Is sweden the most cucked country in the world?

Is sweden the most cucked country in the world?

Other urls found in this thread:ända_broschyr_2016-03-03.pdf

EU is a country. EU memberstates aren't countries themselves. EU is the most cucked country in the world.

Is sun hot? Is ice cold?

I don't know, you'd have to find some statistics.


does anyone even have to answer this question?

You have to ask?

Honestly, I think we're tied with Canada.

> EU is a country
Not in the forseeable future.

you're living a lie

Fake news buddy


Is this fake news too?



This is also fake news:


You triggered Sven?

Greece is for letting in millions of niggers into europe.

nah, Germanistan is almost as bad. For the same reasons : women and leftists rule the country, academia and media. Remove this trash from power or die under 3rd world muslim invasion.

What a fucking sperg.
>when they get your gender pronouns wrong

USA they are 60% non-white kek


And sweden accepts them all



The reason European countries are so cucked is because generation after generation are raised without patriotism and national pride being shown to them. In many eurofag countries like Germany for example, showing love towards your country is actually shameful and socially wrong.

How pathetic is that? When Abdullah in Germany is raised to not be proud of his German heritage and national history how can you expect the country to fix its problems? It won't.

The Europeen Union is effectively an unelected Globalist dictatorship disguised as a beacon of choice, cooperation, tolerance and unity.

Nope. Germany did. We're trying to get rid of them

Actually we haven't, that's just what we want you to believe.


Canada is worse. Maybe not today, not yet, but we let in 1.2m non-whites per year so it won't be long before we pass you guys.

Are you guys still afraid of russia?

eu is gonna cuck u all if we enslave the niggers and make them our own nigger army


The Media is, the general opinion of Eastern Europeans is very low due to their behavior. But nobody cares about them unless they're doing something in Sweden.

Countryside remains uncucked.

Bullshit. I've been to your countryside on a short visit and it was full of Somalis and Afghans. Rapeugee centers are everywhere.

sweden yes

I remember you! Even took your family's picture:



on rivalry with germany, girlfriend raped infront of boyfriend lel

Red herring, Sven, but I'll bite. He's from Yemen, you know, that other type of scum you cucks like and welcome. He lost his Saudi citizenship after becoming a terrorist, now contrast with your treatment of returning ISIS "Swedes".

Germany is a strong conteder, specially because some of them try to defend it and do damage control. Denial I guess

If denial is the one of the criteria then Sweden wins hands down. Ask the Finns.

>He lost his Saudi citizenship after becoming a terrorist
He exchanged his Saudi citizenship for Saudi money.



False. Why would he be offered money when citizenship can be taken away for national security reasons? Much easier for non natives like him, no specific reason is even needed.

No. Australia is the single most cucked country of all time

I thought that's been a unanimous yes for awhile now.
Common knowledge.

Ah, Yemen. You kow that country too well it seems.

Anyway, where's the part that says he exchanged his citizenship for money?

>Biggest single political party 2018 in Sweden is gonna be right wing anti-immigration party.
>Somehow biggest cucks.

Why is Abdulah entitled to an opinion?
'the fuck out of here!

SWEDEN, YES! is my favourite reality show

More red herring, didn't expect better from a Swede. Oh look, hundreds of YouTube videos showing American and NATO vehicles destroyed by the Taliban. Seems Afghanistan is doing well, is that why you like to import the Afghan filth too?

Fuck off gypsy nobody's talking to you.


Australia, YES!

In Australia’s case, that proportion is 28 per cent: almost seven million out of 24 million Australians were born overseas. Add in Aussies born here but who had one parent born overseas and that proportion tops 40 per cent.

The only nation with a higher proportion is Saudi Arabia, where 10 million residents out of 32 million, or 32 per cent, were born abroad. But Saudi Arabia’s foreign-born residents are guest workers who do not have the same sovereign rights as migrants.

Australia’s migrant proportion stands clear of peer nations: in Canada, it is 22 per cent; in Kazakhstan, 20 per cent; in Germany, 15 per cent; in the US, 14 per cent; in Britain, 13 per cent.

>The only nation with a higher proportion is Saudi Arabia, where 10 million residents out of 32 million, or 32 per cent, were born abroad.
Qatar is actually much higher at over 85%.

