Somebody drank the feminist Kool-Aid
Somebody drank the feminist Kool-Aid
feminist kool-aid will be served with
>hosted by eric trump
>live ska music
>We must work to close the gender pay gap
She's right tho, Equal Work = Equal pay.
She's basically indirectly saying that women don't work on the level that men do.
This can't be fucking happening, we worked to hard to elect the fucker for him to turn out to be a feminist. If she's a feminist, then those meetings about women in business that trump had with Ivanka and Trudeau... He's probably a fucking feminist.
she a woman what you expect
same bullshit brainless slogans from all of them
how new are you? we always knew that ivanka is a feminist
>you weren't invited
>you don't get to enjoy some deliciously good grilled cheese crafted by the country's premiere sandwich artisans while just hanging out with the guys drinking beers
Why even live anymore.
>pandering to the far left
>they're still eating her alive
really makes you think.
Jesus Christ, it really is like she is the first lady. She's joining his staff, giving him advice, and now taking up a cause.
Reading comprehension in this thread is laughably low. She's saying pay gap = women work less. She's even saying black women are lazy as fuck cos they work even less.
>Equal work = Equal pay
lol, are yoy commie?
women already GET equal pay for equal work...
They just prefer not to work as hard as men.
President Barack Obama appointed central Benghazi investigation figure Susan Rice to be his next national security adviser on Wednesday, calling her 'the consummate public servant, a patriot who puts her country first.'
'She is fearless. She is tough,' Obama said of the woman best known for misleading the country after the terror attack that killed U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens. 'She has a great tennis game, and a pretty good basketball game.'
Obama said that like her brother, with whom he shoots hoops on occasion, Rice was adept at 'throwing the occasional elbow, but hitting the big shot.'
Funny how this wage gap never seems to go away. No matter how hard we try. It persist. Interestingly, these guys aren't aware of their privileges as men.
let's not let liberals divide white men and women like they tried to do during the last election
Wage gape really is the only thing that triggers me .. it is just so fucking stupid.
Honestly, all men should just stop working until we fix the 'Life expectancy gap'.
Women are more than 50% of the electoral vote. Trump or Ivanka will need them next election cycle. Not doing anything for them will be sure to make them continue to vote democrat like they nearly all do.
Its the inherent problem with democracy - pandering to demographics is necessary to maintain power to get your vision realised.
Then move on to the "sentencing gap" and enjoy the show as everyone loses their shit.
Now all that's left to do is for women to start putting in equal work.
A wild Pekka with his enormous autism appears. Hory Shiet Pekka, oikeesti, stop being retard
stob obressing dem :DDD
>retired Army
>pension plus high school kid job is enough to live on
>no second career cause fuck it why?
>wife makes twice my earnings
>threaten to move to Thailand when she complains
Doing my part
If you look at the quality of work, women are being paid far too much already. And they want more?
B-but she's TRUMP's wife!
She's evil!!!
>pay gap
There is an earnings gap. Big difference.