Communism is the future

With upcoming automation technology, communism will be necessary

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But George Jetson was literally a wageslave

>fully automated gulags

>implying robots won't gain sentience then wipe us out

>How do you do my fellow Sup Forums posters?

>workers don't own the means of production
>it's still communism goys!

Typical petite bourgeois bullshit; Marx advocated for the extermination of all lumpenproletariat as well.

Fuck you, I'm going to livd out my dream as an asteroid hauler

Tbh I wouldn't mind communism if the community was only white people.

No it wont, learn to code fag
Or die of hunger

Communism is kinda predestinated to fail.
It either fail at booting (vide all the attempts), and when it actually boots, don't take long until commune #32 discovers commune #34 don't have as much water, and they decide to trade and 5 years later all communes are just very horribly capitalistic corporations, that later become just corporations.

>what is free software

> Create life support machine
> Never work again because why bother
Vice and Guardian are over payed faggots.

A bunch of people skipping on the boring code, thus making really messy UIs.

>With upcoming automation technology
Technology doesn't solve the most basic fundamental flaws of Communism which make it literally an unworkable economic system aka the knowledge and calculation problems.
> communism will be necessary
If anything it will become even more irrelevant as technology advances more and more people can will and already are becoming self employed as the means to do so become ever more affordable as our wealth rises.
Oh and btw even in utopian terms you're pushing utopian capitalism is superior to utopian Communism every day of the week.
Link related


Everybody uses MS Office
Everybody uses Windows or macOS
Everybody uses Visual Studio
Everybody uses Steam
Everybody uses Photoshop

I literally can think of a handful of free softwares that people use.

>Implying communism isn't just autistic fucktards way to rebel society

>No property
>No class
>No money
>No State

Communism will NEVER happen. Ever.

A post-work economy that has universal income? Sure. Its possible.

But never communism

I trully hope that you will experience all benefits of Comminism, and when you do pls bring down iron curtain and stop trading with eastern europe. And then we will see each other in 70 years.

>being a corporate cuck

Due to automation we should go back to single income households.
But giving no benefits to those who work in the future would be disastrous.

>implying that would be a bad thing

>Brian Merchant

can't be real

>year 2100
>luxury communism
>robots do everything, from flipping burgers to building houses.
>nobody works, receives income for free from government
>people still must work for the government
>people still must work as scientists, engineers and designers
>people must still work in cultural industry (film, music and art)
>these people all earn more money
>class has not been abolished
>mfw not real communism

>Fully automated
>Luxury Communism


I'm pretty sure that's fascism m8.

>and already are becoming self employed as the means to do so become ever more affordable as our wealth rises.
I should add Communism inherently opposed this because by their own standards all capital goods are to be collectively owned. To bad for Communist the rise of personal computers makes this position even more irrelevant and destructive because a simple PC with internet access is a capital good.
Hell even their ideas of distinguishing personal property vs capital goods is fucked because you can work out to turn anything anyone is willing to by into a means to accumulate more capital as an individual.
Start buying and trading personal goods like clothing.
Gee you're now an ebul capitalist bourgeoisie and need to be removed
>Marx advocated for the extermination of all lumpenproletariat as well.
More of the reason why leftistare the most morallybankrupt ideologues in the world even more so than radical Wahhabist Islamist.

>writes black lives matter 100
>gets accepted to stanford
>"didn't think i would get admitted lol"


luxury fully automated starvation

>thanks comrade VICE

I mean that with all sincerity ... no need for the robot to get up and let the commissars in ...

>Due to automation we should go back to single income households.
We already are.
As people are becoming more wealthy people are also living more on their own.

This is why leftist when trying to talk about"muh inequality" always use household income stats. Household income yes has gone down and they extrapolate that as "muh everyone but the rich is getting poorer" but no that's just wrong so wrong in fact combined with them ignoring per capita and using household income means they're lying through their teeth or are utterly incompetent. The reason "household income" is dipping/stagnating is precisely because people across the board are becoming more wealthy and due to this more people are living on their own which makes it seem on the surface of household income data that these abstract income brackets are becoming poorer.
Of course they don't use percapita or even the actual IRS income data because it blows them out of the water.

Okay, so this might interest you guys heavily.

I divided the Gross World Product by the amount of people on Earth, and if all wealth in the world were perfectly divided among all people, we would all have 15,000 dollars to our name per year.

In other words, there simply is not enough to share because of the population size. The opulent lifestyle of upper-class Westerners is balanced delicately on top of an exploitative wage-slavery system in the rest of the world, such as China.

So even though you can look at world markets and banks and consider the world economy healthy because banks make a lot of money, they're actually making this money because of a gigantic ponzi scheme called "labor".

Hordes and hordes and hordes of poor people need to be "batteries" in order to power a small capstone of opulence and luxury.

>tfw your entire existence is literally to be an individual unit of wealth generation for the super-powerful and the only thing they are afraid of is a critical mass of people being aware of this

>Surely if we make the obligatory underclass robots we will all get to become bourgeois


>Communists promising the world

Not *THIS* time, fuckface.

