The UN is studying us RIGHT NOW!

Other urls found in this thread:

The study:
The cuck:

UN is monitoring this thread. Post redpills.

post pony porn. we've learned from april 1 that ponyfucking is the achilles heel for newfags, shills, and cucks. it's more effective than gore

Fuck off normies. We don't want exposure

Maybe they can verify these digits

newfags, will they ever learn to just lurk moar?

The published an entire report like four months ago.

Every time I see your tripcode I think Principle Component Analysis.


Studying Sup Forums is always pointless
We change too fast for any study to keep up

GTFO UN nerd virgins.

>calling others newfags

>tfw UN funded "scholars" have been checking my digits the whole time

>off by 5 (the most you could possibly be off by)



I never thought these faggots were such faggots.

They are.

I'm terribly unlucky.

I tried watching this. It was pretty boring. Just explaining the obvious.

Studying the art of Shitposting.

>Studying Sup Forums is always pointless

This is the UN we're talking about.

>Every time I see your tripcode I think Principle Component Analysis.

I always thought: "Publicly Certified Accountant"


good. last I'll be hearing from your dumb ass.

I hope Trump defunds the UN so he can keep kek all to himself :D

>It was pretty boring
Watch at 26:35.

what the fuck

studying chaos kek

>they investigated what is empirically the least rare pepe

>all those normies gniffing at hitler pepe

All one of us

And obviously they are planting a fake PsyOP onto Sup Forums like pizzagate and other various (((wikileaks))) ""leaks"" from unknown sources

We have to discover everything about that guy in the video and everybody who participate of that.

If they wanna know what Sup Forums is let's show them.

Start sending some pizzas.

Fucking normies ruin everything

Not even 1 minute in and he is already wrong and misinformed
>Sup Forums was designed by Christopher poole in 2003


>my shitposts are a serious area of academic study


glad I rejected them and went to imperial college instead

They're using on one the leaf pics?

>UN confirms Canada is king of Sup Forums

wow I think we all had that feeling, but getting that suspicion confirmed by the UN is a pretty big deal. neat


wtf i love the UN now

>this is the least rare pepe

>this man was paid to lurk

Sup Forums is racist.

Just enjoy the unrealness of it all.

He should've lurked moar before publishing the study

The fact that he used that specific meme really tickles my fancy.


>However, Sup Forums remains relatively unstudied by the scientific community

The actual scientific community has better things to do

study this UN cucks.

Swallow this UN fags.


Is that a spic or a kike?
>Rounded egg tier-head with no chin
>Premature balding frontally and on kippa spot



>Is that a spic or a kike?
He's Italian. Possibly a Jew.

>Post redpills.

An estimated 50% of the world's muslims are inbred.

He is italian, he is probably OP since this UN meme gets spammed no stop.


I pity that poor Dane.


I hear this argument enough from stoners

>comes to Sup Forums for "observation"
>gets red pilled

Many such cases.

Include me in the screen cap

hemp would be god tier.


sanctioned by muhamad or not?





Hello un observers

I wake up to open this thread and see UN talking about Sup Forums. Have they nothing better to do ?????
Need more world problems I guess

Fuck all of you


Is this what 'intellectuals' do in universities?

the speaker is a colossal faggot

It is not the UN, it is University College London

These niggers and muds wish they were clever enough to pull some shit like that

Can un explain this pic?

Weed is for fags anyways, alcohol is the only acceptable vice.

I don't know, Swamp German, but it's hilarious. We can probably drive the UN crazy by making it study us too much.

>study for Sup Forums
>still writes Sup Forums
why do people keep making this mistake wtf


Honestly, this is scary as fuck and will just lead to more regulations on free speech.

I never wanted Sup Forums to become mainstream but it is what it is.

Time to move on.

maybe the 300 pound hacker deserves a cap once and awhile ?? idk

we gonna get to be in one of those moving picture shows?

Yes dudes we made it

Only Sup Forums paper is from (((Bernstein)))

Go to the otherchan for more than shitposting

To where? ((plebbit)) ?

This video is hilarious and still shows how out of touch the mainstream is

>explaining what a rare pepe is at about 22:00



What a waste of resources. We just meme and jerk off to feminine penis.

It's a good scientific paper, pretty neat.

>The UN is studying us RIGHT NOW!

It doesn't matter, they won't go through the lengths to really understand us. They lurk for a little bit and then write us of as alt-right hate speech while collecting funding for their little data collecting expeditions.

Which is good, what they don't understand only makes us stronger.

People come here thinking it's satirical

But Sup Forums's ideals are contagious and they will unconciously redpill themselves

Clearly he didn't browse Sup Forums enough!

fuck off shill

nice get.

>mfw Finland in top5 for most threads created per capita

go back to Sup Forums

Emiliano De Cristofaro has no idea what he's getting into.



>we give them money and they use it to study shit posting

wtf? How are these people even living in the real world?

the misunderstanding is fundamental. traditional liberals don't understand the power of anonymity, in fact it totally terrifies them because they can't police it. people like the dude in the video want to turn everything on the internet into a PG safe space where all discussion is inoffensive and people just post pictures of cats and food.

I'm not afraid of this study because the end results are useless, but take note, the pro-censorship people are studying us. expect more of this in the future.

And their blog