What does Sup Forums think of the church of the FSM?

What does Sup Forums think of the church of the FSM?

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It is fucking retarded.

but why do you claim this
wont you be touched by his noodly appendage?


Kek is the only true god

Le Reddit tier fedora rubbish


Textbook strawman fallacy and appeal to ridicule coupled with pure cringe. Demonstrates nicely in one stroke that gaytheists are at once illogical, irrational, unintelligent, and unfunny, all while they think they're displaying the opposite. It's perfect.

>What does Sup Forums think of the church of the FSM?

Their god has no power, because no one actually believes in him.

Kinda a crude joke desu.
>I believe that Jesus Christ is God and follow his word to awnser my deep inner questions and feel comfort in not knowing what is after death.

One is made to help and control the population.
The other is an autistic joke.


I believe some sort of checking is in order

yeah, check out reddit
you may as well stay there while you're at it

le epic reddit god

Deep and edgy.

Its funny when you're a stupid atheist but, they're barking up the wrong tree.


isn't this the meaning behind it?

Kek is the only true god


A forced meme deity with no power or presence (like forced memes themselves). Contrast that with a pure meme deity Kek who has demonstrated presence and power in numerous ways.

cringy shit

kek only true god

Why do you faggots always get so ass blasted when people don't say czeched?

Is it because it's the only relevancy you have?


Fucking cringe.

With that being said, praise Kek.

Check 'em.

After we die, the bible talks about a second death in the book of Revelation. It is described as a lake of fire. The Bible also says that Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven and the only way to be saved from Hell.

>Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.


r/atheism needs conversion

so funny xdxd

so funny xdxd

soo funnay xdxdxd


I remember seeing this cancerous shit on fark long before reddit existed. Fedora tier atheist contrarian meme.

ive seen fsm stickers on the back of cars.

Digits confirm.
Do not worship pasketties. Kek is the only god you need.

>One is made to help
Good goy. We are here to help and Jesus was the most helpful of all Jews. Please don't forget to pray to him and always remember g-d's convenant with his chosen people. We need a few more shekels to kill some Palestinians and if you could invade Iran for us we would really appreciate it. It is what Jesus would do.

praise jusus and god bless his people the jews.

Its just as retarded as any other religion

>TFW did enough DPH to see the noodly appendages

Stick with Jesus

I like Christ more desu.

>all these apastastates

No one will give you a straight reply because that would invalidate the premises of their own religion. Therefore they can only give you weak buttmad replie like "it's retarded", "tips fedora", "le redit" while crying tears of impotent rage.