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"Transgenders" are mentally ill and need help.
Who cares comics were shit ever since the Comic Code Authority
you need to be 18 to post on Sup Forums
>mentally ill person runs around beating the shit out of minorities
Might be cool
Doesnt batman fuck batgirl?
So they're saying women aren't strong enough to be heroes unless they're actually men pretending to be women. Makes sense.
will xe be black, though?
Literally nothing wrong with this
it's like I can hear the money burning when I read this
This can't be happening, DC isn't supposed to be SJW.
Can't wait for DC to introduce their first good movie
yes, they live in a fantasy, and society is telling them they're ok and super brave.
Everything is wrong with this, it's Hollywood celebrating mental illness.
more pics like this pls
so another Batman film?
that shit eating grin
that trolling fuck is so dreamy
oh my god the flag is spinning it's making me dizzy
Ok if it was just hamfisted gay stuff and racial diversity it would be annoying, but this... I would legitimately watch this.
I mean I wouldn't pay for it and risk making them think this was a good idea, but I'd pirate it
wait a minute,they are going to add a dick to batgirl?
fuck this world,im done
you see all in hell,motherfuckers
>When even your own VP is getting tired of this shit
>the look on Mel's face
Yes, and Batman getting taken from behind by (ba)T-Girl will be the most tolerant and progressive scene in movie herstory.
someone dump that comic where they fuck plants and minerals pls
I don't browse much a day but every time I do it gets more ridiculous, yesterday I learned the word Agefluid is real and now this.
>only time a woman can compete w male super heros is if she's a guy or a god
What are you talking about? They were just a guide line that worked like the movies, and it was just strongly encouraged to follow it so that they could get as many sales as possible, but when Stan Lee told marvel to ignore them and do whatever, sales sky rocketed and comics became more than psas about drugs and communism.
Comics is the modern day bibles.
lol, yes, im sure marvel is super worried their super safe blockbuster movies don't have transpersons in them
>not boycotting Hollywood products and ridiculing anyone who gobbles that trash up
Literally start bullying people who consume this shit IRL
Make them SUFFER for supporting the Hollywood jew with their money
would you say islam is a real solution to all of it
i am so desperate these days, you used to be able to think someone was trolling if the story was too retarded, but now all the terrible shit trolls came up with is real
They probably heard about Barbara Gordon's roommate and assumed that Babs herself was transgender. She's all woman. Ask the Joker- he has photographic evidence.
off topic but i think joker actually died at the end of the killing joke
fuckin dick grayson was a totally cuck with her girl.
Didn't they miss the part where people don't spend money on this retarded diversity shit?
As you become an adult you should learn not only to put down childish things, but despise them, ALL of them.
Cartoons, all of them, a shit.
Here you go, also death to trannies.
such as memes and shitposting, right?
it's true.
fucking love the mel man
I dunno, whichever it is as long as it convinces these people that how much degeneracy this is.
Maybe a little religious/spiritual classes in school aren't that bad.
Batman was a pedophile for Robin, Joker was Batman's ex lover, which is why he never kills him.
Batgirl was always a dude and batwoman is a muslim lesbian.
All Cannon now.
>"Hah. Looks like we just got ahead of Marvel's Avengers, the highest grossing film of all time. Let's see if they can get better than our first Transgender protagonist."
SJW shit just doesn't work in superhero comics because no one wants to be rescued by a person who's as obnoxious as a dumb Marxist college kid.
I wonder if they'd make wonder woman a black transwoman. She comes from an island where men aren't allowed and they've never seen one, so how could she grow up there, realize "she's" a woman and transition?
Copperhead is already a tranny
>question mark
So it's not actually happening then, got it.
are you being serious? proofs?
>"I'm gonna spend my life fighting crime and the forces of evil. BUT FIRST LET ME CUT OFF MY DICK AND GET HEAVY BREAST IMPLANTS!"
>bat girl
That's always existed right, it's fine I don't see the probl-
Gas it.
>wanting proof
What are you, a fascist?
>Your move, Marvel!
So movies have gone from an art-form to a progressive dick measuring contest?
>have gone from
Bit late there m8.
>literally Hitler
Really though, I was bullshitting, but the pseudo sexual relationship between Batman and Robin has been made fun of for years.
Oh god no.
