Why isn't college free in the US when it's so ridiculously important?

Why isn't college free in the US when it's so ridiculously important?

LITERALLY fucking up poor childrens futures by putting them of going.

>Why isn't college free
Money can be exchanged to purchase goods and services.

All that electricity is free? All the janitors are going to work for free? All of the faculty is going to work for free? All the research is free?


It's too expensive for the government to provide it. Students can just take loans and pay them back, provided they take employable degrees.

The problem with free education is that people waste time (and government money) studying useless subjects which can't get you a job, like gender studies.

Most people in American colleges are from India anyways.

Can't you europoors understand that nothing is free?

Ummmm no sweetie. When you're applying for college you have neglidgible money apart from your families.

>All that electricity is free? All the janitors are going to work for free? All of the faculty is going to work for free? All the research is free?

Paid for by taxes burger. Either or give people other options to earn a good wage (it's nothing like this in the UK)

>He doesn't know what a loan is.

Why is the UK allowed to post?
It's worse than Canada in that it's never ironic.


Also, I think useless degrees should be more expensive, and usefull ones almost free. If you chose to become fucking useless to society by chosing Gender Studies, then at least pay for the ones that chose to become engineers and that will contribute to make a better world.

Holy shit I make more than the average person with a professional degree and I'm a typist.

I can guarantee loans will put a lot of (poor) people off going.

>Paid for by taxes burger.
How much?

>it's nothing like this in the UK
Yeah because there's no such thing as a 'good wage' in the UK. I was born and raised there and moved to a real country where you can actually earn money.

>I enjoy the fact that the top 1% who are literally almost entirely jewish pay nearly no taxes but suck the lifeblood out of my country. I would gladly join the army and take orders like a little beta-bitch and then go die in a ditch fighting the wars of Israel and Saudi Arabia, because that's what masculinity is all about. I will also defend to the death the fact that my dick was mutilated when I was a baby because Dr. Shekelstein told me it was good for my health and that nature never intended for me to have a foreskin, before he muttered something about "muh covenant with Jehovah" that I didn't quite understand

t. american.


>Paid for by taxes burger.
A lot

>Yeah because there's no such thing as a 'good wage' in the UK. I was born and raised there and moved to a real country where you can actually earn money.

>this is what claps actually believe

You get roughly the same amount of money in both (probably a bit more in the US).

The earnings difference isn't so fucking ridiculous here that college is compulsory though

Maybe everyone's housing should be free, then we can give everyone free food, free clothing, and a free car.

All this could be done with taxpayer money.

Think about it OP, no one would work. Why would the college professors even teach, if they could just sit around at home watching TV?

OP is a 17 year old fagg.

Fun fact, gender studies is mostly an american phenomenon. Here in northern europe, where education is paid for through taxes, I know of only one university with a gender studies degree, and that's in Sweden.


The american typed through tears, as he realized that the Dane was entirely right, hoping his brevity would serve to obscure his true feelings.

>poor children's future
What future?

College shouldn't be free. Maybe an argument could be made for more merit based public scholarships. But no, not every dimwitted high school C student deserves to go to college.

In fact, if you have a C average at the end of your sophomore year in high school, we put you on a bus to the vocational school where you learn plumbing or welding or air conditioning tech. When you graduate high school you have an associates degree from an affiliated community college and you go to work immediately in your new trade.

Not everyone is meant for college. Quit forcing it. And stop advocating that society has to pay for college for every single dim C student, so they can go play beer party for 4 years on our dime and leave with a transgender Russian literature degree.

For college to be useful some people have to fail. The scarcity of the college degree is what makes it important. By giving everyone free college you'll need to be okay with a large number of people failing and thus not being able to repay back their loans.

>Why isn't college free in the US when it's so ridiculously important?

If the job you want to go to college to learn how to do is so ridiculously important, why don't you just do it for free?

