Redpill me on ADHD and the medications used to treat it

Redpill me on ADHD and the medications used to treat it.

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Population control.

i use adderall so you shoudl too, faggit

methylphenidate is a great study drug

it's kinda like your psychological concentration is diffused light instead of a flashlight beam but when you come across something interesting it becomes a laser

saving focus for racewar desu

So how does this happen? Do genetics actually cause behavioral problems, therefore certain people are naturally a certain way (criminal, violent, stupid), or is ADHD caused by behavioral stimuli, meaning the drugs are unnecessary?

The reality is you can't be sure that picture was taken of a person who took drugs or didn't.


Seriously with the pharmaceutical companies paying for all the science you can't even be sure any pill on the market is actually effective.

Take for example anti-depressants. They are about 2% more effective than sugar pills in independant double blind studies.

Vaccines I think

I take concerta and ritalin.

bummed a few prescriptions worth of adderall off my friend who didnt use his in college, while the initial rush/high is amazing, I think once I stopped taking it, it threw me into a bout of depression that im still recovering from also I just don't enjoy things like I used to.

tl;dr fuck adderall

Load of crap. Best medication is proper discipline.

smoke a shit ton of hasj bro.

I take Strattera. if I don't i'm like a vegetable at uni

>Redpill me on ADHD
meme created as excuse for severe autism

>and the medications used to treat it.
pic related is very effective

I have it and the best way to describe it is a feeling of extreme boredom at everything. Sitting still is boring, school is boring, mundane tasks that dont make any sense to me are boring.

Recreational stimulants such as speed and mdma make me feel relaxed and able to concentrate. Unfortunately due to this ill never experience a high from these drugs. Opiates on the other hand are double good because relaxation from the speeding brain.

Lots of people are just lazy and its over diagnosed and can usually be solved by self control, exercise and hard work.

Weed and ADHD is a shit combination.
I become lost in my own head after just a small toke.

If you have trouble concentrating weed will make 10x worse


>I have it and the best way to describe it is a feeling of extreme boredom at everything.

Maybe you're just a spoiled piece of shit?


It's just a scheme to push jew pills on kids.

hasj isnt the same as weed. Smoke it pure from a bong and learn to focus when high. Im diagnosed with ADHD too and my focus becomes superhuman when doing that shit.

Binaural beats and isochronic tones may work

You can actually develop ADD/ADHD via stress overtime. Stress depletes your neurotransmitters, especially dopamine and norepinephrine and too much of it without proper diet/amino acids/protien is gonna make your brain literally salvage it's own neurons to get it.

Shit is beyond horrifying. Basically stress can turn you into a neet without even realizing it. You miss out on so much life has to offer let alone academics.

Thats pretty much the only thing we get in Norway, tried different sorts and they all feel the same.

People told me i had ADD until they stuck me in a fast paced mathclass.
My patents NEVER drugged me. They believed in me. Now I'm working toward a PhD in computer engineering

"Oh, this person has genetics that makes their thought processes quicker, and also can't handle slow education!" "What do we do, Dr Normie Goldbergstein? Do we put him in an educational environment that isn't too slow for him?"
"No. Drug it. Drug it until it's like the other goyim."

Also lifting weights helps.

>it becomes a laser

Then why don't you dedicate your life to doing something extreme like living your dreams?

>my patents
My parents

I was a useless mess and permanent failure before I started taking medication. Become a lot more dangerous after starting medication. I wonder why the jews let me take meds.

ADHD is only a ''problem'' because modern society forces everyone in an artificial box. Same with autism. If we were living in a natural and primitive way, the people with disorders wouldn't have any problems.

ADHD is correlated with criminality, but it doesn't cause criminality, violent behaviour or stupidity. Most of the stupid fucks that get diagnosed with ADHD probably just have low IQ, but parents don't want to hear that their precious nigger kid is simply stupid, so they go with ADHD. Which isn't that fun from the perspective of a high IQ with ADD. Never been violent at all, quite the opposite. Was among the top students during elementary school when you could surf through with general knowledge, but when school actually started demanding doing homeworks, that's when I realized I can't do anything.

Fake and gay. When my dad grew up, you sat still and listned, or you got your ass whopped hard by the teacher at school, and by your father when you got home. With that said, my dad has never laid a hand on me. Oh, yes, once, but i clocked him back, broke one of his teeth, and that was the end of that.

You still might have adhd. It doesn't mean you can't concentrate, it means you can't hold that concentration. A fast pased class gets around that.

Im doing great in school, but i still misplace my wallet at least 5 times a week. So yeah I've still got challenges.

>Redpill me on ADHD and the medications used to treat it.

IT's a bullshit diagnosis that gives pharmecutical companies that are owned by globalists an excuse to lobotomize intelligent children that don't want to be indoctrinated.

everyone thinks your gonna be some super genius solving all kinds of equations if you have it but really it just makes you impulsive, not have much self awareness and hard to get along with.

"Through counterintelligence it should be possible to pinpoint POTENTIAL troublemakers, and neutralize them"


School isn't for education, it is for indoctrination.

