Gimme literally one single logical argument why homosexuality is not a mental illness

Gimme literally one single logical argument why homosexuality is not a mental illness.

it is not its an hormonal imbalance

you can cure male homosexuality by pumping him with testosterone

I need to be filled up with the cure right now senpai.

Gay sex doesn't fix being gay


Most personality disorders are not hormonal imbalances either. And the fact it can be cured with a pill adds points to the pro-mental illness camp, not the anti one.

Give me one simple logical argument why claiming you are God's chosen people is not a mental illness.

Also it is influenced by trauma/life experiencies. When you are self-represed (mostly by fear to the opossite sex or social role dispossal as male) you become a little bitch and your body basically adapts to it.

>knowing nothing about the endocrine system
>trying to lie on the internet anyway


because they drive up housing prices and are great for the local economy
unless we decide unironically having black skin is a mental illness then being gay cannot

It is, but we should accept it as long as they don't act like faggots

That's the catch. Without shame they'll act like faggots. You have to keep the pressure on, or you damn us to having to settle with twinks.

It's not, it's a psychedelic mushroom hallucination some desert judens had back then, that became an ethos through the years.


You cant

Why are Israeli posters so HQ?

Sexuality defined by mental state, then heterosexuality is also a mental illness.

must be something the Rothschilds put on their food

Israel is basically Rothschild baby

You don't need to have procreation on your agenda to love someone, faggot

I just got done banging a filipina all night long, she just got divorced and wanted a white cock to celebrate her rape of her husband. I fucked her extra hard because of it, I'm on the husbands side. I spit in her mouth

fags will never know this feeling.

Probably has something to do with Kosher food.

Because your fellow Jews say so?

>Liking apples defined by mental state, liking apples is an illness

That was the shittiest arguement ive ever heard

>british intellectuals

Literally poster from jews paradise on Sup Forums

Hard cock massaging your prostate is the final redpill.

I got nothin.

This. Every fag ive met was fiddled with as a kid. Coincidence ?

Define illness and reassess


love doesn't sustain humanity, procreation does.


Maybe fiddling brings closets out the closet?

Have you ever been fiddled by a dude?

I feel ya nigga.

Well, not as a kid. And im straight, so.

And if you don't care about procreating then you can still love someone.

Over 7 billion cunts out there, let the homos do their thing.

Learn some basic reading comprehension.

So you have been fiddled by a dude, thats gay bro.

You gay

Sex is nothing but a more elaborate form of masturbation. Love and feelings can be part of it, but not necessarily.

The way I see it sex is designed to be most pleasurable when penis goes into a human hole. By default this is vagina. But anus is also a hole so buttfucking is literally more natural than masturbation.

I mean okay, if homos are crazy then everyone who masturbates is at least as crazy.

Yes, no other possibility surely

Go eat a dog you fucking chink.

"Natural" doesn't have degrees. Its like a lightswitch, either on or off.

t. Elliott Rogers

>Gimme literally one single logical argument why homosexuality is not a mental illness.
Pro tip- I can't


I find no fault in the Japanese treatment of you fucking monkeys.

based nips.

But it is, because our behavior is controlled by many tiny mechanisms. If in every case some of them don’t work as intended you will declare the person a deviant you’ll have the majority of deviants.

How do gay guys walk around not constantly embarrassed about the fact that everyone knows that while they dress nice and act professionally, in their down time they lick hairy man butthole?

Fuck I'm sick of all these pathological fucks in society. Why can't we just have them all killed?

>a jew calling anything out of the norm a mental illness

>According to DSM-IV, a mental disorder is a psychological syndrome or pattern which is associated with distress (e.g. via a painful symptom), disability (impairment in one or more important areas of functioning), increased risk of death, or causes a significant loss of autonomy; however it excludes normal responses such as grief from loss of a loved one, and also excludes deviant behavior for political, religious, or societal reasons not arising from a dysfunction in the individual.

you can be a homosexual and not have it cause distress, disability to function, increased risk of death or loss of autonomy.

>muh aids, muh suicide statistics
doesn't apply to all homosexuals, so it's unrelated to being a homosexual.

Does it affect you personally? Do you see them doing their shit? Does what they do in their bedrooms harm anyone in the grand scheme of things?


Then stop giving a shit.


Looking fordward to see a serious study on it, without bullshit taboos of million genders tolerance. I mean being gay isn't good or bad, but all is determined and can be scientifically researched for pure knowedgle.
Most lesbians become so because they had bad experiences with men (early dad agression, , love life based on pimps that become boring..), others just are traumatized attention whores fed by contemporary ideological currents and so... In the end it would be definitely useful to know what causes this behaviour, i think is just brain self-defense trough subconscious


My testosterone levels are actually closer to above normal than below, but not really either.

Still gay.

Sorry but guys make the best girls. Women just aren't good at being 1/5 as warm as a gay guy can be. Also, every time my boyfriend and I mess around we get to play games together after. I feel lucky to have a cute twink bf, but they are honestly everywhere now.

They had it right before: be an upstanding member of the community with wife and children, while having fun on the weekends.
Separation of public and private life, better for every orientation.

>"Natural" doesn't have degrees.
agreed, it's either natural or magic. Talking about human behavior as unnatural is retarded unless you believe satan literary makes people gay and you can pray it away.
If their behavior doesn't come from nature where does it come from?
and where does culture come from? Thas right nigger, it comes from nature. You can't escape nature, and branding things you don't like as "unnatural" is bottom of the barrel retarded.

mfw homophobia is more related to psychological illness than homosexuality

ids de benis touch bum bum

Genes not working is natural retard.

Heres a pro-tip if it exists in the universe or is possible it is natural.

>Gimme literally one single logical argument why homosexuality is not a mental illness.

Homosexuality is caused by chemical warfare, fluoride acts as a hormone disruptor and estrogen mimicker, combined with estrogens in the food and water supply.

They WERE born that way, but it's not genetic.

Gimme literally one single logical argument why homosexuality if it is a mental illness, is bad.

>(impairment in one or more important areas of functioning),

How is not being sexually attracted to procreative people (aka the actual purpose of sex) not an impairment of functioning?


Who defines the purpose of sex? It can be for procreation or for pleasure.

To deny it is also for pleasure is showing personal bias.

Well, in spanish we have this term: "pelársela como un mono" that means jerk off like a chimp.

I think this reflects perfectly how natural is masturbation, and I personally see it more natural than putting your dick into a hole designed for shitting, but hey, anyone is free to do anything

It isn't.

The truth has pushed homophobes out of social acceptance altogether, even among most right of center groups now.

Get back in the oven jew