>writes black lives matter 100 times on application
>gets accepted to stanford
>"didn't think i would get admitted lol"
This is how easy it is to get to top colleges just because you ethnicity
>writes black lives matter 100 times on application
>gets accepted to stanford
>"didn't think i would get admitted lol"
This is how easy it is to get to top colleges just because you ethnicity
So inspiring.
moderate re
And yet people still think credentials are worth a fuck
The biggest redpill for me was finishing my degree, entering the workforce and seeing the ridiculous level of incompetency of my peers who also had 'degrees'
Rural retards may have voted for Trump but these educated city folk are stupid as fuck, the problem with them is they are their credentials as a pretence to their level of intelligence
He's probably going to drop out in a year or two unless he goes into a * studies major and they pass him on race.
ye, we know.
So I'm asking purely for clarification - because he's a nig he'll probably pay nothing, or very little, for the education as well, right?
>American top education
What a fucking joke
He's a Muslim, and they have $300k scholarships exclusively for them.
He doesn't even need it though. FAFSA will give him grants up the ass. Shit, he doesn't even need the FAFSA. All he has to do is set up a gofundme and I guarantee you he'll get enough donations from white guilt SJWs to get a Doctorate in whatever bullshit topic he wants.
Academia has been completely subverted by Marxists.
>you are, quite simply, a fantastic march with Stanford
What did they mean by this?
>fantastic march with stanford
check your spelling next time mongol
do you honestly think yours is better, rachid?
It's just ridiculous to me. Such students shouldn't be prioritised at all, let alone with such an awful application.
>entrance exams
>write a hashtag 100 times
Lel sit down faggot
Marxists r clever people.
So.... does this work if I write ''Sieg Heil gas the jews'' 200 times on mine ? Or does that only work when you're either a dindu or a mudslime ?
No fucking way! #BlackPrivilege
>this is what she wrote
A university acceptance letter misspelled the word match? Yeah, sure this is real.
See, with all the ranting and raving against minorities the real world is still filled with educated people who've worked hard to get to their position, who will call out privilege and grant equity to the oppressed. Thank the atheist gods for universities
Can i, a white man (but hispanic as far as my university is concerned ;) ) get one of these muslim scholarships simply by saying i am muslim?
Fake news
>acceptance letter has a typo
This is considered a top school.
Spelling is a social construct
Burn this mother fucker down. Burn it all down.
I thought it was done just to prove a point that these schools want brown folks for diversity, no matter what they write. But fuck. Stanford needs a new admissions head if this is really what they're looking for.
Karl Marx must be banned from all universities and a complete investigation of leftism in universities must be done and the kikes and commies must be purged, and later suffer fatal car accidents. Or just a bullet to the head.
That's not true, our women wouldn't do that
Hahaha. You're so wrong.
White women go on about wanting tall, dark, and handsome men, that's why they come here so often. Indian women aren't e going anywhere
Hahaah! Look up tall, dark and handsome on Google images. It means Spanish/Italian, in other words a white guy with a tan. Nobody wants Indians, especially Indian women
>fantastic march
College admissions
This is why you go into an obscure career that minorities stay away from. I'm a shop teacher, and college was fantastic because it's actually a merit-based system without minorities
Whites have to work and constantly out perform everyone else to get a spot like that, while blacks basically get in with zero effort. Someone tell me how white kids are the privileged ones?
Because Jews are overrepresented in academia and since Jews are white when they want to be that means whites are mega privileged
There's a reason why they've been expelled from over a 100 countries in 2000 years.
White privilege is a cop-out nonargument. It's a fabrication which lefties and sjw idiots like to project and assert, to compensate for the lack of actual awareness and objective perspective. It's an ignorant meme and it's socially fashionable among intellectually inferior people who can't debate, who don't know shit about life outside of their ignorant bubble, and who don't even deserve to have a platform in which to speak on at this point. They're so dishonest and regressive it makes me sick
Oy vey goy, I'll have Tim Wise (re)educate you if you say those hate facts again!
Looks like the Shit Patrol has arrived, right on time
No way this is actually true
>get one of these muslim scholarships simply by saying i am muslim?
Sure you can.
If questioned, you just start a social media campaign about how you're being oppressed. If they ask questions about your faith just be vague and restate that Islam is peace. If they question what you know about Islam tell them they are dirty kuffar who should be beheaded.
You will get free money.
It's real
I want to return to a time when our universities were the envy if the world. Not this.
blacks are i believe 20% more likely to get into stanford to begin with
this was just the icing on the cake
funfact: its easier for a black man than an asian man to get into stanford
Lmao, this is good. The next batch of elites will be a bunch of dumb mystery meat Jew pawns. Too easy to beats.
the kebabs relatives must be having a blast
>the ridiculous level of incompetency of my peers who also had 'degrees'
If you have one job position for a programmer, and get hundreds of resumes, one easy thing to do is put everyone with a BSCS in one pile, then throw the rest away. It doesn't mean they're all good but it's a decent filter. Then you make the next filter a little harder.
That's exactly what keeps the damn scheme going.
This makes me fucking depressed. It demotivates me to ever want to pursue academic achievement, because my work will be invalidated because of my race. I have to work exponentially harder than any non-white person, and even then my chances are still slim.