Those children who don't like the indoctrination get filled with neuroactive drugs to destroy their mind.

>Never been violent at all, quite the opposite. Was among the top students during elementary school when you could surf through with general knowledge, but when school actually started demanding doing homeworks, that's when I realized I can't do anything.

kek i have ADD and u jsut described my life. never studied got what u call in america A A+
in tests but when the real shit started i got stomped

It's real but misdiagnosed. It's a debilitating illness and can severely and negatively impact the life of one with it.

Medications vary in how they are affect the user.

Cycle through medications until you find one with the least amount of side effects and build your tolerance slowly. It isn't clear whether you should take drug holidays. When I took a break from dexedrine I was totally unmotivated, but I couldn't figure out whether it was withdrawal or this was how life was before meds.

If you can find a career and life that does not require the use of stimulants this would be preferable.

The fuck do you do waste management or custodial job

> Basically stress can turn you into a neet without even realizing it. You miss out on so much life has to offer let alone academics.

Elaborate on this? I'm a NEET in a semipermanent state of stress and some kind of fucked up limbo between ADD & depression where nothing gets done and barely anything feel satisfying or worth doing.

I have started over 200 song projects in the past year and finished none. Finishing a project seems mentally impossible, as if my mind was sure there was no way I could be able to do it.

Physically I feel like I have enough energy to do just about anything, but mentally I find it difficult to focus the energy on any complex task.

Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are examples of off-topic and/or Sup Forums-tier threads:

>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)

Why don't you faggots lurk more before making shit threads like this?

I was prescribed with ADHD and my IQ runs at around 125. Not super high, but high enough to know I don't need pills to turn me into a zombie. I to could not deal with homework. I didn't see the point. I still don't desu, teach your class better, don't eat up the poor kids free time where he should be running around breaking bones and getting into trouble. Massive amounts of homework is the sign of a shit teacher.

t. newfag wannabe mod

I used to be sceptical of it, but a few years ago I got diagnosed with ADD and got medicine. The difference is mindblowing. I went from a depressed wreck living in filth, to a happy and productive person with a good job and a clean apartment. If the jews are trying to fuck me over then they're doing a terrible job.

As a comparison, before I got my diagnosis they just gave me anti-depressants, and that shit was fucking rat poison. Terrible side effects and no positive effects.

>thats the only thing we get
Maybe if youre a pleb. I can get green any day/every day. Its all about them contacts. Dont talk about shit you dont know.


what are you on m8?

You're one of those advocate for weed guys, aren't you

They gave me anti-depressents called stetera as a kid. My doc said it was standard ADHD meds and gave me the max dose allowed for my weight. You mean to tell me the doctor was jewing my parents?

Huehuehue, drep deg selv

Heavy metal damage
How to remove heavy metals from body
Look into those things guys

Vyvanse actually works

It's physically related to brain from birth. t. severe comorbid ADHD, depression, and Tourette's

Antidepressants work

I take venlafaxine. Used to take Zoloft.

It works

Heavy metal poisoning causing symptoms similar to ADD & autism =/= heavy metal poisoning causing ADD & autism

Amphetamines should not be used by non-ADD brain.

I have an OCD, prozac helps but in case of OCD causes symptomes very similar to those of ADHD. Its fucking real and it is really shitty to live with, pickrandom.

Dats not how it is bro. If something is boring then it's almost impossible to do, unless there's some sort of immediate need to do it. Has nothing to do with being "spoiled". Sorry you don't like whites :^(

it's called evolution dumb ass
that doesn't make it bad it's bad in our shit societies and education systems
processing faster is highly useful in the computing age

You get bored really easily and thus it can be hard at times to concentrate or recall things. Your brain doesnt get the natural dopamine response it wants.

The fact that we allow and generally advocate alcohol usage should tell you how much faith to have in the (((mental health))) community.

Freud was full of shit and modern therapy is just self affirming nonsense that tells betas and thots that their behavior is acceptable.

99% of ADHD diagnoses are just rich parents who can't accept that their kid is an asshole so they pay a doctor to tell them otherwise.


In other words, in this situation you either waste 2-3 hours per day on rituals, or you cant concentrate on literally anything for more than few minutes.

translate this autism for me someone

Ive always been pretty smart with tons of General knowledge that often impressed teachers and fellow students, yet i couldnt be bothered to sit still or concentrate in class and around 6th Grade my Marks got worse which lead a teacher of mine to Start worrying .
Over the years ive often noticed how much of a cunt i was when i forgot my medication.
0 self awareness, rude, much more impulsive etc .
Its Not Like im a Bad person without meds, Just kinda annoying/exhausting to be around

Ahmed, ADHD has nothing to do with bad behavior, that's a Jew lie.

Huehuehue. Nei du deg.

I suspect because you never leave the computer and have no time line to work by so the ideas just pile up continuously, if you got out and let your subconcious sort out shit you would be able to prioritize

codename for autism/mild-retardation

c'mon dude the general public isn't self aware
they're all mired in comfortable lies
why should they be treated well, unless you feel like being generous at the moment

Most people aren't good and wise they're broken selfish monkeys, and haven't earned so much as pleasantness because they live lies

Maybe you more aware of their shortcomings off the meds, letting you perceive more accurately

your whole opinion is based on the world is good and sane, it is neither

>complex tasks

Bro you have ADD 100%

I recommend vyvanse or adderal if your too poor

ADHD is like having rush hour traffic with no signs or traffic lights for a brain.

