Good. I hope every single country starts requiring your kikebook password every time you're stopped by the police, maybe that will finally destroy the cancer for good
Good. I hope every single country starts requiring your kikebook password every time you're stopped by the police...
Good. Fuck tourists in NYC. I'm just trying to get to work and enjoy my city, they have to impede my life.
As a veteran of the Great Meme War of 2016 who fought for Trump's side, I want to stress how important it is not to think like a sheep.
Sup Forums will tell you that being redpilled is being conservative. The true redpill is being neither democratic or conservative, but an individual thinker.
Trump should not be immune to criticism just because you supported him.
Can't the border security already do this? I think they can.
I'm fine with this.
Considering how active terrorists are on social media, this could help DHS a great deal.
>fake american you
Redpilled means
I don't care about Trump, I just hate facebook tbqhwyf
This is retarded.
Worse still I don't think this even comes from Donald, in the same way a lot of police state advancement didn't entirely come from Obama.
There's just a big "complex" pushing this shit.
Jokes on you.
I have no social life let alone social media.
There is nobody besides my family in my phone (who I never speak to anyway).
My financial records I dont care about.
I'm as american as deep fried apple pie, I just think the internet was a lot more like what's good about america before people forgot that there are very good reasons not to share your entire life online with your real name
iirc this is only for foreigners
Maybe nu Sup Forums filled with the donald posters but Sup Forums has always had a strong NatSoc leaning
They should do this with every citizen
Collectivists are faggots.
>what's your facebook password?
>I d-don't use f-facebook
They already do this.
Last year they asked to see my phone. I asked for a lawyer first and they let me go.
>go to america from another country
>how much money did you bring with you
>oh you have not much cash, can you prove you have money in bank?
>you look suspicious, let me see your phone
>its locked, give me your password
>border security checks your texts for anything suspicious
it already happens, also i think places like israel already bar you if you dont let them check your laptops you bring in with you
I don't have a mobile phone, or any social media accounts.
Bite me, faggots.
>Sup Forums will still defend Drumpf as they are being butt-searched and get all their electronic devices confiscated for baseless terrorism suspicions
any cuck who defends Drumpf should go back to /r/the_donald
Prepare for extra deep anal probing.
Because everyone uses their main accounts/phones for shady stuff.
Americans are retarded.
I'm already prepared to be molested by the TSA when I visit next year, it makes the yanks feel safe.
Extreme V E T T I N G
Going to need a real source
if it works for the sand niggers why wouldn't it work for the american people? I mean, they have better training and better weapons, and bombing the country is not an option, why would the government destroy it's own economy?
>Trump should not be immune to criticism just because you supported him.
Fucking this
ITT: bootlickers
I wish I had a picture of 100 million armed citizens
>This level of delusion
If anything the twitter account is lying, not the WSJ.
Then you will have absolutely not problem providing a source. Why didn't you?
>Sup Forums has always had a strong NatSoc leaning
>he can't see past the memes
You're such a faggot it hurts. Go back to fagddit.
>Trump should not be immune to criticism just because you supported him.
This. If it's true, then it's a shitty policy to implement, period.
Are they still playing you per post or are you just doing it for free out of habit at this point?
Fuckers have been doing nothing but lying this whole year, just look at the youtube shit with them.
That's what I'm saying. The Twitter account doesn't even provide a link. They're untrustworthy. The WSJ is pretty trustworthy.
I couldn't find anything about this on the WSJ. All these "ALERT NEWS BREAKING" Twitter accounts are hacks.
Oh man. The shills are finally at bargaining. I don't think u understand shill. This is the about conservative vs liberal. This is about destroying those that stand in our way.
Haha epic dude.
No survivors right? Hail Trump!
>a well-trained militia ambushes goverment convoys and scatters into the city
>snipers take out senators
>rebel madmen bomb buildings and create IEDs
>half of the government military defects to rebel side
>many military personnel stay in goverment/military positions as spies, paranoia and inefficieny on goverment side because anyone can be a defector
>foreign powers supply the rebel side to permanently divide the current #1 superpower
Fake News.
non-americans are not subject to protection under the constitution
The final redpill is realizing a future of human extinction is preferable to one of communism. We've lost a century of innovation to that bullshit.
serious question
lets say i want to travel to japan but i dont want to land in burgerland for transit,can you do transit in canada?
how anal are the leafs about transit/tourists these days?
This is obviously fake news