Do Americans support Scottish Independence?
Do Americans support Scottish Independence?
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We dont think about you at all
It seems like a dumb idea to me.
Why should anyone not a Scot care?
If you want out, vote accordingly. The nice thing about living in an unimportant country on the arse of Bongland is no one really cares what you do or has any interest in invading you. Be happy you have no problems.
I'm not well learned on the matter but from my perspective you guys should remain a United Kingdom. Fuck the EU and don't let in any more Muhammads though
We don't need anyone's support. We will gain our freedom this time.
Finally we can be free of the English cunts that leech off our resources.
I think we were all for it because Americans love the movie Braveheart, but then we heard you wanted independence so that you could be dependent on the EU and I guess we just figured all the good Scots must be dead and now you're a bunch of EU-loving cucks. So yeah, go Britain!
After 500 years of dividing Europe the Anglo will get his piece of division now. They fucking deserve it
i forget Scotland exists until I think of pic related
>our resources
Resources such as?
I'm an American and I support both Irish and Scottish independence. Fuck the Limey trash
If they leave UK to join EU they are legitimately retarded.
we'll the scots are totally dependent on the brits so no
Please make sure Guy Verhofstadt triggers England as hard as possible over Scottish Independence.
Your only resources are livestock and peat. Any and all oil in the north sea is our rightful clay. Fuck Norway.
not a country
I did, but you fags voted to stay with the uk like the fags you are
>Surveys by Hurricane Energy indicate that the Lancaster and Halifax oil fields are actually a single entity featuring a column of oil a kilometre deep.
>A billion barrels of oil could be contained within the well, making it the largest undeveloped discovery in the North Sea, according to Hurricane.
Glasgow voted Yes, English cunts in Edinburgh and at the Border voted so overwhelmingly for No that they kept us in.
I'm Scottish. SNP are running a pedo ring and want unlimited shitskins and former Warsaw Pact subhumans to join in. Anyone voting for these globalist scum is an arse-bandit of the highest order.
>turn on question time
>every fucking time an SNP minister drones on about independence despite literally nobody else fucking giving a shit
Just stop
on yersel lad
Should we?
>Witnessing Scots cuck themselves at the last referendum
Inner me be like...
>Violent insurgency anyone?
I'm in the army and I met some Scottish guys in the British army. Kinda felt terrible for them cause they were all concerned what would happened to them if Scotland did go independent and whether they'd be forced out of the army and all that. Seemed like a not chill situation.
Scotland is Britain now, get over it.
Scottish independence would be leaving the EU along with the UK. You are absolutely retarded if you think the UK is more tyrannical than the EU and actually want to stay under a foreign dictatorship. If Scotland leave the EU will use Scotland to funnel shit skins onto the Island. And no shit skins does not mean rocket scientists and doctors. We can get people worth while having without the EU. Migrants with sub 60 IQ are no use to anyone other than the Jews as a weapon.
You could've said the same about American redcoats in 1776.
Unionism underpins the entire ideology of the British Military.
Would require independence to be on the table, Ahmed.
>m-muh oil!
>England calling Scotland 'Ahmed'
Scotland is 95% white.
London is 45% white.
I don't think most Americans really know where Scotland is, sadly.
On the topic of liberation from the English, I hope it goes well!
My family traces back to Scottish immigrants during the early 1900's. Even then, they were treated like dogs by the "English" Americans.
Liberation for all countries. Even non-countries deserve their own government.
>tfw op started this thread to feel good about muh heritage but got wrecked by Americans who don't care about them.
Exactly. They found like years worth of Oil (if that) off the coast of the Shetlands and they want to fuck themselves over for generations being cucked to the max by (((Brussels))) and (((Germany))) for a bit of oil. Scottish people truly are retarded.
I support whatever those people want to do with their own god damned country.
Ain't none of my business.
No, it's not that I don't care about them. It's just geopolitically silly. What's to be gained from it at this point?
>Comparing whole of Shitland to one city in England
They won't have their own government though you fucking retard. They will be governed by the EU and Brussels and used as a bargaining chip. They would wait till UK leaves the EU then vote to leave the UK and see how they do then when they are actually independent.
>asking Americans
>about anything
>Having money
When you leave and no longer get gibsmedats from British tax payers say goodbye to "muh free university muh free healthcare" because the EU sure as hell ain't going to accept another gibsmedats nation with no economy.
Except practically every other yank I've met claims having irish or scottish blood flowing in his veins and gets very buttmad when I say that 'I can't tell at all, I think you're just an american bro'.
>thinking, as an anglo, it's your problem
Scotland is 95% white and votes fir massive immigration.
England is about 85% white and votes for reduced immigration.
Almost as if living alongside immigrants makes you not want more of them, really boggles the noggle.
You what, subhuman scum? This is a conversation for whites only.
If France wins their election and they leave the EU I really wanna see Scotfags faces when they have no EU and no UK. Fuck me that would be glorious.
Did I ask, or say anything about their government?
