Nazis shoot themselves in the foot

When eugenics is implemented, why do Nazis seem to think they won't be included? You'll dangle from your flabby neck like everyone else, and if there are intelligent minorities, they'll survive while most of the white working class won't.

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What's a Nazi?

Only Swedish Nazis have balls

A fascist who believes in racial discrimination.

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi

cool story, jew

>A fascist who believes in racial discrimination.
so an Israeli?

Don't you think it would be safer for our continued survival if every race lived in their homeland to prosper?

Low tier beta males are always the first to realise that things are shit. That's why the become radicals.

>I'm a racist, pro-jewish genocide and a Nationalist Socialist, but don't call me a Nazi you're triggering me!

*leans closer to mic*

Israel isn't fascist though, its a democracy. Not that it makes their racist policies any better.

>Don't you think it would be safer for our continued survival if every race lived in their homeland to prosper?
no, some races are too dangerous to let live

the holohoax never happened, silly

Even in their homeland?

it's a fake democracy, since only jews can vote

>everyone who disagrees with nazis is a jew
Cool story chechen

yes. they will just breed out of control and migrate

No, because how do you define homeland? And further more, no-one is forcing you not to live in what you consider your "homeland". Do you think I'm ever going top permenantly leave Britain? I might bugger off to Japan for a few years but I intend to die here.

you type like a jew, so you might as well be a jew

>I'm a good goy regurgitating bullshit

Nazi is a short term for a National Socialist. In brief the movement arose in Germany as a response to the growth of communism and as a direct challenge to the German communist party. The nazi movement was also heavily motivated by the dire economic, and social situation the Germanic people faced after world war 1 with the regulations imposed by the treaty of Versailles. They felt a great injustice had been done towards them. They believed that through national unity the Germanic people could once again achieve greatness and peace where they had been let down by the international community. Their belief on racial superiority was that a unified race would best for a country socially and protect them from the outsiders they seen as perpetrators.

>Those humans targeted for destruction under Nazi eugenics policies were largely living in private and state-operated institutions, identified as "life unworthy of life" (German: Lebensunwertes Leben), including prisoners, degenerate, dissident, people with congenital cognitive and physical disabilities (including feebleminded, epileptic, schizophrenic, manic-depressive, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, deaf, blind) (German: erbkranken), homosexual, idle, insane, and the weak, for elimination from the chain of heredity. More than 400,000 people were sterilized against their will, while more than 70,000 were killed under Action T4, a euthanasia program.


Kek half of Sup Forums would be sterilized!!!!

About as incorrect as believing in a flat Earth.

*cue a flood of poorly sources jpgs highlighting everyone with "man" or "berg" in their name who have ever done anything significant*

Well the difference is, I can condemn Israel, you can't since you want to do what they're doing in America. You stand with them basically.

If you arent pro jewish genocide you clearly just dont know shit about kikes and what they did. Yu dont even need to be white nationalist for that, all races suffered from their subversion.

>Falling for the everyone on the internet is fat meme.

Dumb Paki cunt.

Reminder that OP is a guy with an irrational hatred of Millennial Woes that always posts in threads involving MW.

I've seen him and his exact posts before. It's pathetic.


NAZI is just an Abbreviation applied to The National Socialist German Workers' Party or "NSDAP" so that people will be fooled into not painting all socialist movements with the same brush.

You don't know what eugenics actually means, do you?
Eugenic can actually be noncoercive and peaceful. It's an obviously good idea to have eugenic policies in place.

>oy vey, don't forget that six gorillion were gassed in rooms that were nowhere sealed like modern gas chambers but were somehow morbidly efficient.

No. In what way would doing so contribute to survival? What is the homeland of a "race"? Many races have occupied the same area of space at different points in time. Do they live together, or does one get the boot? You also forget that a large number of people in the world are multi-racial. Do they get to live where they choose?

How about this: rather than fantasize about having literally hundreds of millions of people lifted from their lives, shuttled across the globe from where they are (who would pay for this?), and told to fuck off, why don't you yourself consider fucking off? Many places around the world truly are multicultural; there are now people who aren't of a homogeneous background and who still perform duties essential to society and the community, own property, and contribute.

