Question for other white ausposters who live in or close to abo areas, how bad is it? I'm buying a house in an area that connects to a fairly black part of my city soon.
Question for other white ausposters who live in or close to abo areas, how bad is it...
> buying house near abos
It's a steal mate, big place, 5 rooms, 3 garage, big yard, $200k
It's not near abos but it sort of connects to a suburb that leads into an abo area.
This was the call that saved Australia.
You owe these honorable Aryans all your respect and petrol.
im from katherine, its fucking aweful, im moving to melbourne in october to get away from it, there is this thing they call the sit down, where all they do is drink slabs of beer all day, there is hundreds of cans littered everywhere and then they go out to cause trouble. new laws that allow the cunts to get away with fucking anything pis me off too. my brother and his mates got in shit a few years ago for beating up a group of them who wre breaking into a car, they all got fucked in the ass and the abos got of scott free
Despite all its other flaws, the one thing Melbourne doesn't have, except in negligible numbers, is Abos
We are making up for it by importing as many actual niggers as we can though.
>It's a steal
Only thing that's going to be stolen are your bikes
Northern Territory user here.
It honestly depends on where you live. There are different clans and corroborees.
In Darwin you mostly only get the drunkards, but if you stay out late, you'll get the ones that ask you if you wanna steal a car together (yes, this happened. Has happened to me multiple times)
The further south you go, i.e. less government and more liberal funded aboriginal communities, the worse it gets. There is a town near Alice Springs which is almost 100% Aboriginal. Which gets to Detroit level of Niggery. Abos on the streets with Machetes, weird ass gangs, bars on the windows, police who just don't give a fuck and let the world burn.
I remember one clan made entirely of women called "The Celine Dion Sluts". Good times.
Anyway, where you moving, user? I've done work all over Australia, I might be able to help.
Hahahahaha. Moving to Melbourne to get away from black cunts, oh the irony.
I'm from a small town with a very bad reputation with loads of abos everywhere, but honestly they're generally fine and I never had any problems growing up. Never felt unsafe there, Sydney felt more dangerous desu.
If the area your actually buying in is nice enough then don't let it stop you, nothing will happen. Just invest in some security cameras etc.
Do not... i repeat... do not.... save more and live elsewhere
The kids roam the streets and throw rocks at cars. Make sure your shed/garage has a lock and install security cameras. You can exist in their suburbs although it won't really be living.
A city north of Perth. According to the owner he lived there a long time and never had trouble with them, kinda hard to take his word for it though.
Move to a remote area in north queensland. Nice up this way.
Yeah the immediate area is pretty nice, the house has a monitored alarm system, good fence line etc. I wanna clarify that I'm not moving directly into an abo neighbourhood, just kind of near one.
There aren't really that many abos in Melbourne. A lot of asians and plenty shitskins/pooinloos though.
You'll be fine
Take a study trip to Moree. Floodlights and CrimSafe are a fixture. Tactical doggos are essential, too. The glorious four-pawed bastards (or bitches) are pretty naturally racist. Then again they do have a pretty acute sense of smell.
>tfw have more iq than every poster in this thread combined
Well since there are a lot of Aussies in here.
Where would a burger have the most fun in Australia?
There used to be heaps in the town I grew up in, southern NSW. They weren't that bad. Then before the Sydney Olympics they moved a bunch into these new houses they built for them. They taught the local ones about stealing and sniffing paint.
Had to make sure you hide anything not bolted down in your yard.
Last time I went back I didn't see hardly any. I have no Idea what happened to them
Are you shitposting for something to do while Achmed fucks your wife?
It should be fine then. If you're not actually IN the abo community. I live in rich people part of NT, right on the beach. But a few years ago, there used to be this old complex right near my place. Aside from the screaming once they got their weekly cheque and bought some grog, there was no real problems.
I'd suggest getting a bigger fence, and maybe putting a lock on the gate. That's what I did. Well, until I got used to the area anyway.
Also get a dog.
Abos are deathly afraid of dogs. The one and only time an Abo walked onto my property, my dogs (who only bark at non-whites, no really) chased them for a good two km down the road.
Sunshine Coast.
Lots of things to do, very tourist friendly, beautiful beaches, lots of sluts.
I'd lived in a predominantly white neighbourhood for over 10 years, with only a few incidents of theft or burglary or whatever.
The suburb I live in has had a couple of big housing projects, and of course some of those residences became housing commission homes. Recently coons moved in, and they walk down the street to play basketball at the park.
We've had several break ins and cases of stolen property already. On a more personal note, one of our cars has been broken into and a phone stolen from it, and some of the locks on our doors have had damage from some stupid fucking cunt trying to force them with something.
In short, don't do it you stupid fucking git.
> tfw your gf is being raped by a "refugee"
Fence line is nice but I'm going to raise it a little bit most likely, all the gates have locks and I have a large dog. Only downside to the house is an alleyway up the back that appears to get some foot traffic (broken glass and ciggies up there) owner claims its been that way for years and is mostly used by kids on their way to school nowadays.
I'm torn between asking the council to come and clean it up (eye sore) or leaving it the way it is (broken glass and bullshit deters people from going up there)
they just beg for money and are friendly enough
to abo, or not to abo
that is the question
Ahhh, that sounds dodgy. Also, don't trust council for anything. They're lazy fucks. No matter what state.
