>Sweden FINALLY gets tough: PM to bolster border controls and national defence

>Soaring crime rates, high levels of suburban violence in major cities like Malmo and Stockholm and a backlash against liberal immigration policies have led to slump in support for Mr Löfven’s Social Democrats after three years in power.

>And against a broader global backdrop of growing populism his response has been to look to the right for some political ideas.


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New polls show that a nationalist party Sweden Democrats are leading. Cuck numbers are shrinking.


Who would have thought that if your party exposes it's people to crime and murder they won't vote you next time.

It's a novel concept, isn't it?

>Vote for us, we make the country noticeably worse!

Great campaign slogan.


Turns out when all the cucks are killed or raped to death by rapefugees only the sane ones are left.

the inbound nigger army of 1,000,000 heading to Sweden for da womenz are going to be pissed

The social democrats merely want to stop new immigration.
Unless they deport the majority of immigrants Sweden will be a brown majority by 2050

>Sweden will be saved

Unless they physically remove all Kebab, nothing will be changed. You cannot domesticate a savage.

Meanwhile, Anti-immigration party in germany is in free fall.


Self-deportation must be implemented immediately.

Imagine that... all those people without proper values from their families. A people who left their home country like opportunistic cowards, without most of their family in their new land, living alongside tons of other ethnicities. It will be a land of weak minded strangers without an identity and it'll be a shithole.

sweden is already lost
they dont have the power to do that anymore

>sweden pussied out

it's sweden

>Swedish border control

Classical pre-election move.

Post election everything is conveniently forgotten.
As has been proven time and time again...

>nz border control

NZ has two moats mate

too swarthy


...so what. It is too late. This is what happens if you are not consistent with your response to events. They build up and overwhelm.

Hey you fucks, send us cheap mutton. Mutton is good.

I bought some NZ fish the other week so it can't be too hard.

Yea, just like the US.

Their border control consists of an Ocean, yours does not.
We should never have built that bridge.

Make deportation and vetting socially acceptable otherwise it's all over.


What are you hiding in that picture, anglo?

I wouldn't be too sure about that. We've heard this a couple of times before. Politicians and cuck finally people wanting something is not the same as it actually happening.

riddle me this pol. its well known fact that women prefer bigger dicks, blacks have bigger dicks therefore white women prefer black males. why so in denial?

There may yet be hope. We must praise Kek in hopes he will assist these cucks.

>tfw this actually happened to a liberal friend of mine

I feel horrible, but I am laughing at your post. It's a real thing.

are you the same czech shitposter over and over again? Has to be, I thought the czech were a based people who hated immigrants and multicult


no we love black people, especialy cucking is our thing.

>swedish education


"Bolster border controls", that will play out exactly as in Norway and Denmark; keep the immigrants on a work visa out, and let those refugees that doesn't work, in!

Believing that he isnt just a shill with a proxy.

Closing the doors when the rats are already in the grain storage don't do much.


Well, now that you got most of them in the grain storage you can set it on fire, wipe them out alltogether and have less problems overall

Dam that's a pretty accurate pic you got there

And then you've no grain for yourself and there's still countless more rats in the wilderness.

Sweden will fall in 19 years.

It is decided.

t. rural and suburban retards

you're on the wrong side of history. more liberal democracy, more tolerance, more progressiveness is the answer to hatred and bigotry. when the final wall falls we will all hold hands

Here is a bunch more. Enhoy your cultural enrichment

T. A person who hasn't heard a friend he cares about get Raped and beaten

You've learned a lesson, won't trust rats anymore but get some cats

If you have to vett someone why the hell would you let them in?

Especially a stinking fucking no good muzzlim!

Too little too late. The damage is already done, the cancer is already eating away at the body from the inside.

IIRC Sweden "bolstered border controls" even before Denmark did during the migrant crisis. It doesn't mean much unfortunately. It's another attempt by the current government and established parties to appear tough on immigration to reduce the number of possible votes for the Sweden democrates.

Funny thing is, SD shuns the word "nationalist" and for some time they have been ostracizing and booting people who call themselves nationalists from the party. This is obviously an attempt to normalize the party further and by doing so gain more votes. People are rightfully worried that SD will become completely cucked and toothless if they ever get accepted by established parties. I believe something similar happened to the True Finns. As sad as it is there are no realistic alternatives to SD. One can only hope they pull through and don't let the voters down.



They are just trying to steal some votes from SD, after the election they'll go back to being cucks again

you seriously believe in polls?

Heh, we're already 10%+ muslim. Sweden is done.

You could close the borders right now.
It matters little.
It is already too late.
The disease is already in the host body.
You will either fight it.
You will die.

Voting won't help you at this point, you're way past that now. is right; while it may not seem like much, considering that they're mostly breeding age and that their birthrates are much higher than swedes', they'll grow to become a much higher percentage in a relatively short time. And that spells the end of your welfare state as the swedish state grows poorer and poorer. It'll be a wild ride, and hopefully you do it quickly enough that the other nordics will stop at the brink.

I'm sure there's people who tried to sell that BS to The Hammer too.

It's never too late to remove Kebab.

Exactly. I love hear politicians say, "we need to, we need to, and we need to.

When Trump said," Im going to", whether he does it or not at least it wasn't, "we need to".

We still have to uncuck our system but at least we are willing to fight back.

Draining a 160 year old swamp, from the Ape Lincoln days, will not be completed in 8 years. We may have to help our President and we have the weapons and the military to do it!

Islam in most of America acts like Germans. They get off work, grab some food before sundown, then lock up all night. I live in Alabama and we don't take to still King fucking Islam. Just let us find some here.

I have never seen a Muzzlem in my city. Never. Catholic Social Services brought in 3 families and no one knows where they are. Would like the opportunity to welcome them to Alafuckingbama!

This entire post sounds gayer than this guy I hooked up with that told me he loved my cum cos it tasted like mangos

But in some cases metastasis can be removed from the country, send the muslims to prison and reimpatriate them if they try to ignore what they have done.

The worst thing you can do is close your eyes not caring for your country.

>I feel horrible
Empathy is such a massive weakness in whites. My friend had a baby with a dindu. Now she's an obese single mother. She used to be damn pretty, she could have had anyone. And I still feel sad for her. Even though she brought it all upon herself with her own stupidity and pathological tolerance.

>My friend

Why haven't you cut this coal burner out of your life?