Big if true




What a fertility goddess

Well, yeah.

i dont like where this is going

>Live action


>Played by humans

Furry normalization?

Could you guys picture beyonce in a furry costume?

She really does. It's funny how we dress ourselves. When you wear something you think you deserve it: dressing yourself up as a "god" or even as a king is kind of disconcerting imo. Especially someone who is this kind of social leader.

Isn't the lion king just hamlet with animals? Not very kangz of them.

3/10 would not put a ring on.


You're only supposed to do that if you like it.

eh its age. With the proper light and minus 15 years or however much its been, she looks pretty good.

She is like 30% black, why mixed people pretend they are 100% nigger?

It would be like the Jungle Book remake.

>Could you guys picture beyonce in a furry costume?

Don't want to?

Where'd you get that 30% stuff?

>Don't want to?

That's a valid answer.

I would have also accepted: "Oh god no, why would you do that?"

He's a mapuche intellectual

What's the big deal. It's not like the only way we've ever seen her is in some fucking costume.

>Niggers acting roles in Shakespeare's Hamlet

Isn't that cultural appropriation?

Disney is such a hack they are remaking everything as cash grabs.

I'm going to short them when lion king premiers.

Why the fuck is there going to be a live action Lion King remake?

All the characters literally are animals and the only way to even make this film would be to make it 100% CGI.


>tfw they cast Dolph Lundgren to play Scar because muh big bad evil whites

They'll probably cast Idris Elba as Mufasa too

sick of hearing her yowl everywhere. she "sings" like she's sitting on a washing machine on spin cycle. only dumb people and faggots like her.

Not just a cash grab but a precursor to rewrite all the racial and sexist bits from these apparently 'timeless' classics, they've already done jungle book and apparently beauty and the beast is a joke full of blacks and gays.

I like you.

So if they hire a black woman would it be racist? If they hire anyone else would it be cultural appropriation?

Disney wants to remake their classic cartoon films in live action. They started with Jungle Book and Beaut and the Beast. Next they want the Lion King.

Why is this post dead?


Get the fucking new day as the hyenas!