Despicable. The killing of minorities by Whites goes unpunished, yet again. They weren't even armed with guns! Robbing a house isn't something you should get killed over. Lives > property.
Despicable. The killing of minorities by Whites goes unpunished, yet again. They weren't even armed with guns! Robbing a house isn't something you should get killed over. Lives > property.
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Fucking good.
Terrible, look at the poor victims he killed
Why should he be allowed to murder people with impunity
Was there ever any doubt he wouldn't be charged? This clearly fell under the castle doctrine
I'd rekt Victim 3's boipucci
Was this guy in the military or something? How the fuck did he kill all three of them?
Agreed. Not only should you not be allowed to own a gun designed only to kill other humans, but "stand your ground" and "castle doctrine" laws are nothing but racist bullshit design to allow the killing of minorities with impunity.
Lol good, degenerates should be shot
Are you implying this isn't how it works over here? Because if that's the case, I've got some bad news for you friend.
Is that real? I have a blood thurst.
>bringing a knife to gun fight
>methhead white trash
don't care.
wasnt it a teenager?
how come they get to be "youths" or "teens" but he has to be a man?
Please tell me victim three is female. Because she's cute. Tragic waste of life.
That's the beauty of a lighter cartridge. You can take follow up shots very quickly and a rifle can be comfortably loaded with a significant amount of ammo (20-30 rounds or so).
God bless America.
America is a pretty cool place to live
They weren't prepared for the real America.
It's time to fight back against these fucks that think they can walk into a home safely without facing repercussion.
These kids were shit and their parents did a terrible job of raising them.
Time to give Helicopter Parents a new meaning.
He thought he only shot two so I'd imagine they were lined up in a small space
I know this is fucking bait as fuck but
are you fucking kidding me nigger, have you even read Oklahoma's castle doctrine?
These fucking retarded teenagers knew the risk of getting killed, they got killed, and the law worked as designed.
Also, minorities? Two of them were white lel
Please protest over this.
With precision user.
Leaf I have some bad news.
>"stand your ground" and "castle doctrine" laws are nothing but racist bullshit design to allow the killing of minorities with impunity
Teach minoritys not steal?
>while she understands Peters was protecting his home, she believes he could have shot the three in the legs.
You don't know what an AR-15 does?
And you call yourself a burger.
>armed with a knife
And brass knuckles
I'm sure that was just for a friendly knocking on wood scenario should someone be home when they break in, right? Surely they wouldn't have attacked him if he didn't have a gun
are these fucks serious?
I keep a saiga clone next to the bed along with my ar-15.
Damn it feels good to be American.
I don't care what you say. You shouldn't get to murder someone for stealing.
Those labels are misleading, it should be "Victim" on the left and "Perpetrators" on the right.
This is Drumpf's America
The cunts got what they deserved
all three died from a single gunshot would to the chest
Care to rationalize c that argument other than saying
>muh feels
>A. The Legislature hereby recognizes that the citizens of the State of Oklahoma have a right to expect absolute safety within their own homes or places of business.
>B. A person or an owner, manager or employee of a business is presumed to have held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another when using defensive force that is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm to another if:
>1. The person against whom the defensive force was used was in the process of unlawfully and forcefully entering, or had unlawfully and forcibly entered, a dwelling, residence, occupied vehicle, or a place of business, or if that person had removed or was attempting to remove another against the will of that person from the dwelling, residence, occupied vehicle, or place of business; and
>2. The person who uses defensive force knew or had reason to believe that an unlawful and forcible entry or unlawful and forcible act was occurring or had occurred.
>E. A person who unlawfully and by force enters or attempts to enter the dwelling, residence, occupied vehicle of another person, or a place of business is presumed to be doing so with the intent to commit an unlawful act involving force or violence.
>F. A person who uses force, as permitted pursuant to the provisions of subsections B and D of this section, is justified in using such force and is immune from criminal prosecution and civil action for the use of such force. As used in this subsection, the term "criminal prosecution" includes charging or prosecuting the defendant.
If you think this targets minorities, then maybe minorities DO commit more violent crime than whites?
Criminals are often criminals because they're not very intelligent. If they were, they'd do white collar crime. B&E is the McDonald's mop jockey of crime. Once he opened fire, they likely panicked, making them easy targets.
Think of how many millions were saved by the criminal justice system by not needing to deal with these morons for life. The homeowners should be given a reward for how much he saved the taxpayers.
It's b8, don't respond to that poster.
Get the fuck out! That's what I'm talking about!
