Why are Scandinavians so degenerate?



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Does this bother you?

Ah yes Helsinki the capital of Sweden

>sweden gives out guides how to cuck your women, and get fucked in the ass by lgbt nigger.
>finland lets kids play with wooden horses

Welcome to women Sup Forums. Females in Govt ruin countries, every time.

I have limited data. Someone explain this to me. I can't watch the video.

What the fuck is degenerate about that you fcuking virgin?

Italians live with their mother til they are 35 you degenrate piece of shit.

It'll be interesting to see if anyone catches that

>finland lets kids play with wooden horses

That's not a bad thing m8

200 years of peace. It made them soft.

pole dancing, hobby horsing.. notice a pattern.

I'll take it?

are finns devolving or is this the jews just having fun with it now?

Man, I love horses now.

mlp forever

>are finns devolving
We are just remembering our old Hakkapeliitta ways.

This looks dangerous, what if they fall and the stick enters the vagina?

Sweden has highest number of sex with animals per capita in Europe also.I don't know is it because of the towelhead immigrants or lot of Svens are just indeed degenerates


We are gradually returning back to our mongolian roots.
The second coming of the Golden Horde is night.

im a psychologist, horsing is a symptom caused by preteens not having enough masculine men around. a horse symbolizes
a beast that needs to be tamed... the refugees will become the new horses that the women will ride essentially.

Then they will be able to enjoy the benefits of a BIG BLACK COCK DAYUMMM.
all those mommy and daddy issues satisfied by BBC/bestiality fetish. Only white women lel

They've got nothing left to live for. Might as well try it all, I guess...

There is literally nothing wrong or degenerate about that. Degeneracy is kids sitting inside twiddling on their phones all day. Hobby horses are a traditional toy, and it's good to see them combined with exercise. Healthy children are active. This hobby combines handicraft, exercise, team work, and fun.

Also, little girls especially have always loved horses and ponies but most families can't afford horseriding as a hobby.

Stop being a poor nigger

Teenage girls in some God forsaken shit hole with too much socialism unironically prancing around and playing hobbyhorsies. Like, they do competitions and then at the end there's like a group of 15 of them marching(?) or something. Turns out it's a really sad documentary about kids growing up with no direction or purpose other than socialism. At one point, one of the girls says, "My parents got divorced in 2006...I don't remember much from 2006-2011...just hobbyhorses."

boys love dinosaurs and girls love ponys. These girls seem a little too old though. I suspect they have a bit of the tism spectrum.

this looks completely fucked

looks like they just want an excuse to rub some wood against their pussies

Projection at its finest.

>God forsaken shit hole
Not at all.
>too much socialism
Uhh... what.
>a really sad documentary about kids growing up with no direction or purpose other than socialism
I think you need "socialism" to get your head examined at an affordable cost.

To some it is a hobby horse, to others, a cock horse.
She is riding a cock horse. Start as you mean to go on.

I say again. God. Forsaken. Shithole.

Only because everyday your country finds new ways to embarrass yourselves.

It wouldn't be so bothersome if this was a one-off thing.

>The "sport," which includes dressage and showjumping, has attracted more than 10,000 athletes and followers in Finland alone.

Y'all need to find Jesus in that God forsaken shithole, user. Y'all need to find Jesus.

Yeah what if a refugee falls on top of a scandinavian woman and penetrates her vagina with his dick?

Excuse me Emilio San-Pedro del la plaza but at least they're moving their asses off doing a physical activity. Would you prefer them to sit on a chair and fapp to blacked dot com all days ?

That pic hahahahahahah hahahhahah.

I think Jesus and the Devil are saying "no, they are all yours" and "no - you can have them" and "please. take them" followed by "you are so polite but I couldn't possibly take them"

Just looking at that picture makes me realize that its over. There is nothing to save. I hope those women get what their hearts desire. Burka and acid thrown in their face.

He gets free citizenship.

>ywn get fucked by a horse


A lot of degeneracy goes on here, your example however is not an example of it. It's just some silly fun some people like.

civilization was a mistake. It's just one long road to cultural rot and insanity. People weren't meant to live in comfort.

This is what porn has done to your brain, boys. Sad.

Sow thoughts, reap actions. Sow actions, reap habits. Sow habits, reap character. Sow character, reap destiny. As the saying goes.

There is not one part in this country that is a God-forsaken shithole in comparison with large swathes of the United States or just large swathes of urban USA.

It's difficult to tell if a post like that is only satire or if you're genuinely unhinged enough to write it seriously.
I mean this statement alone:
>Just looking at that picture makes me realize that its over. There is nothing to save.
That statement is either patrician comedy or utter lunacy, but given the previous paragraph it's probably the latter. It really makes me wonder what goes on in your brain on a daily basis.

And here's another. Jeez, it's just a fun hobby for these kids. Hardly much different from making glove puppets, practicing high jump, or skateboarding.

Kek. This isn't the first time people thought Helsinki was Sweden.

cringeworthy as fuck

lol. Stop Finland, you're embarrassing yourself.


Coming from a delusional toad like yourself, that's a compliment.

>has attracted more than 10,000 athletes and followers in Finland alone.
>Hobbyhorse Championships near Helsinki

This is just finnish autism turned into clickbait, turned into a shitpost on Sup Forums

I should start a newspaper and shill my articles here.

>Implying swedes don't
Dude we got no homes, stop reking yourself

People generally think Finland and Sweden is the same thing. How does that make you feel?

what the hell


>literally rubbing a stick with a horses head against their pussies

....yuck, nasty finns

Per the tradition of the Swedish spring bull festival that would be the last time something white was between her legs

At least it's not camels yet.


Young girls playing with stick-horses is not degenerate at all, quite the opposite in my opinion. Sure it's weird when adult hipster girls do it, but that's the least damaging thing they can do, so whatever.

Daily reminder that living in a longitude above 50 degrees causes brain damage.

...but Toronto's like, 43* and Montreal's like 45*

Archive you stupid pastanigger.
You're so irrelevant I have to always put my mouse over your flag to check if you aren't Ireland

They aren't over 50 degrees now are they?

>missing the joke this hard...

>thinks I don't realize that you're implying Toronto and Montreal are brain damaged
>figure you live in Alaska
>ignoring Stefan Molyneux memes

>thinking anyone likes Molyneux memes
>must be actually brain damaged

why not just learn riding on a real horse?

>Why are Scandinavians so degenerate?

They have always been barbarians and they will forever remain so.