Why was he killed, Sup Forums?
Why was he killed, Sup Forums?
He was black
He wanted niggers to become black people.
he was black bumbass
Time travelers meddling to get us down the timeline of electing trump
He stood for equal rights. He didn't think people should be racist to anyone. He didn't support white privilege and all the other corner stones to the Jewish race agenda. He was a true American that believed in true rights and that was a no no. He knew blacks were more ghetto and had in many speeches explained how everyone needs equal treatment no man deserves to be treated better blah blah. If he saw the racism today against white he would speak up without a doubt and the CIA wouldn't like that
J Edgar Hoover
Niggers exist only in the timelines where he died sadly
Some Jew had something to gain with that. There's nothing wrong with king. He was protesting peacefully. Funny thing is that today SJW would consider him literally Hitler.
he had a plan to kill all the white people so we had to stop him
I don't think even his family berlieved the guy who was framed for his murder did it. One logical argument is that he survived in prison without getting axed by blacks,who also don't believe he did it
Someone got quads. It's the only thing that could stop him.
>TFW Detroit and a bunch of other cities would actually be marginally less shitty rn if not for the 1968 riots after his assasination.
Because At Year 21XX Trump is still president and he made a time machine to get an assassinator to rape martin luther king and he was shot after the rape incident
>Nigger who liked to beat underage white prostitutes and was commie jew shill.
>Why killed?
racist white government would rather have chimpouts to make fun of than fix the black problem
still the same shit now.
>who liked to beat underage white prostitutes
He did like white prostitutes, where'd you get the beating underaged ones part?
Because he wasn't a good goy.
the quotes hardly manage to besmirch his reputation though
even the whores dont. Dude has his weaknesses so do we all. Regular shit.
I'm aware the quotes merely amuse me. Still would like to know where got that bit about beating underage prostitutes. I would not categorize that as regular shit.
TIL MLK sucked big black negro dicks. And people say you can't learn shit online