ITT: Things that trigger libertarians

ITT: Things that trigger libertarians


Triggered insofar as they would see this as a missed opportunity for a corporation to fill the holes, tidy the roadside and charge tolls for its use?

Fuck roads, who's going to pay for

the army (unless you're thinking in terms of AR-15 and pickup truck tier militias)
national security

a libertarian society would never produce anything that goes beyond securing their immediate needs

Why would I be triggered?

Would be quickly fixed if local cities had the ability to fix their own problems via public conjecture and action, much like a homeowners association.

Libertarianism is NOT anarchy, you fucking nitwit.

Because in Libertopia, there is no incentive to build roads or fix potholes

Why fill in the holes? That will eat into profits.

There's no incentive? What about people who need roads and are willing to buy them? i.e. you, me and everybody else with a car...


There are so many things in my community that I would pay money towards improving but don't because I'm taxed enough as it is. So where is my tax money going? NEETs, homes for refugees and fat fucks health bills.

google 'jerry brown roads'

As a civil engineer, this triggers me

Half of which isn't even going to them. Just gets siphoned off by bureaucrats. Private roads would be cheaper, better and more efficient.

What a shitty road. That's what happens when you just use two inches of tar.
Someone made a lot of cash with the unused public funds.

Libertarians are autistic and can't see this

>implying I need roads when I can just ride my nuclear powered private spaceship

People who say they support freedom but also say you're not allowed to say nigger.

Not if you're charging for the road use. No one wants to use roads with potholes every three feet. If the roads are privatized, people will stop using them if you don't repair them.

>yfw that road is a public road and most private roads are really nice

>people will stop using roads

Are you retarded?

Just wait until flying car are invented.

In reality people need to get places so they will use the road no matter the condition of it. What are people going to do, open up another road beside the existing one?

Looks like a normal Pennsylvanian road, nothing to see here folks.

The road was self evidently shitty in the first place. Climate appears to be cold and wet and the potholes and binder failure are self evident. The ground is also probably highly suceptible to saturation and no select fill or subgrade work appears to be present. Looks like some beaners threw down a road with some random binder content HMA, rolled over it and called it a day.

t. Libertarian road civil engineer...who works for the state.


Nobody cares, it's obvious you made that post to show off to everyone that you help build roads. Cringe, kys.

>There's no incentive? What about people who need roads and are willing to buy them? i.e. you, me and everybody else with a car...
What, so they form some sort of consortium so they can buy the roads collectively?

A consortium... a bit like a government purchasing roads on behalf of the people that want them (that is, the taxpayers) to be honest pham


Mate if you think the government is spending your tax dollars wrong then you bin them out it's pretty fucking simple

Surely that delights libertarians? Because they don't want government money spent on the roads, and that's exactly what has happened here.

In theory, nobody wants to use a train that delays an average of 30minutes a day and is infamous for their shitty conditions

But there are no alternatives to some basic necessities so shitty services with no viable alternatives are often kept going.

I fixed the two potholes near my house myself, it was inexpensive and didn't take much time at all.

If you have to use a road every day of your life, why would you not spend an hour or two to repair damage on it that could cost you thousands in axle damage?

Just buy a bag of cold asphalt, and follow the instructions, it's not hard.


No point arguing with contrarian children who've picked up Atlas Shrugged and think they're enlightened as a result

You have heard about the anarchists in Portland who fix potholes out of selfish desire for adequate roads, correct? They're more efficient than the gov't.

>doesn't understand how property is legitimately acquired or how force is used to protect it

I don't know about your foggy little Pakistani conclave of an island, but over here we usually have more than one road to choose from.
Like pointed out, that's likely a pubic road

you fixed your pothole with what they call, "cold Patch". Thjat shit is temporary and will break apart in no time. They don't make the real shit available to the public, no matter what you think or say.

Who cares about the condition of the road when you have a 4x4

If by "trigger" you mean "get me to fill my truck with gravel and take care of the problem" then... ok?


gravel is a bad idea, it does more damage and harm. You people are fucking stupid.

Companies looking to profit off the research. If there's no profit potential, it's not research worth doing.
>the army (unless you're thinking in terms of AR-15 and pickup truck tier militias)
>national security
Legitimate functions of government based on libertarian principles.

Nigger the government patches with cold patch too. They arent filling it with the good stuff until they mill and overlay the motherfucker.

>Mate if you think the government is spending your tax dollars wrong then you bin them out it's pretty fucking simple

This is based on the assumption that it's somehow moral to just choose a group of individuals that are allowed to steal from everybody. If I live in a neighborhood of 10 houses and 9 out of the 10 vote to steal everything from me, they're not somehow justified in doing so because they chose to do so democratically.

where's a clip of homer driving with snow chains on and a piano on the car when you need it
>woo baby look at that pavement fly


I'm a water treatment operator and right next to me is the DPW, they're literally useless. Work fair niggers. So, you're doing the same as a work fair nigger. My point is, don't even bother, you're not helping or making a difference. You're just adding to the mess you moron.

Simply ask the (non-Hoppean) lolbertardian the following;

>"how are your (few if any) white libertarians posterity are going out vote and gun 300 million brown socialists?"