Letting Joss Whedon direct this movie is a big mistake.
If this now is to happen it won't earn a profit.
He ruined everything
Look at those hands, holy shit
The movie?
I hope he did, fuck that joker, and that crappy story
>Joker is really a crappy stand up comedian with a wife and kids...awful.
I mean, "she'd" be dressing up as a bat at night to punch street thugs so I think that's true regardless
So its a crazy dude in a bat suiy but now pretends its a woman?
This is the best timeline. The gods of chaos bring the most fun to the table.
>Name movie "Batgirl"
>It's not even a girl
This is why Marvel is better at movies.
Looks like he got shot in the face
DC is hardcore SJW. In fact the Green Arrow is describes himself as an SJW
So it's a realistic story for a kid that had his parents butchered in front of his eyes and grew up insanely rich?
If by help you mean gassed to death then sure
WHOA! More?!
We are going to look back on this time like how we look back on lobotomy. Many say that was the worst nobel prize ever given out.
Why does batman look like superman?
>The movie?
the comic, the movies aren't legitimate to me at all
>>also for Rick toppling the galactic government on Rick & Morty
Statists gonna state
Snyder won't allow this.
Or it will be like a sick torture of the joker who made Robin female to mess with batman and he'll have no choice but to become batgirl since he is already fucked beyond reparation
That's why parents should keep their children safe from comics.
It's degenerate, has always heen
well that movie will be a flop.
Batgirl will have a feminine penis?
>that movie will be a flop.
Capeshit movies are targeted at normalfags for the last past decade, do you think your run of the mill numale that liked it in the first place will take offense in le progressiveness?
You're telling me the character based on Robin Hood is liberal? No fucking way
This. It seriously looks like he was shot in the face with a shotgun and needed emergency reconstructive surgery. What a hideous creature, inside an out.
Seriously looks like Gabby Giffords after her freedom French kiss
This. Comics have been a Jewish propaganda rag from day one. All that superman beating up nazis bullshit should've clued everyone in to (((who))) was behind Marvel and DC
I think they wanted to make her look Hispanic with the high cheekbones. It's so stupid they make all the men good looking and then just shit out the women. They did something similar in cisquisition where all the females were garbage and the only interesting ones were the faggots.
When the first post is also a good post
Everyone was against nazis at the time and they were always recognized as villains
It's got nothing to do with the jews
>original pic said photoshop
>edit it to say ''sfm'' so it implies he actually created a 3d model
get the fuck back to l e d d i t and stop spreading lies
>SFM can change models
Whoever was retarded enough to edit this shit in order to deceive people needs to get gased
So wait, are they actually make Batgirl as Batgirl, or as a female Batman? Or did Batman get a sex change?
Femsploitation? Or transploitation? What the fuck kind of exploitation film is this?
Green Arrow was always the token 60's style lefty.
The Green Arrow/Green Lantern addressed this years ago, and they even gave him a bit of a monologue in the Justice League Unlimited series premier.
He's always been that way, but maybe it's worse now. I don't know, I stopped reading years ago.
we need to meme this into happening. what other stronk ((woman)) could fit that role?
>Marvel movies going with classic character arcs, fairly accurate casting, catering to fans
>Gorillions of dollars in the bank and happy fans
>DC going with a hugely divisive director, with a retarded vision, awful casting, making shit up and mashing arcs together, telling fans to fuck off
>Dogshit reviews and massive box office drop offs
Im sure Marvel are shitting themselves
Okay, so I read up on that a bit...
And there's no confirmation of a transgender character at all.
It's just reports that they're looking to base this portrayal of Batgirl on the New 52 version.
Beyond that, it's article writers going "Barbara's roommate was transgender and wouldn't it be the most awesome amazing glorious thing ever if the roommate were included too?!"
Basically this is the same thing as the initial announcement for Age of Ultron leading to people going "Oh shit we're getting Hank Pym in the MCU!" and ...look at the chorus of butthurt from how that all went.
So brace yourselves; there could be a similar chorus of butthurt when they either don't include said transgender character at all, or have a cis person portray them.
If Sup Forums could meme him into office it can do anything
OPs pic is probably some faggot SJW talking about Babs roommate who was a tranny in one of the newer series before DC realized everyone hates forced PC bullshit.