I just said liberation. I don't give a fuck about their government, or how they will vote on it, I just want them independent.
Stay off the hard liquor, dad. You're tearing this family apart.
yes goyim, dividing more white people is a good thing
>Even non-countries deserve their own government.
Are you some sort of schizoid?
Being BTFO aside, just stfu. You know nothing of the situation. Scotland leaving the UK does NOT make them independent. They will be governed by Europe. A dictatorship. The same dictatorship that made the British patriots vote leave. EU is utter globalist cancer. You are no independent country if you are an EU member. They even regulate our portion sizes and laws. If only you and other ignorant people like yourself actually knew what the EU was. The world would be in a much better place right now.
Scotland had a referendum about 2 years ago and voted to stay in the uk, you need to give it longer say ten years. The whole kingdom got one brexit vote. What makes you jocks any more special than everyone else?
scots are sweden teir cucks.
europe doesnt need anymore cuck countries. you are fine where you are.
Why would I care
What's a scotland?
Why would you want to be a pathetic little country with a faillure complex. Just be British loser
Lol Britain dividing Europe and ensuring a balance of power is the only reason your country exists
Stfu belgian non person. Anglo's look at this pathetic non country called Belgium, don't become like them and stay together as Brits
wew lad I love yankiedoodles now
>Even then, they were treated like dogs by the "English" Americans.
Hello perpetual victim cuck. Feel free to get the fuck out if you don't like how native Americans treat you.
>impotent beta intensifies
>Scotland goes bankrupt trying to colonise an empty jungle
>Scotland begs to join with England to wipe off the debt
>England agrees
>Scotland gets disproportionate funding
>Scots can vote on English matters but the English can't vote on Scottish matters
>Scots elect a socialist party that holds a referendum on independence
>Scots overwhelmingly vote to stay with England
If Scotland truly wanted independence they'd give the English a vote on it.
Only if they're willing to go to war over it
No. And I'm descended from you fuckers.
> this isnt satire
ta ta
M-m-muh identity
Muh identity mufugguh
U america
MUH identity mufuga
>go in thinking this is about the history of Scotland and England
>mfw it outlines the relationship between r/T_D and Sup Forums instead
It undermines the point of the United Kingdom so no, that being said, New England Independence when?
>less people for an entire region than 1 English city
>Needs constant benefits
>crys all the time
thinks it can now suckle on the EU for benies so It doesn't feel like a hypocrite insulting England while taking handouts
Scots don't even support Scottish independence.
>You could've said the same about American Redcoats in 1776
The Americans who supported the British in the American Revolution were known as Loyalists. Many of them fled the United States and took refuge in Canada.
Seems like a shitty deal from here. The Scottish nationalist party are a bunch of reds looking to sell any newly won independence to the EU as soon as they can.
Nobody in England would miss that shithole.
Northern Ireland already fucks with my map autism. Scotland would fuck with it even more. On this reason alone I fiercely oppose Scottish Independence. Besides, an independent Scotland would be fucked 10 ways sideways trying to get back into the EU and would just get economically ravaged for their oil by Germany.
Americans always support division. It's just fun seeing all these british cucks going "Noooo don't leave the union just because we leave an union! Our union is more union-y can't you see that?"
I hope we take the last rest of their failing empire and Argentina takes the Falklands too.
Yes finally. Please take us Germany. Just give me a kraut waifu tho. One of the nice pale ashen haired ones with the heart-shaped head and huge knockers.
We English support Scottish independence. Just shut the moaning cunts up. Sick of Krankie and her sideshow of freaks. Fuck the SNP, paki loving cucks
Most Americans don't know where or what Scotland is.
This. Based
No. Not happening
If Scottish Independence it would be easy for the EU TO MAKE AN EXAMPLE OUT OF ENGLAND!
>tragically, he died shortly after the photo was taken.
He just got shot in the leg again.
UK has been the subject of the greatest dysgenic experiment ever since everyone good went to the US
It's retarded.
The same as Quebec. You skirt wearing blowhards should quit your bitching and just get on with life. Actually work together to make the nation as a whole greater, not busting it up because of some petty shit that happened decades (or even centuries) ago.
If I was living in the US and someone said to me he cant tell Im Dutch and that Im just n american to him Id take it as a compliment cause that implies I succesfully integrated in american society as an immigrant
Americans can't even point to Britain or any other European county on a map.
Your education is in shambles senpai.
Fuck no. I support you guys getting more clay. And i support you against the spanish. You are truly our greatest ally.
I hope you get your independence so that the English can conquer you again.
Yes. Scotland Needs to leave before it's too late.
stop blockading muh colony then and threatening other countries not to trade with Darien then you perfidious Anglo wretch!
>less people for an entire region than 1 English city
uhh that's a good thing m8.
GIVE you? If you can't score hot babes that's God telling you that you are a fucking loser. Join a monastery.
Scotland should leave before the dumbass brits pour in a ton of rapefugees into their country the same with Wales too