The Hungarian parliament has successfully passed legalization that attempts to put an end to the Soros-funded Central European University.

Here is a sample of the courses being taught at the CEU:

Gendered Memories of the Holocaust
Queer Theory
Gender and Migration
Communism and Gender
Introduction to Feminist Literary Studies
Preserving and Interpreting Knowledges of the Past and Promoting Social Justice
Islamic Feminism in Historical Perspective
Transnational Migration
Immigrant Integration Policy and Practice in North America and Europe
Minority Rights, Migrants and the Cosmopolitan Challenge


Other urls found in this thread:


>Islamic Feminism in Historical Perspective

I take made up bullshit for 1000$ Alex.

Not good enough. I don't want to pop open the champagne until I read that an American Air Force hellfire missile fired from a drone took out this crypto-kike and his son.


We really made a mistake not accepting the Kaiser's offer of peace with AH.

>Islamic Feminism in Historical Perspective

Wow, what is that class like?

>It's real if I say it's real

i wont be happy until kek kills him

Soros BTFO

Trump needs to do this Assp


This man is a fucking stereotypical Bond villain

Paid rallies already
I'm sure Hungary knows ((who)) paid them

>Be occupied by fascists
>Be occupied by communists
>Remove Marxism

Eastern Europe is a weird place.

>within sixth months
>"Civil War in Hungary: Daily Terror Attacks Result in Executed Government, Muslim Brotherhood of Peaceful Yes Steps Up to Replace Them"

Have a guess who's calling for war over it instantly.

Of course it's the germans.

>Trump needs to do this Assp
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA your beloved DRUMPF is a hardcore Jew cock gagger, retarded burger.

Confiscate all his assets.

Clinton/Soros already organized a pathetic revolution in Hungary some years ago in an attempt to overthrow Orban, but now he's getting removed instead. Have fun eating shit in hell, George.

Why the fuck would Germany go to war over a university being closed. Obviously Soros, but that's obvious as fuck. Mabey the old Jew is too old to subtailty now

Holy shit!

Hungarians about to get BTFO Ukraine style by the globalist bankers!

i'd command her economy if you know what i mean

He does owe a substantial tax bill

Well protests don't mean much in Budapest. It's where all the riot police is so people wouldn't dare to chimp out. And if people chimp out then that means half the city burns, which won't happen over something as miniscule as this.
They'll stand around, do some chanting and go home.
Well war is an overstatement it was more like a "they can't get away with it!!!!" statement.

Probably for the best. Teen girls aren't known for their thrift and economic acumen.

Soros is not a good example, they are enemies, Trump even mentioned him in one of his speeches and Soros has been one of Clinton's campaign biggest donors

You are a failure, even at innuendoes. She is a communist, she doesn't have economy.

Hail Hungary!

on another note
they're now making the fences electric

If trump fails can I move to Hungary? How is it


pls no

Screenshot the news articles
I have gut feeling it will get memory holed when Hungary gets gadaffi'd

They've been saying this for the past 3 years. They won't do shit.

So Hungarians, are you gonna watch as the fire rises?

Queer...Theory? What is there to theorize about? Isn't their whole point that it's not some abstract mental gymnastics, and that it's real? What does that even mean.

Communism... and gender?
Capitalism and quasars. Equally related.

This is terrible.

>Every single one of these courses is taught by a crusty, middle aged, gargoyle-esque woman

Quel fucking surprise.

Based Hungary

Based Orban

God damn why are Hungarians so based?

It wouldn't be much if a fighting force considering there isn't very many muslims in hungary

All Universities have these stupid bull shit courses. It's designed to thieve money from gullible mIddle class stiffs. Fucking stupid how people don't call them out on this crap.

good, now our gov will follow yr path

we had political and econimic marxism, not the cultural one

That's a lie, some of them are trannies.

my hunnies

Commies realized that economy approach very obviously doesn't work, so they switched to gender and race because it's easier to blur the lines.
Notice everytime one of these leftist fucks gets overwhelmingly called out on material, tangible examples of their ideas, within a year the whole clique switches to abstract ideas, like white skin transformed to the concept of whiteness.

>Wow, what is that class like?

I've attended these classes before. Basically it's a white person who identifies with some minority group and rails against white Christian males for the entire lecture. You write a paper regurgitating their bullshit, but There is no exam because no facts are ever provided


>All Universities have these stupid bull shit courses.
no they don't

Jesus Christ.

I remember the CEU had some great analysis on the history of Soviet-bloc dissent a few decades ago.

Dunno (((when))) it because Muslim faggot central

((they)) figured the cultural marxism would spread internationally. They didn't implement it in Hungary early enough.

Hungary will suffer the same fate as all of us eventually.

Well don't forget that Soros is a Hungarian, so props to them for cleaning up their own shit.

>I take made up bullshit for 1000$ Alex.

You'll take over a million of islamic migrants a year for a hell of a lot more Dieter.

