EU ULTIMATUM: Brussels tells Poland & Hungary to 'accept more migrants or LEAVE the bloc'
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Will the EU cause WW3 with their bullshit?
Germany wouldn't have it any other way.
Are Germans to intelligent for this world?
Polant you have a proud name and lineage. Dont be pushed the fuck around! Hungary, you have always been a rock of defense against Mohammedanism. Dont let The Beast and Whore to control you!
What's the EU going to do about it?
It faces a chaotic breakup if it keeps throwing tantrums.
Join as honorary members of the anglosphere , surround germs in Ze pincer movement.
What did they mean by this?
Bye-bye than Kraut, you need the market more than us
I hope they leave.
much respect for hungary they deserve better than this bs here.
and poland as well though I know less about them
>the EU will collapse in your lifetime
>EU tells the beggars of Europe to share their gibmedats with other subhuman beggars.
Thank fuck we're out of this mess.
Savantic nation
Pooland can't survive without the EU.
God I hope so
Poland has more refugees per capita than germany
The problem is that they are white christians (ukraine)
What we desperately need to do is form a closer trade alliance with v4 countries, maybe even expand it with more Eastern-European countries. Then we might survive getting out of the EU.
>oh shit countries are abandoning our idealogical political agenda because of immigration
>better kick out some more countries because of immigration
its like they want to lose...
Wait for the next elections in Austria, ÖVP and FPÖ want to join vishigrad
EU can't survive without Poland.
If UK and Poland both leave EU will lose 100 million people - 1/7 of total.
We're shilling in eastern Europe because we need new allies now we lose Britain soon
How did they survive all those centuries before without the EU?
it can survive in some form, will most likely be Germany and 3 other countries in the end.
Being the bitch of Turkey aswell, aswell with even less places for these migrants to go if border fences/walls are made
saved pic
We need to end the germans for good this time around
It's kinda funny. Our progressives and Left call themselves "Europeans" and support the european integration but at the same time reject migrant quotas. How does one resolve this conflict? I still think some people here would rather choose staying in the bloc even if it meant taking quotas
>need new allies
>shit all over them
????? profit?
The situation is more difficult than that. Our current economy is based on being an EU member. To get out we would need at least the same time it took to get in to change it again. About a decade.
Why would we shit all over them?
If Poland and Hungary cave in, the world is finished. There is an infinite supply of niggers ready to replace Europeans.
It's the EU man
Junker is always drunk
He claimed to be the leader of this planet once and theatened to "break appart" the US last week
Yes but it will be seen as a decline of old glory, so noone will care about EU any more.
Proof positive that the EU is filled with a bunch of fucking racists.
that already happened you ignorant faggot
the ones who ruined europe are still around but you seem unable to identify who that is
It would be fun is the plan backlashes and the country actually leave this fucked up project. EU is blackmailing as usual.
>.... Okay bye EU
>Yes we're out just as Brexit
>Fuck off
Once again in shit but at least with Hungary.
Dis gon b gud
>kicking out the only countries that have any sort of substantial GDP growth because they are poor post-communist shitholes
>wanting to officialize that your economic bloc is in recession
Viselgrad Union when??
Morally? I have no idea. But setting cultural and demographic suicide as a precondition for friendship is a shitty way to make friends, no?
fake news
Malta has great GDP growth in the last few years, and we're not treated like this. But we're small and already took a lot before stopping immigration.
lol, Poland will still be standing when America is a giant chaos of slavery and misery and destruction; Poland right now is looking far more sustainable, and has a far better future ahead of it, than the irredeemably indebted and corrupt and Jew'd United States of America.
>tfw first you think the poo is going to burst
>but then it's all nogs
Your economy is especially fucked if you would leave the EU. Well I think for now you will either have to take a few thousand refugees or pay a fine. Atleast the money is going to EU bordercontrol.
Can't Poland and Hungary just veto any actions taken against the other?
Who ordered this?
It's fucking dumb to push this right now.
If they refuse the ultimatum, that would mean the end of the EU.
Surely our overlords can't be this stupid? What's their endgame?
kek, saved
how'd martin luther contribute to fucking up germany? legitimately interested.
Polexit and Hexit when?
I'm not sure if many v4 countries want austria after the way your country acted when migrants first entered hungary.
Same goes for Croatia as well.
The V4 need countries that stand by eachother during times of need, not call them racists and nazis and threaten them.
You dont understand the position of the States. They can never be backed into a corner. They can simply change the rules of the game when they start loosing.
Our manlet king is so butthurt about Germans trying to dictate Poland what to do, that chances of EU's success in this matter are about 0%.
It will be funny, though, when Schultz will win elections.
Other than the Netherlands, who would be our ally then?
We have been relying on Britain ever since we joined this damn union.
> Pay a fine
Because Germany isn't openly fascist enough.
If only it was diverting its fascism towards anything but silencing dissent against immigrants and Muslims.