Owner is probably having a hard time selling it because abos.
by the ....we are the bikey bikey boys
Perthfag here. Tell me suburb and I'll tell you how fucked you are
Fuck you have some good advice mate!
I'd add that if there is a good community of elders about that the kids listen to can be a big help.
A mate of mine had some shit stolen, called an elder and the good were returned the next day.
Stick to the East Coast Check out Melb, Syd and Brisbane, then realize they are all the same so go to somewhere a bit more remote, realize your in the middle of bumfuck nowhere with nothing to do get bored and go home.
Have fun!
Closer to Bayswater side or Guilford side?
Yeah the owner mentioned that he paid the council 2k to come clean it up and pave it but they never did. Said some neighbours tried to buy it and close it off but they wouldn't lettem. We have family friends who live a few blocks over and they've never had trouble.
>"The Celine Dion Sluts"
that's catchy.
cool Hans, its nice of you to let your women give some of that german IQ to help the inbred muslims.
meant for
which city is it?
>lots of sluts
how much for the hour?
A few hours north of Perth.
lel, you are fucked user, get a license for a gun and be prepared to use it, best of luck.
I'm not moving into a warzone user, just worried about kids trying to knock my shit off.
is it a small town like Two Rocks?
LOL yer pretty fucked here, cheers
That's the worse of the two but it's not like you're gonna be facing a coon apocalypse daily. The Midland train line will pose the most problems if you're near any of the stations and your local large shopping centre (Galleria) will probably have joogs hanging out at the usual times, Tuesday/Thursday nights and weekends.
Nah pretty big city. I'm living on the southside of it in a newly built area right now, 0 coons, comfortable to go out any time for any reason, but I'm renting. If I move to the northside it's a bit cheaper but it's closer to the more coony areas.
>implying shitskins and poos aren't considered black cunts.
Fuck off Achmed.
If you purchase avoid Midland Gate shopping centre, in fact avoid Midland altogether.
Just check backpage, user.
Never had a problem at midland gate? Midland is a shit hole but midland gate is generally fine. Shit skins would rather drink then hang out at a dead shopping center
If the house is worth it just move there, don't make your decision with coons on your mind or your pretty much getting intimidated
That's a good point, thanks user. Talking to the bank tomorrow.
Just keep some of your lights and maybe your tv too if you leave the house on fridays and saturdays
Back in 06 I was driving through Tennant Creek and when I was parked up for a bit, old abo who looked like a Detroit crackhead started knocking on my window. I rolled it down and the guy started talking all Australian - something about wallabies and billabongs, Idk I didn't get any of it. When I started talking to him back, he heard my American accent and went into full proper English mode, which surprised the shit out of me. Asked me what I was doing here, if I ever been to California, we talked about guns. I gave him a cig and he offered to invite me to dinner with his mob. I thought by mob he meant he was part of an actual mob - like some sort of Aboriginal mafia. So I declined.
Interesting creatures, those Abos.
Hahahaha fuck i hated going to School at KHS. They got given a newly built room, they destroyed it a month later, i believe they use it as an actual gym now witb gym equipment.
I reckon you'll be fine, maylands has a better reputation but I've never heard anything particularly shit about bassendean.
Always get those chinese providers with fake pics
gayman islands XD
that's so original
tsss what is it an island for crocodiles or sumthin XD
Im sorry, your poor. I shouldn' t make fun of you
I wish i gave a fuck about your poor fag existance, so i could give you some money for food.
But i don't, so I wont. Sorry cuckstralia
that cut deep, i'm hungry
I feel sorry for you guys. The abos here just bum smokes of off you and eat chips. They also have a strange tendency to fuck dogs.
is that really a thing?
dog bj's are natures way of saying your really ugly
or, when the dog stops, cause your out of peanut butter
City abos are generally run of the mill boongs. I lived in Bayswater near 3 abo homes for a year and saw all sorts of fuct shit, including
>cars broken into up and down the street
>boong fights almost daily on the road or in the park, including once where a baby was tossed around like a rugby ball
>assaults on pedestrians and taxi drivers
>burnouts and loutish behaviour at all hours, all days
>break-in attempts where an abo distracts you at the front door while others sneak in the back
>prostitution attempts
>asking for a lift "home" in exchange for a pair of jeans
200k is a steal for a home but Bassendean in general is pretty shite, basically a northern Kwinana
Baldivis detected
>it's a steal
I fucking wonder why.
You'll be fine. The shopping centres and train stations are the only places to watch out for.
guess it depends on tribe re: the dog fucking thing, never heard of it in french leaf land
ones in the GMA where im at mostly just drink a lot and sell tax-free fireworks and cigs on their reservations, they live apart so theyre not anywhere near as bad as nogs or white trash for crime
occasionally a half breed or a smart one will find his way out into the city itself to get an education on the govt's dime and while they can be insufferable theyre such a rare sight no one really cares
dude living closer to a reservation might have a diff opinion tho
Oc for ya boi
lurk more
Who /frankston/ here?
Oh wow. You guys are like disgustingly racist...