First time I've seen a picture of the "youths". Not really surprised they weren't dindus, I went to a rural OK school for 6 years, and we had one black kid, but about 40-50% native. One of the three looks like a beaner, but the other two are clearly paleface. The one in the middle looks like the worst kind of frat asshole.
>Time to give Helicopter Parents a new meaning.
So, helicopter ride parents?
Good. Even the Bible says that if you kill a man who trespasses in your home, you shall not be charged.
So if i came into your house with the intention of stealing your shit you wouldn't try to stop me are you that much of a cuck
>not allowing the oppressed proletariat non violently redistribute the bourgeois' physical wealth
This, they literally wanted to rob someones house, and the owner's son just defended his property.
They also had fucking knifes, of course he was most likely scared for life, reacted naturally to defend his safety and property, and somehow he is perpetrator for literally defending, and robbers are "victims" because? They failed?
Pfffff ahahahaha.
Get rekt niggers. Casteldoctrine.
Rule .223 cunts!
America yes!
Glad they died.
Its not bait, its a pol meme
Here, if a robber gets in your house and breaks a leg, you are responsible.
I know, clean kills get me hard.
First one looks mexican
The bit about WAAH WAAH WAAH THEY DIDN'T HAVE GUNS! Oh yeah? How was he supposed to be sure that they didn't have concealed guns? Fucking bleeding heart liberals.
>but "stand your ground" and "castle doctrine" laws are nothing but racist bullshit design to allow the killing of minorities with impunity
Killing minorities without impunity sounds like he is gunning down a sea of nigs.
Its not like a sea of nigs is trying to charge his house, it was 3
could imagine it as they pour through the windows and eventually ceilings, him sweating trying to grab his next mag ect
This desu. I wouldn't mind my tax money going for this, and nigger sterilization in general.
I know that feels bro. Saiga 7.62 next to my bed, loaded with Hornady poly tipped hollow points. Those are my "fuck you" rounds.
>Robbing a house isn't something you should get killed over.
Yes it does, dumb fuck
Made me lel bud thanks
>bringing knives to a gun fight
It's not like they were in Straya, sheesh.
delet this
what an entitled piece of shit you are, you think it is ok to take stuff with no consequences? Rob my house and get lead poisoning.
>Would be
I hate the media so much
Do you get to murder someone for trying to murder you with a knife while his friends hold you down? Do you know if the 3 masked men who just broke into your house with weapons aren't there to rape your daughter? Do you get to murder them for that?
If they force their way into your house, they've already crossed the line, let alone being literally dressed to kill with the tools in hand.
get the fuck outta here...Saged
They were transniggers
>Black population is declining
They violated the NAP.
even if they were just standing on your property, having a chat, you are still allowed to shoot them, right?
so when is the "white lives matter" march which breaks out into chaos and looting?
oh right....we all have jobs.
Fuck those faggots, they broke into a house they deserve what they got.
> Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
If the single shot through the chest part is true that's some Grade-A marksmanship. Give that kid a scholarship.
Maybe we shouldn't have imported low IQ minorities here in the first place, huh Feingold?
The worst kind of people.
They won't be missed.
God Bless America.
Reminder that the first shot is self defence, but the second shot is murder.
>killing of minorities by Whites
They were 2 whites and one mulatto mix.
> They weren't even armed
Knives and brass knuckles.
> Robbing a house isn't something you should get killed over.
You should not get to come armed into anyone's home. This guy did the right thing and hopefully this case inspires more people to protect themselves and discourages more possible criminals from breaking into places they can get shot.
Because guns. Feels over reals.
Tits of get out
reminder that he apparently killed them with one shot each
"Elliott said the group had gone to the property earlier the same day and stole liquor and electronic equipment from a garage apartment, then returned to steal more items."
how fucking stupid do you have to be to do this?
darwin awards for all
>All tese fucking newfags ITT responding to the most obvious bait.
Jesus Tap Dancing Christ.
Get back to work, Lonnie.
So I should be able to rob anyone I want freely without fear of retaliation so long as I don't carry a gun while doing it? You're retarded.
>Lives > property
If you feel you're entitled to break into other people's homes and steal their possessions, then your life isn't worth a bucket of turds. You only have value if your existence is at least marginally beneficial to society.
go fuck some animals, you shoot till the threat is over
Give them a year tax free and a visit to the white house
doesn't matter, you're glorifying killing
I'm sure that one's gonna look good in front of st peter.
That's why you aim for the noggin'