You will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.” He will be furious, he cries out in pain, as he strikes you.

You are beyond full of shit, I literally got the cold patch from the local government.

and cold patch is temporary nigger fix, YOU FUCKING IDIOT

>taxes for budget for roads

That's what I call socialism, liberbro

>>"how are your (few if any) white libertarians posterity are going out vote and gun 300 million brown socialists?"

What libertarian worth their salt actually believes that it's desirable to "vote" your way into power?

What do you mean? Looks like home

My politics have become nightmarishly dissonant, but they pay well and I do good work at least to ASCE standards for traffic engineering. Its a thankless job and all i get is bitching and moaning from cheap contractors that are jewey as all fuck.

Oh here is another fun one, explaining engineering concepts that take 6 years of school to people who leaped across a boarder and dont speak english and didnt graduate middle school... No hablo espanol auehuehue.

Ugh. Reality is a fucking redpill dude. The few white guys who are middle class joes are good fun and great guys, pretty smart too. Very worldy kind of people just simple. Read, not stupid, simple. They know what their lives are about, i can respect it. Some of the tacos aint bad people but id rather they make their country less shitty first you know?

Doesnt make sense for them to turn my country into theirs....that feels like an NAP violation. Technically state land is private property and they will comically defend it to a degree that would make an ancap proud. So theres that...

>it's a libertarians are ancaps episode

no shit, it buys time for the bureaucratic retardation that is government to come do the actual repair.

Usually its

>you call, complain
>they send someone out in 1-6 months to cold patch
>it helps till it doesnt
>they put it on their list to fix in a fucking year
>redo cold patch if your lucky in that year
>shit gets patched.

By getting the bag yourself you skip the (in my case 4) month wait for the initial fix and gives you something to actually use in the mean time.
But no, your right, I should just keep running over the fucking hole for 4 months while retarded niggers like you play tiddlywink with my taxes.

Socialism works

>What libertarian worth their salt actually believes that it's desirable to "vote" your way into power?
most of the American ones, unfortunately

I dont even think there's a base course seeing the actual tire rutting. Standing water on the left is offputting also.
>on gov't pc
>browsing Sup Forums

What if I dont want to fucking pay for roads? What you gonna do about it faggot, tax me?

>inb4 homeowners mercanary millitia will kill you if you walk on our road

Cold patch is a bandaid on a shotgun wound. It usually rutts out quickly above any kind of heavy vehicle service load, even slightly heavy axeled trucks can frag a cold patch. A cold patch behaves much like a cold solder weld. Its something to stick in the hole but its not bound well with the surrounding asphalt concrete and the aggregate and binder may vary. Much like nogs in a white society lack of homogenous groups cause cohesion failures... Lol

Whatever man. you for the tune in the dpw for water usage. So there's the what have ou.

Ayy man, early AM shitposting is a government service in and of itself. Just look at trumps twitter tirades.

>asce standards
wouldnt it be your xDOT standards? Gonna need an rfi on that chief.

Yes and no. Especially during the winter yes they will use cold patch as hot asphalt will cool too rapidly for the expense of actually having to use hot asphalt. But during the summer we'll load up an entire dump truck full of hot asphalt and go around patching potholes when necessary. Of course if we did do an overlay would be nothing but hot asphalt regardless of the conditions but you typically don't do that until it's warm enough.

I worked on a road crew during one summer when I was 16.

>latino women


>a bit like a government purchasing roads on behalf of the people that want them
So you agree that it would work? I don't see how private-funded roads being similar to public-funded roads make private-funded roads wrong.

>if you think the government is spending your tax dollars wrong then you bin them out it's pretty fucking simple
>you bin them out it's pretty fucking simple
This is inferior to the direct democratic power of spending within a free society. Democracy is a failure. You're cucked by the government and your vote doesn't change shit.

There are already models in the US where the government does not construct the roads. Some homeowner associations construct the roads, and have new owners agree to terms where they pay for the maintenance. Business Associations and developers have done this as well for malls, airports, industrial parks, you name it. Then, of course, you have toll roads. Connecting roads could be also be paid for by two interested associations, as it makes both properties more valuable. Residents want access to work, and businesses want access to employees.

Then there's the ever present offroad vehicles. Some may even opt for helicopters - which could be relatively cheap in a free market society. Who says roads are the ultimate solution to travel? Hmm... would make a good deterrent to invasion if every American owned an Apache.

if libertarians came to quebec, they would kill themselves immediately upon seeing the impossible amount of plotholes

Are you literally retarded?

>im so retarded i think libertarianism is anarchism
>check flag
oh :)

I think he just wants to be selling shock absorbers.

I'm not a libtard but that's the road under a non Libertarian government

Free market would just invent hovercars faster.

I think you meant to say things that trigger ancaps. A libertarian would believe in the government's power to build infrastructure, and they would believe in the government's power to protect their rights and the rights of their property.

It suddenly becomes a lot easier to focus on fixing the roads when the government doesn't have 1000 functions and instead has 3.

>What are people going to do, open up another road beside the existing one and make alot of money?