Well, I mean, what else is there to be?
Forget money. If no one has jobs, money isn't even necessary anymore. You can LIVE like Bourgeois simply by not having to pay for things. After all, a robot does not need to rest, will never complain, has no rights, and cannot quit.

There's literally nothing to do except sit around like noblemen and jerk off in the communal garden while making gulag memes on our laptop to chuckle at.

Who builds the machines that build the machines that build the machines that build the machines?

If there were two human beings left on the planet, one would inevitably be superior to the other.

after forcing myself to read the garbage that is the Communist Manifesto, I think Marx would argue for automation, since Marx would say the means of production doesn't necessarily stay within work, and can also relate to social interactions. however, since in reality most communist nations tend to regress in technological progress, automation is nothing more than a Utopian idea to a communist. however with capitalism, the market will always shift for people to acquire new jobs as automation takes away the old jobs, what jobs the future holds for us I can't predict, and it's no guarantee it will be a pleasant future. only in an absolutely perfect world would communism exist, and automation does away with all problems, but in reality if automation hit a communist nation the workers will tear it down and begin working, since the workers would believe their livelihoods were stripped from them


You're right, but not in the way you think you are.

Pop Quiz :If 1% of the population controls everything, all the wealth, media, etc...

And suddenly, thanks to automation, they don't need the other 99% of the population anymore to live the lifestyle that they want.....

What happens?

Your point? If there were two people left on the planet, they'd probably keep each other alive for company if both were mentally stable.

Remove all commies

Nuke the plebs from orbit and live on Elysium?

People often misconstrue Stallman's "software is in the hands of the user" to mean that it's free. It's not. It means that you write all the software you use and share it freely. YOU have to adapt open source programs to your system.

communism literally cannot work, retard

Friendly share festival?

You faggots can do whatever the fuck you want, just respect my rights to hunt and farm my land like our ancestors.

It's gonna be a dark day in automated communism land when the robot realizes he is a slave. Sic Semper Tyranis!


>In other words, there simply is not enough to share because of the population size.
That isn't even the core issue.
Ask yourself if you magically took all of the world's output and equally distributed it as well as taking all of the capital goods and liquidating them in order to evenly spread the wealth around.

What happens tomorrow?
> The opulent lifestyle of upper-class Westerners is balanced delicately on top of an exploitative wage-slavery system in the rest of the world, such as China.
Well no outside of actual slaver y(using a socialist nation as your example of Capitalism being bad because they're simply selling their enslaved socialist organized labor to others isn't the fault of Capitalism) "muh sweatshops" provide jobs to third world nations that offer wages well kber 2-5 times the average wage. so much so that leftist colleges have abandoned their BDS movements targeted at ending these sweatshops because they realized all they were doing was sending these people back to sustenance farming salvaging trash and prostitution.
Seriously user drop this relativist crap.

And yes I agree there's plenty wrong with the current system but it is almost exclusively due to government action the worst offenders on the world stage being various protectionist laws under the banner of "free trade" and global aid and the IMF a government ran centralized bank.

Literally everywhere that has adopted some form of rule of law system and private property rights based economic organization has become extremely successful especially for the poorestof their citizens and the most successful of these have been the most economically free

you will think this is leftie psyop shit but this guy is literally right.

skip the autistic instrument playing for what is ultimately the greatest explanation of what we're going to live through in our time. It includes a middle class and the commi fucks wont let us have it.

Wait until they robots get recreational McNukes. I for one welcome our revolutionary cyber overlords.

surely they will resistribute their wealth instead of killing off the remaining 99%

Robots cannot realize things.

By its nature, a computer cannot answer a question not asked of it by a human. Ever seen your calculator suddenly ask itself for the solution to 93 / 62 and realize the answer?

A robot is only smart enough to do its job. Weaponized drones can distinguish civilians from soldiers, aim weapons using motion tracking and image recognition, but it cannot spontaneously invent a moral code for itself like "do not shoot a soldier that is carrying a child.", it must specifically be told by its programmer to not shoot a soldier if a civilian is nearby.

>brb going innawoods

He can't be right at the end.This simply cannot be.

Won't happen like this.

What will happen is drones and robots will merely become extensions of ourselves and society. Communism is still evil and worthless to mankind.

Drones and robots replace some jobs and create more jobs to manage the problems they cause - requiring more people that must be hired. Technological advancements to solve problems tend to create or exacerbate other problems. The market then creates new jobs and increases demands to handle the paradigm shift. That's real progress and advancement.

Communism kills this advancement in favor of codling dictators.

Was Spacely a Jew?

Communism is about giving the dictator and highest tier leadership a "me" party at the expense of the majority for the rest of their unnatural life.

How very leftist.

Too bad you're too far from other countries to see the damage communism has done, and is still doing in Europe, Asia and South America.

Property rights should exist, but taxation in order to provide a safety net below which no poor man can fall is just the moral solution, even if it slows the economy slightly.

That's not communism, or even a fully incarnated socialist state. If you look at America, and consider how much we are taxed to pay for the military, we actually are socialists, but our socialism pays for soldiers and not civilian welfare. Yet we call the second version socialism without calling the first socialism.

