April 3 is over. Was anything revealed?

What was it?
What happened?
Another non-happening?

Other urls found in this thread:


literally nothing

bumping because i want the answer.
Maybe hidden by slide threads,
maybecorrected so that we are in another timeline.
still asking this question.

the answer is and always will be that nothing ever happens and that nothing was revealed or ever will be.

A big fucking LARP'er wasted our time and played us for fools.

Who's the douchebag then? Him? Or us?

I can't believe I was looking forward to a happening

New Hillary Clinton emails were released on the foia website, and a sharia blue shill who was fired came forward and answered our questions


And here's shariablue fag

your assumptions of "nothing" are arrogant
>do you know EVERYTHING that happened yesterday?

thank you kind sir

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

the answer to that question will come on the 18th of April

I just scanned over the share blue archive. Seemed like mucho nada.

The happening was supposed to be about 9-11, right?

& no problem lads!

Oh, right. The perpetual scam of "happening in the future."

Why the fuck do I even come to this Aboriginal soap carving forum?

Ur soliptic mind can't create enough happenings user

just fuck off

exactly what i said.
this world is constantly changeing and evolving and for a person to say that nothing happens (or exists) you must know everything that did happen in order to say that with certainty.

its very simple.
"nothing of note" would be a more accurate statement by First post but even that relies on others utilizing his personal modicum of what is noteworthy.
in other words things always happen....... whether you choose to see them or not

Wasn't there a terrorist attack in Russia yesterday guys on the 3rd? That's a happening I guess...

fairly noteworth IMO
time to start reading like the NSA after a confirmed trump post on Sup Forums.

Oh fuuuuuuuu-

another decent post.
again another happening that seems to be non-noteworthy to others.

It's true, the day we get a real happening, there won't be any happening thread on Sup Forums

Oh yeah and kek is going to arrest obama



Nah, the 9/11 thing was a red herring to fuck with pol. the April 3rd happening was predicted by fbi user who on,y said vague things like "everything will change."

Given the Rice story got some traction April 3rd, it's a potentially ongoing happening.


All I can think of is the Russian bombings, but that doesn't really correlate with what FBIanon was saying.