Malta is too small to have an impact on the overall growth of the EU. When the 2008 crisis hit, Eastern bloc countries were the only ones who kept the whole EU from being officially in recession. Today the situation is not much different
Haha what a bunch of desperate faggits.
>What's their endgame?
Destroying the few remaining ethnically homogeneous countries. Flooding Poland and Hungary with niggers.
Poland and Hungary eat up more funds then they provide.
Without the UK, cutting them out will save the EU money
Fair enough.
Polish border will be broken by big multicultural dick like it ws broken many times before
Poles are servile creatures and will not riot againt germans.
Refugees will go one way or another
Look at this triggered Kraut. Your time is coming.
Well if you want to change the EU you need to change Germany first.
But Migrants don't even want to go to Poland, the welfare is shit
your big friends
no but seriously you people are going to take the fall so thanks for that.
You can een see it here, Americans and Brits still have a fighting spirit, you don't/
The EU is right. Why should western Europe be expected to take in refugees all the time? Eastern Europe needs to take its fair share.
You're providing quite the argument for the dismantling of the EU.
LEAVE THEN KEKS!! They are giving you an out!
Yes, do that; the wealth brought to you by the West is how (((they))) convince people to willingly place themselves in chains; they've done it with countries like Spain, which used to be bastions of traditionalism, and now they're doing it with you; and if you accept it, you will just be trading 20th century eurocommunism for 21st century eurocommunism.
You need to cut the dead rock of western Europe and the US loose, and start thinking about paving a different future for yourselves. Western wealth comes at a price that isn't worth paying: it is an existence of servitude and total control; it is a dirty trick to convince people a bit more wealth will solve all their problems.
It's not like the refugees respect any kind of law and will actually stay here. They'll cross back to germany in a matter of days.
And out government knows this as well, the whole point is to show we're not exactly push overs when it comes to you forcing your ideology on us AGAIN
>butthurt about Poland
>still cleaning Polish toilets
Yeah, no.
The religious wars.
But it would severely diminish territory and weaken the borders even more. It would also destroy any positive economic effect of Schengen that's left.
Also, the Russians, man. THE RUSSIANS!!
So get on it then. You will loose out on all the online gaming licence fees tho.
Economicly it will be nightmare since in Poland right now pretty much everything is sponsored by EU at least in 3/4. It will bring some balance political to the region although the tensions will rise. The worst part is that current party is anti eu and they act like they don't care so the might just leave to show dominance and fuck us economicly.
We have 1M of Ukrops already
Do it! Based Poles and Hungary,tell Merkel where to get off. Crash this plane with us, brothers!
Poland leaves block
Poland and UK best friends
Poland recieves more efficient "funding" from UK
Poland and UK have focused, efficient economy.
Choose the heritage of Europe and not the pseudo-Communist bureaucratic technocracy that is the European Union (which has nothing to do with European civilisation).
first germany will pay for the holocauster, then russia for smolensk
You're thinking short term buddy. Your country needs to do this to get strong.
What's that? The ability to make your own trade deals?
Guess what we're looking for? =3
The EU is not stopping Putin from invading Europe, its NATO.
What kind of propaganda are they feeding you where you believe that the fucking EU is scaring away the russians?
eternal anglo strikes again
It is like living with parents.
Seems nice, since you get free food and some cash.
But when you leave home you can start your own life.
It is time when you are making most money, not under parents roof.
First year or two seems rough but then it gets better and better every year.
Should not have joined the EU then. Dont blame us for your mistakes. Take responsibilty for your actions. EU is a collection of Nations with the same values. One of them is to accept refugees apparently. It was all clear before you joined its not just an economical union.
In some cases, like being deprived of a right to vote in Europarliament - yes
But being sanctioned financially - no
>right now pretty much everything is sponsored by EU at least in 3/4
eu gibs are less than 2% of our gdp
The ones you tried to take away from us already by attempting to pass an arbitrary "only from the same country" rule when you want open borders for literally everything else?
If not for the EU we'd have more access, not less.
>sponsored by EU at least in 3/4
Like I said - beggars.
That is how they trap you, and then it is even more difficult to leave, and you become nothing but a vassal. Break away while there's still time. Fuck the EU and its disgusting practice of using rivers of gold to subvert native traditions. They are trying to turn the whole world into a giant parking lot of consuming and fucking and nothing else; they are philistines of the highest degree, and traitors to their ancestors all..
Polish and Hungarian bros, save yourselves! get out now!
> Kraut probably actually believes this.
>take niggers or we'll go to war with you
And they still doubt the Kalergi plan.
Good. I hope Eastern Europe gets BLACKED. For too long have they supported an anti-White organisation and not suffered the consequences.
Aussie gets it. There were already some fugees in Pl and they mostly fled to Germany
That was our leftist party chancellor. Right now, they can't do anything but doing "right wing" policies and are the little bitch of our conservative party.
So don't judge us all by those idiots.