Comfy warpics

comfy warpics thread

>tfw you will never dress up doggo in your uniform

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>n-azis acted like h-humans!?

this one is badass

I hope he's drinking water. I would have puked.



that's cute as fuck


>the jew trying to derail the thread
g-guys nazis were bad!!!!!

Why would you post this?

oh come on, here comes the edgy patrol

dont mind him
keep posting comfy pics


Dresden was never actually bombed, this is just more Nazi propaganda

any war?

sure thing
go ahead dude

Don't they all look comfy af?



It's almost like every other side in history has been just as human with their own hopes, dreams and flaws

that hair on the middle girl holy shit


"no goy! nazis were evil monsters! remember that!!!"

>Reading great-uncle's journal after getting home from fighting in north Africa
>Held in a POW camp for two months
>Reading how they shitposted their captors by teaching each other rough German
>They captured a small rat and taught it to smoke tiny little cigarettes
>They posed him with a tiny little shell helmet and stick that looked like a rifle
>A picture exists of this
>It was taken and hidden somewhere by my grandmother because a German took the photo
>It will never be seen by human eyes until she's dead

One day soon. SOON.

cute nazi bromance

Father was a war photographer got some good stuff from yugoslavian days

is that based Wojtek?

that's pretty fucking cool user
got any more

and that dude looks quite skinny to be in a war

awesome material dude keep it posting

O kurwa nie rub mi to ;__;

Fuck off street shitter





what is up with all that sick hair
like damn dude


Kek. Have you ever even won a War, bogan?


Single handedly? No. Participated in a war that resulted in a victory of our side, fuck yes we have. Why don't you stop pooing in the streets and drinking ganji water then the rest of the world might respect you


You sound a little frustrated


>bombing of Dresden
>women obviously raped, rural setting

Photo is Soviet atrocity

>tfw you will never be a part of hitler youth

Sorry my dudes im currently out of town and don't have the rest in digital form ill try and continue the thread when i have the album and post all of the really good ones

Because you little shitheads keep polluting our threads with cancer kek

How the fuck do you leave this?

well yugoslavian army didn't fight in many wars but its not that uncommon here to have skinny soldiers

>and people say that having groomed hair makes you a faggot
yeah, because this photograph is filled with a bunch of pansies

meant to quote


>and people say that having groomed hair makes you a faggot
is this a canada only thing because i've never heard this?
men here take care of their hair n shit and it's still manly

>excuse me hanz, let me just walk over all your food

I see burgers say it all the time on Sup Forums


dont fucking listen to them dude
people like that usually look like shit themselfes

take care of yourself, make yourself pretty
hell I brush my hair every morning



>be at war
>constant labor and stress
>scant food
>dysentery and local diseases

>tfw too badass for war

>hell I brush my hair every morning
alright no need to go overboard

what are you a faggot

>what are you a faggot

Find one more comfy than this

protip: u cant

turns out the burgers were right all along

can I save this by telling you I fuck both men and women?

>inb4 dick-cannon through history

someone make a collage of all dick-cannon pic

Or this

that makes it even worse

sweden is so fucked

>not being bi
have fun being stuck to women user

There will never be a way to prove it, but I will bet all my money that dick-spear and dick-halberd were common things before the invention of firearms, and always have been.
War never changes.

>War never changes.

That's not how relationships work. Not that expect some kind of queer degenerate to understand functional relationships.

>wanting to settle down when you're young
>not wanting to having fun and partying, meeting new people

Looks like Flakhelfer

>that old guy looking at the three dudes

>not wanting to having fun and partying
I wish I wasn't always so right.

>meeting new people
I didn't realize I can't meet new people if I'm a functioning man.

German police was so based back then.

They didnt have batons, only guns and bayonets.

My grandpa told me how a policemen cleared a crypto brothel with his bayonet

>I wish I wasn't always so right.
i'm young dude, I dont feel like marrying anyone yet
>I didn't realize I can't meet new people if I'm a functioning man.
I didnt mean it like that dude

OP, you're an autist and you should get gassed

White flagger triggered


This is how you light a cigarette with another one To need to be all in your face about it

Fuck you cow worshipper

Meenwhile 20yo achmed is having his 4th kid. The west is fucked.

the west doesn't need people like that swede

we're better off not worrying about him

>ywn drive around with your redpilled friends, cleansing Europe from subhuman filth
why live?

I want one of those half-tracks so bad

>Sup Forumss version of freedom riders

> (OP)
>Or this
>Kikes btfo
>Literally צ on the side
Is this the final form of Jordanian education?

Oy vey.
How did he escaped?

Who wouldn't worship such tasty food?

Pls post more soldeirs with cats

There's this famous story about a Belgian halftrack battalion that fought on the frontline in the USSR against the nazis, to get back they had to go to America and cross the atlantic. Quite the surreal story.