Because then the rich can turn around and act like it's your fault when you can't afford to go to college and are therefore doomed to a lifetime of "flipping hamburgers" btw: middle class doesn't care about anyone but themselves and they believe they are rich in training.

It's not just college OP, our school funding system is designed to fuck over everyone too. The rich get rich kid tier funding the poor get the negro funding.

Third way the rich fuck over Americans is by pushing feminism/sjw politics or political movements that keep the middle class bickering amongst themselves. Abortion? -total bullshit that doesn't matter to most people's lives. "Death panels"- the reason you were supposed to be scared of ooga booga healthcare? Total bullshit propaganda. Libertarianism? Propoganda from the rich to stoke people's egos and make them feel good about despising others.

Nationalism? Merely means you were a jar head and shot some people abroad in some conflict no one cares about and doesn't benefit anyone in any way.

The list goes on and on

The thing for me is that, I see no reason the US government or our society should exist if society doesn't do anything for me and merely wastes my hard earned money, which it seems to do quiet frequently with all the wars and corporatist tax handouts.

I don't see any reason the poor shouldn't go kill the rich, the rich have done nothing for them but make their lives miserable. I see no reason that anyone should obey any of the laws, the rich sure don't. Kill the cops, they deserve it for protecting the system. Kill vets, they deserve it. Destroy the system, it deserves death.

Conservatives will pontificate on freedoms I'm supposed to care about when they've done nothing to make my life better using the economic power they've had over the last 30 years. Liberals pontificate on other people's freedoms I'm supposed to care about when their politicians have done nothing to improve the economic situation on the ground. Both of these groups are evil and deserve death

Everyone seems to know it here too, like we are all waiting for the end and it never comes.

But a college education would earn you a job, assuming you're pursuing a degree for jobs in demand and not in feminine studies or philosophy, that would pay itself off in just a year or two.

If you remove this payment for services, what incentive is there to pursue a degree where your educate has worth?

My school did the same thing. I still wonder why I even bothered giving a shit about high school.

The fact that you get a job you dipshit, that's the incentive, not the fact that you for universities twice. Fuck man, your tax money already pays for the unis you moron. You pay for them to exist but you can't use them if you don't have money? Pffft, that's a scam you idiot

>make law saying you can't require a college degree unless you can only perform said job after going to college

boom, college is no longer mandatory

>The scarcity of the college degree is what makes it important
the value of degree is the degree itself you retard. If you get an arts degree in niggerology then obviously it will have no value other than its scarcity, therefore anything that is not required for licensing ie. law/med/eng... are defacto autismo

The price of college should be raised by a factor of 6.

We need college to go back to being an elite thing and just make high schools not suck a fat dick. My grandfather graduated high school speaking English, French, and a little German, reading latin fluently and reading greek with effort. His maths education was similarly good. (He was American btw)

He also had an actual mastery of grammar and the history of our country unlike bitches nowadays.

1. Remove all government scholarships
2. Remove affirmative action
3. Remove GI bill
4. Remove all state backed college loan (if you already have one you're sol, you made that decision).
5. Ban all foreign students from our universities unless they cannot find a single person in the country who wants that spot
6. Total restructure middle school and high school to follow a classical curriculum with a heavy emphasis on language, history, and math.
7. Provide trade school options for all graduates (including web development ,etc. because let's face it: they're trades, you don't need a CS degree for 99.9% of development jobs. It's totally superfluous.).
8. Make medical school it's own track straight out of high school. We need a lot of doctors. After two attrition years, the rest is paid for by the state.
9. Same thing for nursing for girls.

College is great if you want to become a classist, a chemist, a historian, or are from a rich family and want to make more connections. There is everything wrong with the current system. You don't need a 4 year degree to be an election, a ruby developer, a welder, a marketer, a salesman etc. But because literally everyone goes to college, they can demand only employees that have gone to college.

t. university graduate who is working in something totally unrelated to his major.