newborns in France this year something like 35% are non white
Do you have a source for that ? I thought statistics based on skin color aren't allowed there (not that I think it's good or bad, it's another debate).
You have to look at the 2013 region by region details. There are other sources for 2017 but it's fdesouche so... Further info: the test to determine wether newborns have sickle cell disease (drépanocytose) is only done when BOTH parents have origins in "zones à risque" (Africa, middle east, south asia).
Other (official) link, for numbers and how they target newborns.