Virtually nobody of import (save for your similarly short-sighted kindred found on this board) is willing to compromise the infrastructure and integrity of nations because you have a problem with Jamal living next door or the fact that your daughter is attracted to him.

>who would pay for this?


Like what. Pick one thing, don't give me a red herring list. Communism? Karl Marx wasn't a Jew. And it would make no difference anyway, the reason Jewish people show up a lot in revolutionary thought is because they lived in Germany, where revolutionary and taboo thought flourished among everyone. Look at Max Stirner, he wasn't Jewish.

Its funny because Sadiq Khan has a fatwa issued against him for being a traitor to Islamism for being too progressive. You clearly don't care about anything other than racism.

Thank u 4 that...

>(((Karl Marx))) wasn't a Jew
Yes he was

>When eugenics is implemented, why do Nazis seem to think they won't be included?
Doesn't matter. It's about survival of the group, not the individual. I'd be happy to trade my life for every shitskins to leave our countries.

That's not how eugenics work. Eugenics also include racial hygiene and positive eugenics.

Pictures used:'
Genetic Distance (fst)
>"There are many other species which have recognized subspecies that are less genetically distinct than human races are. Such species include, for example, the Canadian lynx, the African Buffalo, The Plain Zebra, and the Red Winged Black Bird. Dog breeds are more genetically distinct than most subspecies are and there is no plausible justification for using them as the standard by which to judge other species. The choice of dogs is obviously motivated entirely by the fact that dog breeds are more genetically distinct than human races. There is no other reason that RationalWiki decided to use them as their example. But if we use the same standards as we do for other species the level of genetic differentiation between human race is more than enough to justify calling them subspecies."

Prove it. I only used millenial woes as an example because he is like a lot of you. The audacity of the guy screaming that immigrants are ruining the country and are cowards for fleeing war and them turning out to be some fat unemployed guy who fled the country because a journalist wanted to interview him is hilarious.

That is why you build up your race in the area you find yourself in. What is a race without its own cultures and traditions. Every single race should have its own homeland. No, not every single race is so co mingled that it is impossible to say there are no differences. Should British behave and live like Scots? Should Americans live like the Brazilians? No. Humanity being turned into an unrecognizable species from blatant race mixing is an affront to the Almighty. It would be difficult but it is possible to cultivate , one's one racial pride, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

>When eugenics is implemented, why do Nazis seem to think they won't be included?

that's not an argument

Intellect and behavior is genetic. Without preserving biological race you will not preserve its culture and way of life. In particular case, there will be no more civilization on planet without european race, as it is known that contribution of other races into it is very insignificant.

OK then, Nationalist Socialists, whatever, the point still stands.

No its not, because a selectively bred population usually has more genetic problems than a natural population.

>Karl Marx wasn't a Jew

No he wasn't.

eugenics is as simple as using genius sperm for procreation instead of your own.

I plan on doing this. I want my kids to be better than me, and everyone else in town, in fact. Perhaps I can create children smarter than anyone in my entire state. I want to show the world the power of eugenics.

WRONG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

National socialists are fags LARPing about being fascists.

Its funny that you use science and eugenics when its convienient for you, but deny it when it isn't. Its a good thing human ethnicities aren't classified as seperate subspecies isn't it? There may be an argument for it, but you don't actually care, you're just looking for anything that supports the conclusion you've already come to. Eugenics is considered immoral and scientifically unsound by scientists.

Yes, he was. Feel free to do your own research into and try to explain that one away. Communism and all its failures is exactly the way it was intended. It takes the dumbest people on the planet who have good intentions and makes them enable very cunning kinds of evil.

This is why we must put down the Communists, they are the biggest threat to us all thanks to their own stupidity. Like you're displaying now.

boy i love the female form

He was the KKCP

King Kike of the Communist Party


that's why you don't let them in idiot

Hitler was elected you fucking idiot lmfao.

He was atheist. He wasn't "jewish", unless you mean ethnically, which I don't think is a valid ethnicity since they're such a widely dispersed group everyone seems to have a few shekels in the penny jar.

