Come to /qa/ to join the resistance again re.ddit idiots that are too stupid to ignore and sage shariablue robot shill threads
GIVE US /mlpol/ BACK
i think adult mlp fans should be physically punished, publicly shamed and socially harassed until they see the errors of their ways
they have no place anywhere but graves
I am sure you will also live stream the attack on facebook. That is about your level of intel.
back to plebbit LeAF
The pony army is gathering troops. Join or die.
how dare you not support our pony allies
/polgbt/ is eternal and natural.
We need knights for the charge. Round heads only.
>the horsefuckers are still here but in smaller doses
Number plate a lovely touch.
come on boys
riot now
/mlp/ is probably the only board with more potent autism than Sup Forums. We could not compete.
and /mlp/ has the best drawfags on the 4chins
You can go to it via url
True. I will be standing up in my wheel barrow and pretending I am Boudika.
its frozen, plebbit.
Ledditors should be slowly beheaded with a dull pocketknife. You are a cancerous, rotting diarrhea festering in the anus of the human experience.
That's the thing. We don't compete. It's a mutual relationship. They get a red board to post horse pussy on and we get a board out of view of the majority of shills, that disgusts the ones that do find it.
It's the chemo to the cancer we have.
It's been frozen for quite some time now so they're all up in arms, the board is there but you can't post in it.
unleash your inner samurai, nip
New axis powers confirmed.
The ugly autistic mentally ill horsefucker shills are trying to take over Sup Forums and are coordinating on discord
Report all horsefucker shill threads and posts
Women are for duty,
Boys are for pleasure,
Ponies are for ecstasy.
Kill yourself ugly faggot nigger monkey
lol give it up /lgbt/ you knew it was never going to happen
pay debnts
>vault 7 leaks show CIAniggers are literally autistic brony posters
>yeah let's merge Sup Forums and /mlp/ amirite
Agreeing with a leaf for once bronies need to be shamed for watching mlp.
Your Denbts, pay them.
/qa/ is being purified with friendship lol.
Kill yourself mentally ill ugly autistic horsefucker neckbeard subhuman
>being attracted to fictional cartoons on a children's tv show
>who are also animals, celebrating every color off the rainbow
BAHAHAHAHAHA oh god. Tell me, are your parents proud of you?
Should be "Nothing is beyond our REEEEEE"
Please do. Please go running to teacher you big mouth CNN. I seen you flag here today. I know you are not a true pol. Time to change the oil in your barrel of boys.
Just curious, are you the same closeted faggot who spams tranny and homo threads?
Hey mods why aren't you deleting the horsefucker berneyfag pictures according to Global Rule 15?. Do your fucking "job" and gas those ugly freaks
fake news
Did we ever find out how /mlp/ got rid of the shills? I think it's because the shills are phone posters and you couldn't access /mlpol/ on phone
Watch out for the glass!