Red pill me on death.
Red pill me on death
When you kill your enemies, they win.
BTW this is urgent.
when you die you are dead
people die when they are killed
who needs death when you have 2d desu?
It's a kike meme, have you ever actually died before? Didn't think so.
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are you going to die?
where are you getting at you dumb autistic fucktard?
do you mean what happens after you die? your consciousness is created by your brain so as soon as the responsible areas in your brain cease to work properly your consciousness is gone. there is no life after death, no heaven or hell
Your waifu is shit desu sempai
You can hold me :3
Asuka is best girl prove me wrong
>pro tip you cant
Also, you may occasionally get reincarnated.
NGE is shit and only unintelligent people think its good
fuck off with your shitty waifus
Hot > cold
Only became a problem when some gullible Jewess ate an apple
NEETs never die. god keeps waiting for you to do your job and then he'll take you away. but since youl be lyin in bed, god won't take you away. so if you wan2 be immortal, be a NEET
But you just didn't understand it properly.
>not having a waifu
The end of one cycle, the beginning of another.
eventually in millions of years humans will develop technology to vacuum up all ur atoms and rebuild you
Patrician taste in artist, OP.
>tfw no tightly bound and gagged girl who's soles I can suck and cum on as I wish
Damn that's hot
[citation needed]
kek so predictable
Integral part of life
>when you die you are dead
but after strange eons, even death may die.
>Asuka is best girl prove me wrong
She's a self absorbed, spoiled brat, narcissistic cunt with a choking fetish.
Also, she is literally insane.
>She's a self absorbed, spoiled brat, narcissistic cunt with a choking fetish. Also, she is literally insane.
So, she's like every other woman?
what a filthy slut
Mathematically speaking, if every model of the universe is correctly dictated by cycles of implosion and expansion (i.e. Big Bang->Big Crunch->Big Bang ad infinitum), you will have lived and died an infinite number of times, the exact same way, infinitely forwards and backwards in time.
Free will is a myth. You've done this all before an incalculable amount of times, and you will continue to without end.
You should die while achieving your dreams and desires, thus bringing your offspring closer to the Übermensch.
Dieing of age is gay in most cases.
This is different for women obviously.
This. It's the ultimate deadline. Without it, no one would do anything positive/significant and everyone would be degenerate.
NGE is babbie's first 90s 2deep transhumanist animu.
What's the point of tying two girls together if you're going to tape their mouths shut?
The white plus sign is right.
Asuka is still cute though.
Thats what I call real horror.
Trapped in this nightmare of never ending cycle of pain and suffering, no even a break because from your point of view the moment you die, you get reborn.
What a truly horrifying thought.
Friendly reminder that Anno himself has stated Evangelion does not have a general, fixed meaning other than being the chaotic product of his depression.
Any theory and / or interpretation of the series is therefore useless seeing as there is no "ultimate truth" anyone might be discovering.
I do like NGE, but hit the nail on the head and anyone trying to justify their liking for the series by saying they "understand it" are nothing but pretentious retards.
tifa is my waifu
Hikari exists. Done.
Reminder that the Judaeo-Christian soul, the Hindu Atman and the Buddhist Anata are the same thing
>choking fetish.
Perfect I'd choke her
The universe doesn't have to be determrnistic to be cyclic.
>not lulu
Explain yourself desu!
I'm Fucking better than you , ya shitty Knife.
Not into emo girls.
>inactive brain: you're sent to either heaven or hell
>kinda active brain: you just rot in the ground
>very active brain: you're sent to the afterlife which may or may not be simply reincarnation
>ascended brain: the universe is a figment of a higher being's imagination, your death matters not
post more of that
It's hot
Like girl cock
Aw yeah
Why do you even have such low quality garbage saved and taking up space on your hard drive?
>TFW no I cannot actually hold 2d cutes
Why live
Why does Rei have three holes
I've seen shit taste in my life
Hell I may have had shit taste in my life at one point
But not about something as important as my waifu
Posting that absolutely vapid whore isn't ironic enough to be funny or bait
It's just bad taste
Actually it's awful taste
Taste so bad that there's clearly something wrong with you
It is inevitable. Free yourself from death by welcoming it, fighting it is useless because we all gonna die anyway.
This is my waifu
People die when they are killed.
Usually how they do futa is the penis is where the clit is supposed to be
So the penis isn't coming out of any hole leaving only pussy and butthole
>People think Eva is anything but a tragic story seen through the eyes of a depressed and possibly psychotic boy as he fights inner demons and outer angels
Death is highly overrated. Live forever.
To be honest Mawaru Penguindrum was quite bad.I agree on that.Didn't see the 3rd one though.
people die because they are killed
nothing happens, every promise of an afterlife is just another method to control how you behave in your single real life
Thanks for the rundown. I thought it was a double-ended dildo
To live, you surely first must die.
>taking up space
Dude even phones have scores of gigabytes worth of space
Interesting choice burger, I respect that.
Misato is best girl.
This all the way. Giant waste of time.
I buried a note underground with a pee sample, a skin sample, and a piece of my fingernail. Hopefully enough dna for me to be reborn.
when you die your mind and body dissapears but you still exist
Not necessary
Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.
It won't be you, once your consciousness is gone, it's gone for good. However you could return if you were in a cryonics lab, but even that's a crapshoot.
Your consciousness does at least, because all consciousness is one.
Or so they say
School days is best animu and you can't prove me wrong.
At the moment of death, N,N-Dimethyltryptamine floods your brain, allowing for your consciousness to escape the body and to unify back with the source of consciousness.
The place we go to after "death" is like the load-out screen in any online game. There's no time there, it just is.
First pain or dizziness, then then are gone in the same way before you were born. Not existing.
Does Sup Forums believe in life after death?
Or do you just disappear when you die?
>trains her whole life
>gets BTFO by a kid who don't even want to be there
Ur just wrong
OP is gone. What have you guys done?
If there is life after death then it's just another way to be alive, in which case there is no death
The ultimate enemy to overcome
The predator who's jaw has consumed every prey in the end
Realistically, I think when you die you die, you just disappear.
But if i'm going to hell, then I probably deserve it anyway.