ADHD with Adderall is like having the most autistic nip savant in the world directing that traffic with maximum efficiency.

I have ADHD, and I have a wife, 5 kids, and I have a decent job, plus great people skills. My IQ is a decent 116 too.

But why the fuck I'm I classed as ''sort of'' mentally Ill, yet a tranny-gender-fluid-trans-atlantic-womyn isn't?

> if you got out and let your subconcious sort out shit you would be able to prioritize

Got out = did something else than be on the computer? You're right though, I spend 90% of my waking time with technology

Textbook bro. Do you find you like to self medicate at the end of the day to calm down? It's a very common thing for ADHD sufferers who go undiagnosed to "drink to sleep" or smoke weed to relax after a stressful day.

>Diagnosed ADHD when young
>Parents pulled me out of public school(California) to prevent taking meds every day.
>Home schooled me for a while until we moved states.
>Hard to focus, but tried really really hard.
>Finished high school with 3.7 despite being a little slow with hard work
>3.3 in college right now
>Still obvious it's harder for me to concentrate than other people.

I guess it's better than being on meds that will fuck me up.

Strattera is ADHD and depression meds. It doesn't work for most people. My friend used strattera, it worked excellent for him. But like I said, strattera isn't used for most people, because it doesn't work for most.

Well, as you can see, ADHD brain has bigger lines in the middle there. Let me know if you need any more information.

There are many aspects to ADHD in adults that aren't just "can't concentrate on task" related.

But of course you idiots always go FAKE DISEASE, when even brain scans for people with ADHD are different

add brain isn't a thing

I bet they blame it on single mothers.

The functional effect of ADD/ADHD is that you seek stimulation all the time at a higher rate than other people - this is why it is misdiagnosed, EVERYONE seeks this, so being a lazy shitbag can result in similar behaviours

Reuptake inhibitors for dopamine (amphetamines such as adderall) result in higher levels of stimulation for the same tasks, that is why people take it

I used to take meds, but stopped and went through a period of constant insomnia, sleepyness, and extremely low motivation for a year, I would not recommend relying on them for long periods of time, short bursts where i knew i had time to tolerate a comedown seem to be better (I do this with caffeine now)

I would recommend self-actualization and high levels of discipline to get over the problem, you have to actively deny yourself pleasure to get anything done or you will continue through cycles of task-switching and pleasurable, empty activities


ADHD is 50% genetic 50% environmental, so blaming it on single mothers isn't as crazy as it sounds
I'm taking those stats from twin studies

you can order online both pot seeds illegally but easily and mushroom spores legally and easily
stop being lazy

How sustainable is being on ADD meds in the long term? Can you be on them for longer than a couple of years before the tolerance has grown so much that it's not reasonable to bumb the dose up any higher and you're stuck with merely using them to avoid withdrawal symptoms?

It's a mix of women having children later and our oedipol society coddling us from the second were born.

They literally won't fuck you up and your parents are too white to understand this

ADHD is what happens when you try to make a child sit and pay attention for hours on end year by year.

Fuck modern education it wasted so much of my time and it introduced so much needless stress.

This nails the medication dilemma. You essentially become a functioning addict on the most common ADHD meds since they fuck with dopamine receptors. Don't get your fix and shit just doesn't work.

>Television and movies change the camera's point of view multiple times within the space of a few seconds.

>Why do our kids have trouble paying attention?

>How sustainable is being on ADD meds in the long term?
It isn't, also speak to a doctor before thinking you have it, but be careful of ones who try to push meds too hard

shareblue you can go to sleep for the day

My Dad has it and this is it
btw his a Nationalist Socialist, figured it out himself too.

ADHD is a condition where the brain doesn't release as much dopamine as a normal functioning one. This leads to issues focusing, as focusing is less rewarding to the individual. Stimulants like amphetamine increase the production of dopamine, which, when used by individuals with ADHD, normalizes them. Because they are producing normal levels of dopamine, they are able to focus like anyone else without ADHD.

Don't listen to these stupid fucks who don't know shit about psychopharmacology. I'm not implying I know very much, but God damnit at least I've opened a book

Girls with ADHD are the best

Same here, it also takes me around 2 hours to fall asleep, too tired in the morning to wake up (even after 8 hours of sleep).
I usually drink myself drunk to fall asleep quickly, melatonine doesn't work for shit.

I take both. Weed to relax and Ritalin to concentrate. You NEVER want to take both at the same time. I only take Ritalin for my course, homework, job and wherever I need to be extremely work efficient. And I only smoke pot when I need to relax, fuck my gf, and sleep like a baby for the next day. But if you take em both at the same time.. Oh boy you'll end up with a nervous breakdown or some shit

Over-diagnosed and over medicated children. No one wants to admit that there may be external factors causing attention problems.