>But Saudi Arabia’s foreign-born residents are guest workers who do not have the same sovereign rights as migrants.
Good thing you included that part, which makes all the difference. The same applies in Qatar.

When our government allows sharia law in parts of our country, then you can call us cucked. You and Sweden are like dying puppies. It's like you're begging to be put out of your misery.

Yes. Although Germany are the current holders of the title, Sweden will reclaim their crown in 2017.

Wrong choice, Achmed! I'm not Romanian subhuman gypsy shit, I just work for a while in this shithole... what's your excuse? You pathetic attempt of a human!

My excuse for being comfy in my filthy rich and uncucked country? I don't need one. You on the other hand work for gypsies. Enjoy the actual filth, bitch o' gypsies.

This. I forget how Germany and Sweden have a competition between each other to prove who is the most tolerant


Oops meant to post this

wtf i love saudi arabia now

>filthy rich and uncucked country
Tell me again how you're not sucking dick from most countries, especially US? How you might be rich in that area, but you're still uneducated swines, with shitskin and no particular taste in anything!
FYI I don't work for gypsies, they work for us, I'm just here to supervise and offer training. You're still irrelevant.
Go find a goat, leave the thinking to the ones who can do it

>shows this to liberal
>"Those women aren't wearing headscarves, they're not real Muslims."


Rape is good for men of foreign background.

wtf i love this supervisor

We always liked Greece.

Go back to your gypsies.

Fuck my heart bleeded when I watched this
My Country will rise again

Sweden, y'all need sharia , hang this kid slowly like they do in gulf countries

someone post that flag


Well, here in Denmark they just started serving tendies in our most famous burger bar, so I think we all know who the most Good Boys are.

>262,236 immigrants per annum
>illegal to question government policy
Not really.

also, do anyone think it's coincidencial that the swedish flag is blue and the danish is red?

Sweden, Germany and Canada are the unholy trio of cucks, faggots, trannies, muslims and anti-western idiots.

They are a window to the future for the rest of us.

God help us all.

They are about to lose their own country if they don't do something radical

Something radical like maybe.. radical.. Islam?

>my uncucked country

this doesnt suprise me that you think this, you goat fuckers are really dumb, all those weapons systems you 'bought' and you need foreigners to operate them all because you cant into any tech above sticks and sand

Ohhhh, so thats what they are aiming, to improve those 'ratings'.


Sounds like you know more about Saudi Arabia than I do. Oh please enlighten me, what nationality are those foreigners you speak of, how many of them, and where are they housed?

Probably. Don't think we can compete with Germany or Canada though.

>talking down on anyone
holy shit Greece is the fucking cancer of europe after Romania. You went from being the most political progressive country to a lazy fucking shithole. Fucking mallacks

and yes, top politicians and leftiest are cucked beyond save. SD will win next election tho and then we'll see what happen.

Not sure if this has been posted yet.

gå udenfor og nyd vejret det er så dejligt :)

Here is my ranking:

1=sweden without a doubt.
I used to know a girl from Växjö, the shit there is beyond ridiculous..
2=germany, desperate to kick sweden from the throne, but we still have too many people with common sense and a spine.
3=france and the UK, france is in some parts even worse than germany, in other less bad. UK reduced their cuck status a little with the brexit, respect for that dear Nigels!
5=USA full of non whites, the breeding ground of degeneracy in the west like feminism, obesety etc...
6=Austria, Norway, Italy, spain etc...
All those semo important european countries that are somewhat fucked and multilated but not lost yet.

to critique a country like greece as socialist it is, rich, especially as you come from a country that is rampant with corruption and has open fucking rebellion in the mountains from a bunch of goat fuckers with AK's.?

BTW greece is the third most working country in the world google it. :-D

>but we still have too many people with common sense and a spine.

Are you insane?
Sweden just had a 40 year headstart compared to us.

Where does that make me insane?
What you said might be the reason for it, but that does not make what i said untrue.
Maybe we will be as bad as them in 40 years.
We are not so fucked yet though.

You are BY FAR worse than us, Hans, stop kidding yourself.

Could we stop making cuck rankings and start uniting to btfo islam and leftist ideology? Yea? Kk thx bye