Almost all (if not all) significant perpetrators of communism are kikes. Who also known to have extremely strong nationalism among themselves while teaching goyim to not have it. (((Pure coincidence))), huh?

The problem really relates to the "legend" of Nazism rather than the reality. If people really took the time to educate themselves on the situation Germany was in and how it had overcome its obstacles to become the strongest nation in the world then they would probably want to adapt some of the policies of national socialism.

Hitler was no fool, he made a planned economy work like no other. His Socialism was not Marxist Socialism though, because he understood the importance of property.

Communists spend all their time reading trash from a NEET retard and never realized this. Ironically, they adapted USSR's policy of calling all dissidents fascists. If they had any intelligence at all(stupidity is a prerequisite of communism) they would have realized that full-on socialism has worked and Hitler did it.

Its funny you're against communism, but are also for fascism and nationalism, collectivist ideologies that fail for exactly the same reason communism does.

>dangle from your neck

You have no fucking clue what "eugenics" means, do you

Your country of course silly bong.

>Kek half of Sup Forums would be sterilized!!!!
Implying this is not what we want?

Yeah, but then he dismantled the democracy, proving my point that fascism and nationalism is stupid and is really just trading away your own liberty.

I'm not going to have a family either way, so I lose nothing and the world improves as result.
>if there are intelligent minorities, they'll survive while most of the white working class won't
'If' is the keyword meaning they would remain minority or get mixed either way. I'd prefer 120IQ mullatos over 80IQ niggers and 100 IQ whites.

National Socialism performed one of the biggest economic miracles of all time. Communism performed the biggest economic failures. There are gigantic differences to what are superficially similar policies. National Socialism also didn't fail, it was destroyed and its image tarnished - because if people found out that the banks are a big part of what is draining their nations then the elites would have a massive problem on their hands indeed.

>Almost all (if not all) significant perpetrators of communism are kikes

And yet, they have a very strong presence in capitalism. Did you maybe think that its not because they're of Jewish decent, but more that its because they take an interest in intellectual matters on both sides, just like white people or anyone else? And its hard to criticise their strong nationalism while advocating it yourself.

But I have an anglo-saxon second name. Which means I'm likely not a pure native of Britain.

Well, Jews have been a nuisance on every great Empire that has ever existed. Notice how Muslims LOVED Jews up until the last 100 years, it's because Muslims have never historically had a problem with the practices of Jews.

You may not think anything at all for all i care, but kikes recognize their own by blood relation only (and Ashkenazi gene pool is known to be rather small and distinctive), belief doesnt means shit and you can lie about it.
Inability to recognize importance of blood relation and heritage is one of the strongest bluepills kikes ever fed to goyim.

"Naturally bred"

We have welfare here schlomo nothing natural about it

>performed one of the biggest economic miracles of all time.

By borrowing using MEFO bills. Its easy to borrow a load of money and live like kings when you're planning on going to war in 8 years. It wasn't sustainable and if the Nazis hadn't started WW2 the system would have collapsed as companies realized they weren't actually getting paid.

>Communism performed the biggest economic failures

Good thing I'm not a Communist.

Who cares? I am talking about peoples outside Northwestern Europe, they must go back, has nothing to do with eugenics.

That's probably because they're an ostrasized people who's culture was alien and suspicious to what ever host they found.

what happened to millenial woes?

I agree. Intelligence is more important than "muh culture" or "muh white race". That being said, there are heritable differences in intelligence between races. But why throw away the 16% or so of blacks who have IQs of 100 or above?

>recognize their own by blood relation

Jews aren't a race or ethnicity. Ashkanazi Jews are ethnic germans and nothing to do genetically with semitic people's, and most jews mix with white people. The only reason people Ben Stiller are even formally Jewish is because his mother was. But again, you're doing this wierd thing where you think behaviours of people you don't like are inherantly tied to ethnicity, like there's a communism gene or something stupid. Russia has a high drug abuse rate, but I wouldn't say its "because they're Slavs".

