Again. Like all the happenings that never happened. Nothing ever happens.

Everything is LARP.

If it is a shill psyop to exhaust us it is working on me quite well.

I can't even anymore.

What was even supposed to happen this time?

Somewhere, someone's PC bluesceened and they lost a lot of work. Are you happy now faggot?

I guess if you continually predict happenings every other day there will eventually be a happening.

As usual reddit and trump fags fell for our trolling. This is why its so easy to tell you cunts appart from everyone else.

>tell you cunts appart from everyone else
yes your presence is blatant and obvious. Indeed it is easy to identify you commies

You mad, Rusky? The April 3rd happening happened in your country, and no one cares.

no, faggot/shill, not everything is a larp.
stop being a moron if you can manage

noone cares about terror anymore
it is normalises, because it changes nothing

Nope not mad at all. It happened in peters, so they likely only blew up some degenerates anyway.

>Again. Like all the happenings that never happened. Nothing ever happens.

You newfaggots just dont get it, do you?
Do you constantly notice your tongue? No.
Do you remember what you've eaten every day? No.

The happening is in fact ALWAYS happening and never ends, that's why you don't notice it. You've grown accustom to it without even knowing it.

Is st petersburg a liberal city?

Us gov overthrow/civil war on May 1st. Get ready faggot

you mean someone would literally go on the internet and lie? NO WAY!!

I guess you could say that. As the former historical capital, it's where all the rich trendy young people hang out.

I dont care about fucking terror lameness.
The shit they do is lame and ineffective.
It changes nothing.

What I'm waiting for is something relevant.

LARPing is Sup Forums's best meme.

And you guys fall for it every single time.

wtf I hate happenings now

Actually faggots it did happen
60 minutes features fake news cernovic
cernovic breaks Rice unmasking
Proves MSM dead and Trump absolute right

yet this will change nothing at all

>implying it was happening
>implying its ever really been happening

The Happening is coming

You'll learn to ignore these predictions.