Iv been tempted to get into one of theses classes soley to fuck with the SJWs
I'd probably get booted out, but it would be fucking worth it
>come dressd as a sharp straight white male work a Nazi like haircut and a Pepe pin
>refute every point calmly until they get triggerd enough to throw me out

these people don't look very Hungarian

Can't that stupid fucking nation of lolocaust-apologists just mind their own business for once?



The prophet Muhamed PBUH was obviously the biggest feminist of them all.

BTFO islamophobic plebeians!


the father has to watch the son die before he dies, just like Joe Kennedy

What a could they do to fuck with you guys? I suppose the veil of secret subversion is gone, maybe that demotivated them.

Can someone explain what is habbening? Why do the close this shitty uni?

Female circumcision is basically sewing the pousay shut. So when the big night finally comes, more is breaking than just the hyman.

>Trump even mentioned him in one of his speeches and Soros has been one of Clinton's campaign biggest donors

get in the game, Trump borrowed money from Soros in 2004 and another of Clinton's biggest donors sits on the same board at Renaissance Technologies as Trump's biggest donor Robert Mercer

Nothing you'd understand Sven. Go prep your wife's Bull.

Where does it show that Soros was backing those programs and where does it show they have been or will be canceled?

>Immigrant Integration Policy and Practice in North America and Europe
Y'know, if this class wasn't just propaganda, it's something that West sorely needs. You can't just take in hundreds of thousands of foreigners and let them loose in your nation, you have to integrate them into your populace, both culturally and economically.


It often includes removing the clit.

>Gendered Memories of the Holocaust
>Queer Theory
>Gender and Migration
>Communism and Gender
>Introduction to Feminist Literary Studies
>Preserving and Interpreting Knowledges of the Past and Promoting Social Justice
>Islamic Feminism in Historical Perspective
>Transnational Migration
>Immigrant Integration Policy and Practice in North America and Europe
>Minority Rights, Migrants and the Cosmopolitan Challenge

>a business man borrowing money
>means there's a connection
lmao have your $0.02, peasant

Not much really, the reality is that bankers and companies have no interest in politics so they wouldn't do something that could lose them money. There's some eurocrats who are virtue signaling but realistically they can't do shit.
Not to mention the power of Hungarian bureaucracy that these (((bankers))) spoiled by the germans never experienced. Like it happened with strasburg suing us for being "unfair" to migrants, from pakistan, and deciding that we need to pay 5000 euros. The response of course was that no one knows anything about this, aka no one will pay or do anything.
Running through paperwork in Hungary is a massive labyrinth and there's a 1000 officers with keys to solve it and only one of them is real. So have fun with that.

Don't use the word wrong in a post describing the cultural practices of migrants you evil bigot!

>Running through paperwork in Hungary is a massive labyrinth and there's a 1000 officers with keys to solve it and only one of them is real. So have fun with that.

No one is denying that Soros funded the CEU. As for canceling them, the left is crying wolf a bit. The new law isn't literally "fuck soros he's a kike xd" the new law is that foreign universities first have to get their curriculum accepted by the government or they can't function. The left of course instantly decided that this means the government will throw the CEU out, even though they never actually said of the sort.
Isn't that the truth though? If you know the guy who can solve the issue then he'll put a stamp on it and it's done in 2 minutes. If you don't then you'll be running around offices for 2 months and waiting for mails before giving up. And this shit is worse the higher you go in legislation.

>"fuck soros he's a kike xd"

We need more laws like this desu

It's more than that.
It also says that foreign universities operating in Hungary must also be operating in their own home country and be accredited. CEU is registered as an American university, but it doesn't even have an office in the US. It's registered at the address of an Open Society Foundation office and they don't even know about the existence of the CEU.

Oy Vey!

I didn't know about that, sounds a bit dodgy isn't it.

oooh that's good. I like that

>independent thinking under attack
>independent thinking
This has to be one of the greatest rebranding of sociological reeducation (reprogramming) ever
I wonder how well thoughts independed of their brand of "independent thinking" are received.


What kind of body guards do you think this guy has? Why hasn't anyone just fucking stabbed him? It seems like he knows he has a lot of enemies and i'm not certain he can be in the sunlight with out repercussions

I'd let her spy on me. If you know what I mean

For what?

>Queer Theory

it's real


this is so blatantly done for weakening people it's scary


What the hell does this even mean ?

That's what I thought too, same old mix of Internationalist subhumans.

For the cheap summer vacations, Thijs :^)

That sounds like the opposite of efficiency. Did you retain that model from your time in the people's republic?

Hello, this is a money laundering red flag. What is the taxman doing?

>Communism and Gender
I'm surprised that they would take out that class though.

>""""""""""""""a beacon of freedom""""""""""""""""""

from their page.


>free speech
>unless we don't like it and we will shut you down

I don't know what the fuck that is, but it isn't free speech.


Suck my feminine penis.

He is a kike.

Orban can save the EU.

The last time protests turned violent was in 2006 and the protesters were right-wingers back then. Leftists has organised countless protest and proclaimed that Orbán will fall since 2010 but nothing happened, a bunch of old commies, kikes and liberal pussies are unable to achieve anything violent.