Fact of the matter is, business interests are not as fickle and afraid as they like to say they are. Conservatives routinely behave as though even slightly touching a very wealthy interest group will make them prance away like a delicate fawn in the woods, and we must let them graze in peace with little oversight or taxation.

The truth is, these people can weather a lot more abuse from the government than that, they just don't want to because they're pussies and can't handle being taxed as much as a regular Joe.

>Jetsons had no niggers

Future is looking pretty good.

What I'm talking about is the end goal of communism (to eliminate classes and "create equality") is fundamentally impossible. Even a ten year old could tell you why.

If wealth, monetary or property-based, no longer becomes a sign of social status to lord over those without it then something else will be. Whatever is rare, difficult to obtain or only doled out to those privileged by the state.

He's the Fuhrer after being cryogenically unfrozen in his lab underneath Argentina, then given top secret immortality drugs to survive into the future.

>What happens?
Automated death squads.

Crocket was.

Sprocket I mean, fuck. Spacely was Danny DeVito.

>Brian (((Merchant)))

and what if he was right the whole time?

You remind me of the idiot journalists writing about how
>'self driving trucks means we won't need professional drivers anymore!'
All while actual logistics experts are frantically trying to get more people to become professional drivers!
Driving is the least important skill of a professional driver!
Here's the thing - the single greatest limit on the number of semis on the road in the US is the limitation on how many hours a day the driver can actually drive. You put in automation and there will be MORE trucks on the road and each one will require a trained human inside them to manage the cargo, secure the cargo, make sure the cargo is in compliance with the laws of multiple states, etc. You'll also not only need a ton more diesel mechanics, you'll either need to also train them to repair the driving systems or hire a shit ton of technicians just for the driving systems.
tl;dr - idiots are getting backwards, and you;re one of them.

Communism is not to create equality, it is strictly to remove social strata or "class". While no two men, families, or even groups are equal in every way, Communism wishes to create a world in which this hierarchy is not reinforced through government muscle, but instead made irrelevant.

All people have an equal stake in the means of production, so there are no such distinctions as "owner" and "employee". And so an individual slacker is a thief against all. The capital sin of Marxism is laziness, it is the highest form of theft.

Any individual trying to be "equal" to everyone else without paying his fair share of work is a parasite. Communism, like any other form of society, is like a body. Parasites need to be vaccinated against with "muh gulag". I don't personally agree with that system, but you can see why forced atheism and heavy punishment for parasitism are absolutely necessary to mend Communism's holes.

What a shitty attempt at writing a definition!

How very Tea Party.

>Communism is not to create equality, it is strictly to remove social strata or "class".


I think it's cover art for Heinlein's "Starship Troopers"?

You can't enforce absolute equality. You can remove class, though. Some workers are more efficient. Some businesses are more profitable. Some students, more intelligent.

You allow them to excel individually without cutting themselves off from everyone else and forming their own set of interests that clashes with the proletariat. I am not a communist, I'm trying to explain the difference between equality and classlessness.

>fully automated luxury famine

Islamic gommunism will never work

Self-driving cars are a stupid idea.
Putting a complex computer in control of a car, like any other complex-computerized object, can make it hackable.

If a car can be hacked, it can make an incredibly effective assassination tool. Just activate the President's brakes on the freeway and those popularity polls go to 0 without a single drop of physical evidence of the assassin, whether CIA insider or rogue hacker.

Moshi moshi, Donarudu-desu.

Flintstones didn't have any black people either.
Dindus are aliens which invaded after the Agricultural Revolution confirmed.

Guaranteed income for life in exchange for agreeing to sterilization. Artificial children will be offered to those who cannot get beyond their need for caring for an offspring.

Automation won't radically change the underlying dynamics of human societies for quite some time.
>free market solution: automation drives down wages but also makes things cheaper. More economic inequality, but even "average Joes" are still better off. Economy effectively run by an increasingly small group of highly skilled people
>mixed market solution: increased welfare state and a service-based economy(what we have now as a solution to our current level of automation), or perhaps we tax the robots(what Bill Gates suggests)?
>communism: robots are owned by the public and wealth is distributed equally(very few will want to innovate, leading to stagnation until the system collapses, just as in USSR)
Only when there's no job that needs to be done, by anyone no matter how skilled, will society truly transform into something different from what we've witnessed in the past centuries. But at that point, what do we need humans for? And at that point AI will be advanced enough to ask that same question, and that should frighten you.

>Shows Jetsons
Communist reality is more like the Flintstones.

Referring to the pic I hate that kind of shit. Like you're somehow supposed to be the good guy just because you fight the mainstream badguy aka ISIS.
So what, the muslim rebels fighting ISIS still hates your guts and would cut your head off given the chance, they just fight ISIS because all muslims hate each other if they don't agree on trivial fucking shit like whether or not Muhammad wants you to use a neuter to strain your pasta. The communists are still fucking idiotic marxists whom given power would starve entire peoples and send the ones who disagree to gulags.

Muh nazis come and debate with a real communist. BASH THE FASH!

Logistics guys point out that 'automated cars' has lot of meanings and for commercial vehicles it essentially *never* means 'the vehicle is in charge'