Brit/pol/ - Greater Gibraltar Edition

>Brexit committee warns of impact of no deal being reached

>A LEADING German politician today revealed that the EU’s support for Spain over on Gibraltar is effectively a punishment in retaliation for Britain leaving the bloc

>Gibraltar: European Union Is Acting Like ‘Cuckolded Husband’ over Brexit

>Theresa May forced to defend claim she can seal Brexit deal in two years

Why was there no thread?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Greater Gibraltar
>Willing to take all the lazy and halfmoors from us
>Implying it wouldn't make the rest of Spain Greater Spain

Can someone explain to me why British Black Men seem to do so well with White British Women?

Is it because your state propaganda outlet is literally BBC - BIG BLACK COCK - and it reminds them subconsciously

Delete this

Hijo de puta bastrdo

Gibraltar will have to be handed over as part of Brexit.

And they are all required to contribute to the BBC under threat of gaol time

It all makes sense.

>responding to auscuntposters

Fuck off Chang.

Why are you calling me Chang you god damned demigirl?

Because I know you are a fucking wog from Melbourne. Kill yourself.

I heard fatties have made the Govt' decrease the size of chocolate bars. While I personally don't eat chocolate outside of a luxury why don't we just tax the fat people instead.

Did you just assume a gender you fucking shitlord


Good work, spastic, go and wash your foreskin out.

I don't get why they don't start charging people for alcohol-related injuries on the NHS.

Chinese are wogs now? I feel so behind.

It is all the same thing, non-Anglo filth.

Wogs, wops, chinks, pakis, it is all the same thing really.

Shit like this is why people keep voting meme parties like the conservatives.

>why don't we just chase fat people down across the countryside in a televised bloodsport


Thinking of joining the Conservatives just to spite Labour.

In the UK because the amberlamps are free, people get fall down drunk and then just call 999 to get an ambulance to take them home and they do because it is cheaper and easier than taking them to emergency department to sit for hours.

Literally free taxi service

So stop doing that.

We have mad vat on our beer already, alcoholics and smokers already pay the price.

We have planted our Anglo Spies all along the south and east coast of Spain.

We are awaiting the orders to begin the annexation of the rest of Spain and we only need our Greatest Allies to be ready themselves.

The Blood Refineries have the received the necessary adjustments and updated centrifugal shredders to be able to process the Blood of the SPANIARD.

Maybe you would have grown up to be a mentally-balanced individual if your parents had kept your whole penis intact and mutilation-free

How tho?

The infiltration is mutual
Only we've sent hard workers and you sent us drunkards and dustsacks
So guess who'll win :^)

>Wogs, wops, chinks, pakis, it is all the same thing really.

I feel as if you're muddying an important part of our cultural history through laziness.

It's fake you imbecile

Don't take them home.

I too rely on marshmallow fluff and chocolate fingers for nutrition. Fuck the taxpayers for making me buy marshmallow fluff instead of a couple of big bags of veg at the same price.

Do your balls hang low enough to sit on your own duster sack every now and again ??

>literally free
Taxes you fucking spastic.
Niggers who think our healthcare is free are dumb.

These easter egg contreversy is utter nonsense

But if I don't earn enough to pay any taxes its still free for me tho innit?

What's that then? Prices and the size again?

>hard workers


>tfw my work HR sent out an e-mail reminding everyone that no one is to do anything for easter
>no chocolates in the office for easter
>could be construed as imposing christian holiday on others

>pop tarts

No, think national insurance and vat.

I laughed, thanks.

they removed the word "easter" from easter eggs and now everyone is moaning.

your company sounds like a no fun allowed type of place to work

the fuck can you atleast make the falklands blue

Those queer middle-class 'easter egg hunts' by the National Trust and Cadburys are removing "easter" from the name (presumably in an attempt to get the shitskin demographic more involved) so people are getting upset.

>guy gets jumped outside a pub
>he's an asylum seeker
>this makes it national news
>this means we need rolling updates on the case

>turns out the attackers were black
>silence once again

Bloody hell could they leave it be.