MEFO bills aren't really borrowing

You are a fairly ignorant person, then and I won't spend much time beyond this sentence to educate you. Whether you take a second to educate yourself and read something then that's your decision.

Well why must they go back? Its makes no sense and is just racism.

Some fag journalist found out where he lived and asked for an interview so he fled the country.

Well technically no, but it is a form of credit.

>they have a very strong presence in capitalism
Are you that dumb? All they do is seek way to subvert economy to their control and seize more power. In communism it is done simply by killing all the goyim who refuse to comply, but where they have no such power they need more subtle methods, such as accumulation of power through banking.
>And its hard to criticise their strong nationalism while advocating it yourself.
Your enemy has a gun. How can you criticize your enemy if you need a gun too to be on equal terms?
Fuck, is your brain really so dry you cant think from your own perspective?

Why not replace them with whites who have IQ 110 or above? Niggers don't offer anything useful to our gene pool unless that particular individual is genius or something.

Well, I've seen that image before, but I don't its a good idea to take the ramblings of a Sup Forums post as evidence. You are right, neither of us are going to change our minds, this isn't really a debate its a conversation.

Because their presence threatens the survival of my tribe, and if their numbers keep increasing they will eventually be killed, it's just nature.

>All they do is seek way to subvert economy

Well they're not doing a very good job considering The US is the biggest economy in the world and twice the size of chinas.

>In communism it is done simply by killing all the goyim who refuse to comply

And with fascism and nationalism.

>How can you criticize your enemy if you need a gun too to be on equal terms?

They aren't an enemy though. What fucking gun, what is going so wrong with the Western world today that it qualifies as destruction? We live safer, happier lives with more oppertunity than ever, and you're angry because some brown people were allowed to move in. And I don't think you can blame the situation in Russia on le jews when you have a dictator.

What's your tribe called?

Svear or "Swedes" in English.

Funny, its says "were a Northern Germanic tribe". As in, no longer existing.

Why would they think that? Have you spoken to any confirmed Nazis irl? Eugenics benefits everyone. Kind of.

We definitely fuck ourselves out of genetic diversity though. Once the ideal is made and the world is full of one type of human we will become very susceptible to certain diseases and parasites. I remember the banana problem. One type of banana everywhere. One disease/parasite. All bananas fucked real quick. Imperfect being create imperfect things.

Evolution being out of our hands has done us a massive service. Imagine f your parents got to design you. How much more disappointed would they be with the result now?

Means they're doing an awesome job, since if every Jew in America left and took the money with them US would become Mexico tier in an instant, just like they did to Germany.

Well there's a 10,000-year-old Skeleton with the same Haplogroup as Swedes today.

We had eugenics up until 1975 in Sweden, it was seen as normal. Mostly retarded people that got sterilized or people that chose to have abortions.

It doesn't benefit us though. The thing is, it just doesn't work like they think. You can selectively breed for one trait, but the other problems just keep piling up. And in a dog, its not a big deal to most people if it dies because of some horrible genetic illness. But in humans, it will be. Its not even really about genetic "diversity", I'm not for or against ethnic mixing, I'm ambivalent to it.

Eugenics involves hanging the entire working class?

It was obviously a bait thread.

Well that's great. Keep the tradition alive if you want, no-one's forcing you to marry a Shaniqua (though you could argue that that really be continuing the Swedish line since the children would have Swedish genes), just don't deprive other people the choice if they want to.

>And with fascism and nationalism.
I dont remember nazis prosecuting their own native citizens, only an aliens who inflicted much harm to Germany.
>We live safer, happier lives with more oppertunity than ever
>and you're angry because some brown people were allowed to move in
I merely attempt to do some little help by redpilling gullible eu fags on communism. Out of benevolence even, as Russia will probably benefit if major world powers sink into shitskin middle age.
>And I don't think you can blame the situation in Russia on le jews when you have a dictator.
Current situation is Russia is much better than under communism.

Which was backward in my opinion.

>i can't define "homeland" so nobody gets a homeland

If they don't have a high IQ or physical fitness (which most don't), how would fit the criteria for being a group you'd want to survive?