It is free, lad, no ambulance or NHS hospital knows whether I paid VAT or nat insurance

gf is a paramedic and can confirm this is 80% of their job

>wanting to take andalucia for nothing
Seems like a good trade to me


>merkel aide says billions of jobs will be lost
>remoaner fags take it as a fact from god himself


well Cadburys are a business they intend to make money and with the christian population declining and the rise of athiesm and islam they are going to try to appeal to these groups.

They need to make money, the christian demographic is not making them enough money. Such is the life.

Not like these holidays are even remotely religious anymore

"HEADS UP HEADS UP Spanish warship has entered into #Gibraltar waters off Eastern Beach Royal Navy vessels deploying On going situation"

Tiene razón y lo sabes, chupaimpuestos

Is this fucking real?

>wanting andalucia
Just when I thought you guys couldn't be dumber

>remove christain labels such as easter due to "diversity"
>shill "halal" kebab friendly as much as possible

the state. its quite sad really.

No. It was a photoshop made in the run up to the 2015 General Election. Actual poster was some modern art display or something along those lines.

i guess you think Winterval was a DAILY MAYOL myth too

Good morning.

Does Britannia really rule the waves?


Yeah it partially makes sense from a business perspective but it's morally questionable. Cadburys are already on their arse after the (((new owner))) sold them to Mondelez and ruined the recipe, so it could be a risky move to alienate brits even more.
We have an extensive backlog of beach towels and alcopops to repatriate

Buenos días.

i don't even care cadburys is shit now

We will soon see the rest of Spain and its people delegated to the history books as Lesser Gibraltarians.

omg this totally make her years of miscegenistic immigration policies as home secretary forgiveable now!

Isn't Cadbury owned by Americans now?

>Open up Brit/pol/
>Australian flags are the majority
Feels good man. Also, does Ken Livingstone hate kikes?
I like Theresa May

A bit probably


>tfw I don't give a shit about Gibraltar and I hope Spain claim it just to spite old-age Brexiteers who die in their beds knowing that they've royally fucked this country

Yeah I haven't bought any in a couple of years and likely never will again... another British company lost
Yeah... Mondelez International i.e. Kraft
Your aussie stuff and the Irish-only products are still alright though

I'll take that as a no..

wouldn't the yellow bit be wasteland and grey bit spain ?

Then you're a fucking moron. Here have one of YKTD's old images.

>this country


I'm also one of the few Brits that will admit that Aussies invented the Freddo.

Thanks senpai, I appreciate your honesty.


I've seen a few revisions of these

We're no animals, they get to keep Madrid and Castilla and La Mancha - we get to keep the rest.

Just an obvious YES. Shouldn't need to be dignified with a response but here's the (you) that you wanted.

Only Aussies with foreskins get credit though, so you can fuck off

>two bottles of Golden Syrup


Interesting fact; vietnamese are the most criminal group in the UK.

Portugal is Spanish nation and blood, they must join.

What's most annoying is that it's not even fucking true.
If you go to you'll see that it says "Easter" all over the site.

Also annoys me how Bishop of York said they're desecrating the founder's grave when he was a Quaker and therefore probably didn't celebrate Easter.


Because they get employed as weed growers in attics and abandoned factories

>HEADS UP Trouble has broken out between Spanish and Gibraltarian passengers on a flight from Gibraltar to UK Police boarding the aircraft

El bastardo tiene razón, podrían llevarse también a los imbéciles de Murcia y Extremadura. Y la provincia de Albacete, si me apuras. Son peores que los putos africanos.

>Such is the life.
Non-native English speaker detected
Nice taqiya mahmoud

I once read about this huge grow operation in the construction site of the Olympic village, buried underground, busy busy site, free machinery, free power, disguised in plain view, trucks and vans going back and forth 24/7.

Really organised

U won't never be able to get Andalusia, your cold hearts would overheat with the playita and intense social interaction, and with your shitty humour you would die by laughing after 6 painful months

> the EU’s support for Spain over on Gibraltar is effectively a punishment in retaliation for Britain leaving the bloc

This is screaming Insecurity, i can't wait for Poland to leave.

>Portugal ... Spanish ... blood

A country soaked in Spaniard blood, yes.

goddam right

I've always known it to be such is the life. I'm a white Mancunian.